Chapter 1 - Introductions

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Mr. Filmon

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Nov 5, 2023 5:54 pm
Mr. Filmon
Mr. Filmon beams with pride as he recounts, "I've dedicated my entire life to the hotel industry. One day, I made the decision to strike out on my own. I stumbled upon this Manor, which had changed hands through numerous owners. Strangely, each previous owner had swiftly sold it shortly after acquiring it, the reasons unknown to me. I suspect it might be due to its weathered, ancient appearance. Nevertheless, I recognized its hidden charm and took the challenge of transforming it into a flourishing hotel, a decision I'm proud to have made."
Nov 5, 2023 6:03 pm
Sky uses the time it takes Hazel to make her inquiries to swiftly check the contents of the writing desk. Is the sixth of the medallion still there? If so, Sky puts it in one of her pockets to await further scrutiny as soon as the mouses are amongst themselves.

Meanwhile Bay looks out the window and looks for anything interesting within the truly beautiful view.

Both finish the task. While Bay tests the level of comfort her matress will provide, Sky steps outside to join Hazel and the hotel owner.
"What a modern room. I am sure it will serve us well. To be honest, however, I am much more interested in the older parts of this magnificent structure. Especially the fine courtyard we were able to glimpse on our way up. The architecture, at least to the adoring but untrained eye, looks quite marvellous and I shall spend some time there I think. Anything in particular I should pay attention to, Mr Filmore? Is the ivy as stately in the courtyard as it is out front? Oh and the library should prove worthy of our time as well. I guess many of your guests are equally impressed - is the hotel fully occupied at the moment, sir?"
Do we know which rooms are open?
We have the hotelroom for 4 days - does this mean we have to think about finishing the mystery by that time and how is time measured?
Are the rooms on the Ground floor open at all times?

Thx :)
Last edited November 5, 2023 6:05 pm
Nov 5, 2023 10:13 pm
You hit on a lot of different elements! I've split up the response in blocks to try to help make it easier to read.
[ +- ] Writing Desk
[ +- ] Fragment Image
The fragment is small enough that it will not take up any inventory slots.
[ +- ] The view
[ +- ] The Architecture
[ +- ] The Courtyard
[ +- ] Guests
[ +- ] Open Rooms
[ +- ] Points of Interest
I keep track of time in terms shifts: Morning, Day, Evening, and Night. I’ll let you know when a set of actions takes up a shift’s worth of time and we’re moving to a different shift.

If the group splits up, which can be helpful to make the best use of time, I may need to "pause" on letting a character continue their actions until the other characters have "caught up."

The 4 days can be seen as a time limit of sorts, but that will most likely give you plenty of time.

It is currently nearing the end of the day shift. It will soon be the evening shift and dinner will be served.
Nov 6, 2023 8:59 pm
Bay waits for Mr Filmon to leave the room, closes the door after he leaves, and then turns excitedly towards Sky and Hazel.

"I saw you snaffle the medallion fragment, Sky! Nice work there! Would be great if you could show it to us!"

Whiskers twitching in enthusiasm, Bay looks expectantly up at Sky.

"Maybe there are some clues within the shape of the medallion, about what might be going on here? What do you think? Is it ornamented? Does the ornament remind us of anything?"
Nov 7, 2023 12:26 pm
When all three characters have the chance to look at the fragment, they don't see any clues held within its shape or design. All they can tell is that it will most likely make a circle shape when all the pieces are put together.
Nov 7, 2023 1:02 pm
Puzzling over the medallion fragment, Bay looks up and squeaks:

"It looks like Gideon really did send us on a proper adventure, on a proper mystery here - I definitely want to know more about the medallion, and the story behind it!".

She pauses for a moment, getting ready to deliver her mom joke.

"Or is it a moustery, rather than a mystery?"

(for the next few seconds she can't stop giggling at her own bad "joke"...)

"Anyway! How about we each go off and explore the manor on our own, and then we meet back here in our room before we go to dinner today? When we meet back up, we could compare notes, see what each of us has found out?".

If the others agree, Bay plans to head out to the library - to see if she can find any more information about the medallion in the books there - and perhaps to encounter one of the guests and see what she can find out from them.
Nov 9, 2023 11:09 am
"All of this is very mousterios." replies Hazel while she lowers her voice. "Have you noticed the strange scene on the stairs? What was that?" the adventurer asks as she refers to Mr. Filomon's exclamation.

When Bay suggests visiting the library herself, the brown archer gives her friend Sky a sideways glance. The snowwhite mouse would certainly be interested in books too. But perhaps there was enough material there to keep two mice busy. Besides, two noses smelled more than just one.

Hazel, on the other hand, has not forgotten Mr. Filmon's advice against the courtyard and plans to visit it. Aiming to be there as unseen as possible so that she is not immediately scared away.

On the way down she stops briefly on the steps and shouts: "And the prodigal son appeared again and brought life with him!" Hazel then pauses for a moment with her whiskers twitching and her ears swiveling to see if that triggered a reaction.

Maybe she would take a look into the kitchen later. There could be a cook who could give her further insights into this house and its history and residents.
Last edited November 9, 2023 11:10 am
Nov 9, 2023 2:01 pm
The story continues in Chapter 2

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