Descent into the Underdark

The map records locations as the bearer experiences them so distant locations are recorded vaguely with details added as they are learned.
Additional notes and detail can be added with a though after a days of practice with the scroll case.
Sawen Shadeflanks

Note that this map, and the one I will have you explore as well, shows major caverns. The connecting passageways are compressed to allow more detail on encounters and events and less on traveling around.
The first challenge is the steep slope leading down. The tunnels is wide enough at first for Sawen to glide down but he quickly returns as you make your way down.

You soon reach the point he mentioned and see the passage turn into a near vertical drop through a craggy tunnel that varies between 2 to 20 feet wide. Even the wider areas are not large enough for Sawen to properly fly so he is forced to join you as you both climb down.
Describe how you want to handle the climb. Who is first? Any strategies/techniques you use. And make a climbing test. I allow players to test with focus out of combat. That means anything 4 or higher indicates a success. A standard test rolls 2d6 but your Strong trait gives you advantage so you can roll 3d6.
Climbing test - (3d6)
(116) = 8
Sawen Shadeflanks

As you are discussing options you hear a faint noise nearby. Turning your help you spot a lizard like creature the size of a large bull. The beast hisses as the light strikes its eyes before it closes them. With its eyes still closed it charges.
+ attack (1 damage per success unless stated otherwise)
+ evade (Until you can act again Test at disadvantage any time you are hit to avoid damage)
+ move (move to a new room/field)
+ focus (improve the odds on you next roll)
+ other test
Attack - (3d6)
(263) = 11
skill | none | proficient | mastered |
Dice | 1d6 | 2d6 | 3d6 |
You have a heavy weapon that only allows a single attack for 2 damage. This let's your either Evade, Focus, Move etc... for your second action
Behind him Sawen takes to the air as he releases an arrow at the lizard but it glanced harmlessly of the thick skin.
A low hiss issues from the gapping maw as the lizard tears back swiping with a claw and fighting with it's large jaws. Both attacks lands, wounding Edair 2 damage
Sawen arrow - (3d6)
(234) = 9
Beast bit, claw - (2d6, 2d6)
2d6 : (66) = 12
2d6 : (45) = 9
Attacking - (2d6)
(16) = 7
An arrow sails over your head and again fails to inflict harm.
The large lizard inturn snaps at you and its jaws snat at your arm as the beast lunges at you. Roll an evasion test 1d6. If you fail you take 1 damage
Sawen arrow - (3d6)
(441) = 9
Beast bite, claw - (2d6, 2d6)
2d6 : (26) = 8
2d6 : (24) = 6
He again, watches the beast for any signs of movement and attempts to dodge.
Evasion test - (1d6)
(2) = 2
Attack - (2d6)
(44) = 8
Sawn fires down on the lizard and finally manages to strike it. The lizard is starting to show caution and hisses as it slashes at you with a claw before jumping back and trying to evade any retaliatory strikes from you
Though your shout has little effect you can tell the exchange of damage is not too the giant lizards liking and it is becominmg increasingly less bold and If Sawen can continue to strike it you should be able to drive it off.
Sawen Attack - (3d6)
(564) = 15
lizard claw - (2d6)
(62) = 8
Attack test with focus - (2d6)
(65) = 11

Sawen Bowshot - (3d6)
(135) = 9
"Come on, let's continue our expedition." He puts his great sword on his shoulder.
4 hits took you down to 4/8 health
Are you keeping your helm light on or making due with ultra low levels of the caves luminus light?
After several minutes you come to another opening, this time in the floor. Cool air is felt emanating from the narrow passage leading further underground.
"Let’s spend at least 3 hours down here, Sawen. Do you think you lift me into that hole there? After I inspect it, of course."
Choose your own adventure time (so you are aware of what I think of as the basic options)
1. Explore back the way you came
2. go down the tunnel in the floor
3. head out into the middle of the cave
4. continue onwards
5. other, describe please
If I don't hear back by monday I will assume you want to still go down the tunnel in the floor