04. Dues for the Dead

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Nov 2, 2023 2:41 pm
"Yes, I will go as well."
Nov 2, 2023 3:22 pm
it says willing creatures you can see within 120 feet of yourself. We have used it as broadcast so all can hear
Nov 2, 2023 5:47 pm
Undead will tremble in fear as we come! goblin laughs. But seriously - what a lovely company of ready to die for the cause people have we got here, can't wait be part of the glory
Not that it matters a lot right now, but would like to know details of "investigation" done so far. Did they go through all catacombs not finding anything. Perhaps they were afraid to go too deep in? If that's irrelevant we could assume Zrukz never asked that being ... well careless little goblin
Nov 2, 2023 8:20 pm
Yeah, we’ve played it as Chitkree being able to decide who to transmit his thoughts to basically
The Doomguide bows his head curtly as you pledge your help, "We do not have a map, but you can get keys and a guide", he turns around to look outside and motions for another person to join. A young woman enters the chapel and smiles at the sight of you. Yovir introduces her, "This is Cassyt, she can help you around".

Upon the discussion falling on their previous trip to the catacombs, Yovir concedes that they only investigated the newer parts and didn’t go too deep, seeing that none of them had much fighting experience. That was the main reason behind the call for aid from more experienced adventurers.
Nov 3, 2023 7:02 am
Cassyt, what a wonderful name! I will personally bodyguard you. And please let our bigger and stronger party members always lead the way, we don't want undead to hurt you, do we?
Even if it is not evident for newcomers yet - Zrukz is hardly the bravest of adventurers and always find excuses to not be in the front line when a danger is expected.
Nov 3, 2023 9:58 am
I will be on front lines too, Master globin. Don't worry. - answers Aramil, placing the bow on his back and unsheathing both his shortswords.
Nov 3, 2023 2:10 pm
wHat a dElightfull wAy tO sPeek, Chitkree
Vess draws her blade, an a greenflame lick up the blade for a second. Then she sings words of power, that makes you think of a glacieres and frozen lakes. Vaxis Siannodel stands clad in an armor made from ice
She cast mage armor
Nov 3, 2023 2:39 pm
Yovir motions with his hand out of the chapel door, "Then I will let you get to it. Cassyt will show you the way. Just a final thing, please be as respectful of the burial sites as you can and please do not remove any belongings from the deceased. Thieving from the dead is strictly forbidden. We will pay you 100 gold pieces to share, that is unfortunately all that we can afford, as well as this". He pulls out a strange looking set of goggles in the shape of an owl's eyes. "These are Goggles of Night, they may come in handy in the darkness for some" , and he looks particularly at you Augustine when he says that.
Goggles of Night: While wearing these dark lenses, you have darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, wearing the goggles increases its range by 60 feet.

You can decide among yourselves who gets them
Cassyt leads you over to a stone structure that resembles many of the mausoleums that are scattered throughout the graveyard, however this building doesn't have a door and instead just has an open archway that leads down a wide stone staircase. Out of earshot of the Doomguide, Cassyt seems much more animated than she first appeared, "How exciting that you could help, the situation really is grave...", she glances back at you with suppressed smile, clearly she has been thinking of that joke for a while. Her expression does become more awkward as it seems like she remembers the dead Kelemvorites, "I mean, of course it's terrible, the whole thing is...". She looks around and changes the subject, "Did you know that these catacombs are much, much older than they appear? This building is a couple of centuries old, but the stairs are easily four times older...". Before descending the stairs, she grabs a lantern that is leaning up against the wall, but before lighting it she turns to you, "Do you prefer the darkness or are you okay with me lighting the way?"
Nov 3, 2023 3:31 pm
Would your have any holy water or means to detect undead?
Nov 3, 2023 4:14 pm
Cassyt frowns a bit, "I know a few spells but sadly not that one, but the holy water I can do! Give me a second!". She runs off and comes back a few minutes later and hands each of you a flask of holy water.
Please note those in your inventory
Nov 3, 2023 11:26 pm
Augustine looks both of the newcomers over again as they flourish their abilities, sizing up what they might be capable of. "Always good to have some extra help, especially when it comes to the undead."

"That sounds like a good idea to me, Zrukz. Your craftiness might just help keep her safe should trouble arise." Augustine thanks Yovir for his time as well as the goggles and follows after Cassyt.
If there are no objections, then Augustine will take the goggles. I think he may be the only one that needs them.
Augustine looks up and around as they are lead through the graveyard and to the entrance below. He offers a smile at Cassyt's joke but quickly returns to a serious look. "I appreciate the levity, but undead are no laughing matter. They may sometimes be easily dispatched, but as we've seen they can kill like anything else. Have you ever seen any?"

Augustine will accept the holy water, don the goggles, and draw his sword. He moves up to the front of the group and steps just in front of Cassyt. "I think a bringing some light would be a wise idea, although I would prefer you to shine it from behind me so that you don't meet anything down here first."
Nov 4, 2023 12:38 am
Aramil takes the holy water and leaves the googles for Augustine to use. He follows the group through the catacombs.

Whenever the passage is large enough for 2, he goes side by side with Augustine, using his double swords.

Whenever it gets narrow, though, he grabs his bow and moves to the back, protecting their rear from a surprise attack.
Won't that light source reduce our visibility, because we have darkvision? If so, Aramil will complain.

Otherwise if it was just in older versions of D&D and I'm not up to date with the latest rules, nevermind.
Last edited November 4, 2023 12:45 am
Nov 4, 2023 3:23 am
Darkvision in 5e is not affected negatively by light. In fact dim light is a bonus. I wish there was a spell that produced only dim light. While light will alert others to our location but without it we have disadvantage on sight perception
Nov 4, 2023 9:38 am
Psybermagi says:
Darkvision in 5e is not affected negatively by light. In fact dim light is a bonus. I wish there was a spell that produced only dim light. While light will alert others to our location but without it we have disadvantage on sight perception
Nov 4, 2023 10:30 am
As you start to descend the stairs, Cassyt gives an awkward chuckle at Augustine’s question, "Well…no. But I’ve read a whole bunch about them". In the light from the lantern you can see her cheeks grow a bit red.

The base of the stairs opens up into a large, irregularly shaped chamber. Stone ledges are carved along most of the walls to serves as tables. The far wall is covered in a huge fresco. The painted tiles portraying people from every race and walk of life, arranged with no sense of perspective or relative scale. The design has suffered heavy damage from water damage and mildew over the years. There’s a door on your left side and the light at the back of the room fades into darkness to reveal a tunnel that takes you further into the catacombs.

Cassyt, who is walking at the back of the group, lifts the lantern to better light up the room. "This is usually where the loved ones get a chance to say their final goodbyes to their loved ones".
There will be a map coming, but I have a few technical issues so it might not be up until Monday
Nov 4, 2023 4:45 pm
Loved ones? I used to love my dice, until... well anyway can't wait to see what's deeper Zrukz keeping behind Cassyt urge party to move on.
Do we need a map? Moving though tunnel is straight forward. Afterwards I propose we just follow
[ +- ] right-hand-rule
unless we gather information that would provide us more focused approach.
Nov 6, 2023 1:23 pm
Unless I hear any objections, I will just move you forward to the tunnel.
Nov 6, 2023 1:41 pm
Sounds good to me.
Nov 6, 2023 2:00 pm
Nov 6, 2023 2:28 pm
I’ll take that as over half being in agreement which I think is the easiest approach to these things in PBP
You move forward into a hallway of sorts. On either side there are a series of crypts with doorways sealed by locked iron grates. Within you see scenes of normal daily life: richly-dressed people seated around dining tables, or at writing desks, or in luxurious chairs. All of this would be completely normal, except that all of the participants in the macabre dioramas are the skeletal remains of the affluent—carefully posed and interred among their favourite possessions. At the end of the hallway, a series of stairs that leads further downwards, past a door on the right and then again further downwards.
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