Descent into the Underdark

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Oct 29, 2023 5:16 am
Edair raises an eyebrow at the ship, he looks at Sawen and says "Are you seeing what I’m seeing? What’s a ship doing here?"

He takes a seat on the ground, resting his feet after all the walking and climbing, "Any chance you can scout ahead? I’d like to know what we’re facing before we go charging in."
Oct 29, 2023 10:11 pm
Sawen nods, but pauses a moment after glancing at the oddly luminous ship. With a flap he is off. Edair stairs on as the ship sails closer. Then it strikes him It is a sail ship, with billowing canvas. Only, what wind is pushing it? The cavern is large enough it might have some wind as the caverns can create their own odd weather systems that some call the Earth's Breath. Only the air here is still. A minute later the ship is much closer but angled to sail past out away from the shoreline you are over.

Sawen Shadeflanks
With a nearly silent flutter Sawen returns. Its is a ship of the dead. Only they behave oddly for the dead. Most are mindless and aggressive to all life. These acted as any sailor would. One spotted me, as if the gloom bothered him not, and called out in greeting. An odd thing as though his voice was hollow and rasping the ghost of a man was obviously happy and welcoming. A most unsettling meeting to be sure and the owlin shuddered slightly.

Turning to look down on the boat you see a couple of the crew near the wheel pointing in your direction and one raises what you take to be a spyglass and points it at you. The man lowers the object and gives a wave in your direction. And then they are sailing past and the crew returns to their jobs at hand. Where to you can not say but the light of the boat looks to be following the shoreline.
Oct 29, 2023 11:49 pm
Edair gets up and whistles. "A ship full of friendly undead, eh? Interesting stuff. Well, Sawen, do you want to follow them, or shall we head back? I think we’ve seen enough of this place."

Sawen Shadeflanks


Oct 30, 2023 1:10 am
Sawen Shadeflanks
It is indeed intriguing.
But the depth of the earth overheard weighs down on me. I will stay off you ask but think we have enough to report.
This area definitely has mysteries to explore but will require a better provisioned and larger party
Oct 30, 2023 4:58 am
"Okay, let's go back to the base. I need to sleep." Edair yawns.
Oct 30, 2023 12:28 pm
You make your way back up with Sawen flyig when possible in the narrow passages and dropping a rope to make certain climbs easier. Getting back to the first lage cavern you retrace your steps, glad you stayed close to a wall as directions have proven challenging deep underground. Finding the scene of your fight with the lizard make you confident of your second assent and after another exhausting climb you find yourselves back inthe cavern system beneath the expedition. Making your way back to where you had talked with the gnimish artificer you report all that happened and you saw to Fiznik the huan wizard as Valpip is buisy again with something over by the tiles.

Nodding as he listens and making a few notes on a scroll the wizard looks up as you finish It sounds interesting but it is not of great importance to us. We will of course want to keep a watch on the passage between the lower caverns and these but other than an alarm and powsible a diversion ward I dont think we will need to bother with it much. We can let the other adventurers know about this and post it on the notice board but II believe that will be the end of it as far as officail buisness goes. Why dont you go see Valpip while I go report this to the administrator.

You find Valpip working hunched over a small table hammering a tiny chissel on a small round metal disk inset with 6 stones or jems. The gnome does not react for several minutes other than to hold up a hand for you to wait. After finishing carving the rune he was working on the gnome sits strait and stretches. Ah, you're back and in one piece. Good, glad to see it.. He asks a few questions and you explain that Fiznik is already reporting the details and he seems satisfied. Well you can go back with Fiznik and check in with the clerk above but if you do not mind I would like some help here. Have you ever used magic to travel? he asks. You see we have been trying to manage these tiles, a bit of a lost art it seems as their usefullness was greatly diminished due to the Shattering. We Recently came into contact with a party that has some knowledge on how they were and I have been working on devices that can tap into their matrix to simplify certain other magics. If you are not opposed to a short teleportation to pass on an object I would be most obbliged.

Valpip explains he need you to deliver the device he just finished to Danoll, a vetran scout working with others who are working to restore a manor house with magical stores and staff that hase survived the shattering mostly intact. Ocne the device is delivered you are free to stay and help out, he understands there is still a bit to secure there, or return and get a job from the clerc in the base above.
Oct 31, 2023 1:54 am
Edair let’s out a somewhat frustrated sigh and shrugs, "No, I’ve never used magic to travel.

He attempts to swipe the magical device from Valpip’s hand, "Fine. I'll deliver this thing for you. The pay better be good."
Oct 31, 2023 2:15 pm
With a sigh the gnome hands you a gold coin. 1 gold a day is the usual rate. Here is double for your trouble and he adds a second coin. Following Valpips instructions you take a large wooden box and stand on the checkered tiles. The gnome fiddles with an instrument next to him and the tile pattern changes before a slight hum and nimbus of light surrounds you. With a brief flare of the light and sound the world changes and you find yourself in a small room but standing on similar tiles.

A voice calls out of thin air. Everyone is busy. Head out to the corridor down the hall then up the stairs.
Someone will be with you in a minute
You look around as you follow the instructions, bringing the box with you. You are in a cellar by the looks of it and the stair lead up to a hallway that is paneled in polished wood and furnished nicely. Paintings hang on the wall, flowers in a pot set nearby gently scent the air.

After a moment you hear footsteps then see an older man round the corner. Ah welcome. We weren't expecting the delivery until latter. Sorry about that. Things are a bit hectic here, what with cleaning out the enchanted garden and what not. Is that the delivery he asks pointing to the box. It should make this much more convenient though we are still short handed.

Sylfir Alderdrim
The man introduces himself as Danoll, a former adventurer who first signed on to guid the expedition to the city of Paphos but now is helping to clear the manor and make it livable. As you talk he is joined by a younger half elf maiden, he introduces as Sylfir. She turns to you Are you also an adventurer? We have several helping us but if you are not otherwise employed by the expedition we can match their pay, and the meals and lodging are much nicer and she flashes you a winning smile.
Moving you to the Manor House story
Go ahead and introduce yourself to them. The party is outside. After coming to some sort of arrangement with Sylfir and Danol and they sent you with Witic, a small plant fey creature, to find them.
Dec 4, 2023 5:24 am
@WhiteDwarf Anders story continues from here
The descent of a knight into darkness.
Ander and Garic are escorted to a small guard station with stairs that lead down into cellars and passageways below the base. A short trib through lamp lit rooms and corridors then past a guard station with a new iron gate, and into a rough passageway.

This leads straight to the caverns but takes a bit to actually get to where the wizard and that gnomish artificer are studying that old bit of magic. Here's a map of the area. As best I understand it they want you to clear the caves first but you can also try out the passage to the underdark. If you do head to the underdark see Valpip at the research station for supplies.

He hands you a map before wishing you luck and safe travels.
[ +- ] Cavern Map
Off we go then the goblin says with a grin. With a wave of his wand and a quick word both his shields begin to glow. The face of the shields are covered in small flames that do not harm the shield. Moving with the light proves easy enough but it takes you almost an hour to reach the caverns themselves. The passage opens up into much larger caves that Garic has trouble illuminating entirely.
Dec 4, 2023 7:27 pm
If ok, I’m switching my new Trait from Weapon Master, to Shield Bearer.
Ander readies a bullet into his trusty sling, then follows a pace between Garic into descending darkness.

Once we get to the research center, we’ll check up on whatever supplies we need, he says in noble knightly fashion.
Dec 4, 2023 7:55 pm
That's fine. You should get weapon mastery quick enough
You make you way through the caverns following a noticeable trail that shows high levels of recent use heading in what looks to be the correct direction. It takes well over a quarter hour of uneventful travel to reach the research are which is the only well lit area down here. A tent surrounded by torches and a couple of guards stands dozens of feet from another area illuminated by lanterns set on poles around it. Garics flaming shields have long since allerted the guards of your presence and a grinning gnome is fetched from the tent to greet you.

Ah, more help? the gnome asks quizzically at your approach waving in recognition to Garic who extinguishes his magelit shields.
Dec 4, 2023 9:28 pm
Our knightly fellow makes valiant approach.

Yes, more help is here! I am Ander, Ander An’DERson! He really hits the second syllable of his surname, and speaks with a tone like his name’s supposed to MEAN something!

And this is Garic. We’re here to clear caves and do a bit of mapping. Have you useful supplies for us, good sir? We’d be obliged to peruse your wonderful wares!
Last edited Dec 4, 2023 9:31 pm



Dec 4, 2023 10:21 pm
Yes, yes. I left a few things set aside after that last fellow came and went. It is all on loan mind you, while you work down here in the caves of below in the underdark. and he waves to a small chest off to one side.
items are listed on the 2nd post of this thread
Well, now it you are going to clear the caves I may need to give you something special. Hmm let me think.
The Cave Fisher and the Dark Mantles are both predators that tend to lurk on the ceiling and are quite good at hiding. This makes hunting them quite hard. As the dark mantles are small they tend to hunt small creatures and we are working out methods to deter them from bothering us. The Fisher on the other hand is quite dangerous. Especially since we moved in and scared most of its food away.

Tell you what, why don't you go after the Fisher, if you think you are able. I can get a couple potions of Clinging that should make dealing with the Fisher much easier. It will let you climb walls or cling to the ceiling, just don't run or jump while off the ground or you might have a rather exciting, and brief, revelatory experience.
[ +- ] Potion of Clinging
Dec 5, 2023 12:02 am
Our knightly fellow hands a potion to Garic, whilst settling the second one into his pack. Along with the other four wonderful items.

Thank you, friend, for…these things… Ander pauses just long enough to contemplate the items most curiously. Probably easier to use than I think, he ponders to knightly self!

We will make great use of this bounty, oh kind Valpip! Thank you ever so much. And…yes, YES! My associate and I, we will find this Fisher fellow. He will bother you, no more, that I can tell you.

You might even say, we will FISH for the FISHER!
Ander pauses just long enough for the lame joke to land…just as it’s supposed to!

Once pleasantries are duly exchanged, our knightly fellow and his flame-shield bearing friend make their way deeper into the complex. Perhaps our knightly fellow marvels at how cool his neat helm gadget is!
Dec 5, 2023 12:05 am
In shock and embarrassment Valpip coughs Um... sorry but, you only get to borrow one each and he looks pointedly and the small locker, your pouch and Garic. But when you head down to the under dark be sure to take the scroll case as well.

Chuckling Garic asks about each item and says Do you have a preference? I can use my magic for light so don't really need the hat but the other three look useful.
Dec 5, 2023 1:23 am
Oh…GEEZ, exclaims our knightly fellow. Realizing dungeonous faux-pas!

Ander hands back the spider silk and the amulet. He hands the telescopic staff thingy to Garic, and wears the helm himself, striking a pose witv customarily-knightly pride!

Much obliged, he exclaims to Valpip!
Dec 5, 2023 5:49 am
Valpip sends you off with what he knows of the Fisher before he gets back to his research. As far as I understand it the Fisher is called that due to its hunting tactic. The long sticky threads are almost invisible and can lift several grown men up to the fisher where it can finish them off with its claws.

As you make your way towards the area the Cave Fisher is known to reside in Garic asks. So, what's the plan? The caves are big and it likely knows them pretty well if this is its hunting ground. I can do a bit of magic and have some pretty good combat spells
[ +- ] Combat Magic
Dec 5, 2023 4:05 pm
Ander readies a bullet in his trusty sling.

Let’s march in, I’ll have muh sling ready to get a shot off before I close in gif melee. Cover me with spell fire, pot favor.

Ander tries the best light-up thingy on his knightly helm. Then strides forth into darkened descent.
Dec 6, 2023 5:11 am
Ander quickly masters controlling the light from the helm and learns it actually can have it's brightness reduces. Together he and Garic make their way to the are the Fish is known to frequent. The roof of the cavern ranges from 40 to over 100 feet up according to the guards reports. By all accounts the Fisher can see without light and the one time it was fought, and escaped, it did not like the light but was not adversely affected by it.
Let me know if you have a plan to find or lure the Fisher out of hiding. If you have no specific plan then you can roll a Test,2d6, to use your tactical training and hunting experience as a knight to devise one.
Dec 6, 2023 2:34 pm
Ander moved close to Garic, and deactivates his magical helm.

Let’s go-dark, for a bit, now that we’re here. Give it a bit, see if the Fisher appears. When it does, then let’s turn on our lights suddenly. Shine right in its face, maybe startle it just long enough to get a jump on it.

Ander keeps his slingshot ready. Hoping to get a shot off before switching to his trusty sword!
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