You hit on a lot of different elements! I've split up the response in blocks to try to help make it easier to read.
[ +- ] Writing Desk
The writing desk emits a faint almost imperceptible hum. Inside one of the desk drawers, Bay discovers the fragment of the medallion, which serves as the origin of the faint hum. A gentle touch to the fragment instantaneously silences the mysterious vibration. He carefully places the fragment in his pocket.
The fragment is small enough that it will not take up any inventory slots.
[ +- ] The view
The scene outside the window presents a gloomy and foreboding ambiance. Rain falls steadily, shrouding the surroundings in a somber veil. The trees and plants, most of them withering or already deceased, contribute to the eerie and unsettling atmosphere.
Looking out the window one can see in the distance a small child mouse playing in a large circular dirt patch thats completed encircled by mushrooms. The mouse looks rather skinny and malnourished, but it’s tossing something up in the air and catching it
[ +- ] The Architecture
Mr. Filmon doesn't add much information in response to this. However, you can clearly tell that he takes pride in this manor and his care of it.
[ +- ] The Courtyard
At the mere mention of the courtyard, Mr. Filmon's response is swift and sharp. "You don't want to go there," he asserts, though he promptly recovers his poise and adds, "What I intended to say is that there's truly not much of interest to behold there. There I devote my attention to a raspberry bush, from which I craft a delightful raspberry cordial. However, given the recent dreary weather, it wouldn't be a particularly pleasant experience to enjoy that area."
[ +- ] Guests
Mr. Filmon briefly describes all of the guests, and he encourages the group to chat with them.
There are currently 5 other guests:
Miss Melody - A Singer
Pumpkin Jack - An artist
Mrs Sprocket - A Repairmouse
Captian Mortimor - A sea captain.
Count Gregory - A Count
[ +- ] Open Rooms
All the numbered rooms, the kitchen, and Mr. Filmon’s room are presumed to be locked. Everything else should be open.
[ +- ] Points of Interest
Mr. Filmon says that the library, dining room, and living rooms are enjoyed by the guests. He also recommends taking a stroll outside when the weather is nice.
I keep track of time in terms shifts: Morning, Day, Evening, and Night. I’ll let you know when a set of actions takes up a shift’s worth of time and we’re moving to a different shift.
If the group splits up, which can be helpful to make the best use of time, I may need to "pause" on letting a character continue their actions until the other characters have "caught up."
The 4 days can be seen as a time limit of sorts, but that will most likely give you plenty of time.
It is currently nearing the end of the day shift. It will soon be the evening shift and dinner will be served.