04. Dues for the Dead

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Nov 6, 2023 2:33 pm
iS tHis hOw yUo hOner tHe dEad?! Vess is discussed.
Celebrating mEdiocrity! WHere are their deeds? WHere are their achievements? This guy just has a leather sofa!
Phut! She spits on the floor. But her pronunciation is getting better.
Nov 6, 2023 8:32 pm
Cassyt looks a little embarrassed and let’s put a weird, awkward laugh. "Well these are just the wealthiest families in Phlan and they tend to donate a lot of money that we use for maintaining the grounds, so we humour them". She stops to look at a skeleton wearing a particularly garish mint-green outfit posed as if smoking a large, ornate pipe. She looks as if she tries to find something else to say, but seems to think it better to stay quiet for once.
Nov 6, 2023 9:07 pm
"Do you know what is behind that door on the right, Cassyt?"
I vote for the door this time.
Last edited November 6, 2023 9:08 pm
Nov 6, 2023 9:50 pm
"Don't judge them too harshly. The custom may seem strange, but I would think the family has a right to do what they will with their family member's remains." Augustine softens his look and flashes a smile. "Not everyone has such glorious deeds in their past."
I agree, the door is the way.
Nov 6, 2023 10:49 pm
Did the initial group of clergy go past this door? Chitkree asks the priests as he examines it
Last edited November 6, 2023 10:55 pm
Nov 7, 2023 10:29 am
Blackthorn is right
Vess readies herself by the door
Nov 7, 2023 12:17 pm
Cassyt seems a little taken aback by Vess' request for an apology, but in an attempt to steer clear of any conflict, she quickly mumbles "Sorry, miss". As you move past the corridor and down the stairs, her eyes are wide in awe and excitement as she speaks almost in a whisper, "I've never been further than the crypts of the first families. I understand they went through the entire upper catacombs, however it's been several days. Who knows how far any undead might have roamed around". The last sentence is said in a strange mixture of fear and hope.

As you open the door, you stand in a chamber which is almost completely filled by a circular pit, leaving only a foot-wide pathway between the edge of the pit and the wall. The pit is filled to about five feet below the lip with humanoid bones. A narrow walkway hugging the walls is the only path through the chamber. Narrow niches in the walls are filled with carefully placed bones, baubles, and other similar items.
[ +- ] Map
Nov 7, 2023 12:44 pm
Chitkree moves into the room listening for any movement ready to dodge any attacks.
Dodge action
Nov 7, 2023 12:51 pm
Since they are dead... Zrukz want explain something to Cassyt, but suddenly changes topic how to you know they are dead? Like not unDead? he think for a moment and add in a spooky voice Seen some skeletal remind that would only animate when you get close enough to them. This pit could be filled with undead, can't it?
No actions on my side, just Talkative Goblin just having some fun
Nov 7, 2023 1:31 pm
Cassyt snaps her head to look at Zrukz, "D-do you really think so?...maybe I should just sort of hang back for a minute..."

Chitkree, you move into the room with your guard up and move all the way up to the edge of the pit, however nothing happens as you do.
Nov 7, 2023 2:50 pm
it would be helpful indeed if there were a way to detect undead that lasted a long time.
Priests, can you do such a thing as you serve the good of death?
Nov 7, 2023 4:39 pm
With the swords drawn, Aramil advances to the other side. He walks carefully, but without fear, trying to protect the group and lead the way.
I'll move to BY 40 and wait for the group.
Last edited November 7, 2023 4:42 pm
Nov 7, 2023 5:09 pm
Sure thing, Aramil can you please give me an acrobatics check. DC 5. Same goes for everyone who moves past the pit
As you guys edge into the room, you hear the echoing of footsteps coming from the entrance of the catacombs and a human (and for some familiar) looking construct steps into the dim light of the lantern.
I hope you guys don’t mind, but we’re having an extra player. Pierce, you may reintroduce yourself whenever you’re ready to go
Nov 7, 2023 5:21 pm
"My friends!" The metal man cannot smile, but his tone is one of joy. "I hoped I might find you. I am still looking for art, but I caught wind of a problem and saw an opportunity to seek art in adressing the issue at hand."

He pauses and takes in the group. "Ah, I see others are aiding you. That is wise. I was named Pierce. I am an artist. It is a pleasure to make your aquaintences."
Nov 7, 2023 5:23 pm
Glad to have you back Pierce. With you, August, and Amaril there will be even more safety for little ol me and Zrukz! and you get the impression from chitkrees animated antenae that the thrikreen is "smilling" but long learned not to look to closely at his mandibles for any suche expression.

Gives each member of the party Guidance as they cross then crosses himself
+1d4 to rolls if you want
Last edited November 8, 2023 12:20 am


Acrobatics - (1d20+7)

(7) + 7 = 14

Nov 7, 2023 6:33 pm
Sassafras says:
Cassyt seems a little taken aback by Vess' request for an apology, but in an attempt to steer clear of any conflict, she quickly mumbles "Sorry, miss".
No... Ahh! This langue is hard.
I apologise. We treat death different i fey. I bad. I'm gues..... She clips off the final word. She was almost about to proclaim herself guest on this plane, and guest rites are a commitment that she is not ready to athear to yet.

Vess examins Pierce. Who made you? Dwarfs?

Vess is all elegance as she tip-toe around the bonepit.
Last edited November 7, 2023 6:35 pm


Acrobatics DC5 - (1d20+4)

(15) + 4 = 19

Nov 7, 2023 8:10 pm
Aramil carefully walks around the bonepit, with an elven agility. He looks the metal man and introduces himself.

"Lord Aramil Liadon, at your service. Archer, historian and diplomat. I see you already know the group. Please join us."


Acrobatics DC5 - (1d20+4)

(6) + 4 = 10

Nov 8, 2023 12:07 am
"Glad you made it back, Pierce." Augustine gives him a nod before proceeding to the other side.


Acrobatics - (1d20+1+1d4)

(19) + (2) + 1 = 22

Nov 8, 2023 6:38 am
Could you help me please. It is not because "my PC would do that", but I just assume Cassyt and Zrukz could stay where they are and wait for rest of the party to check the room, if that appears to be more than just a room he will certainly follow. Probably someone could already tell me what they see further in the room?
Cassyt, don't be afraid my dear, we are professionals and could handle undead. But I would understand if you want to lave us alone at this point. The choice is yours and see if she is to follow the party or too afraid to do so.
Besides her function as a guide ends here - she just told us she knows of the further locations nothing more than we do
Last edited November 8, 2023 6:42 am
Nov 8, 2023 8:22 am
Zrukz, you hang back with Cassyt and she looks at you and then the pit with a little bit of trepidation, but her voice has a little more resolve as she speaks. "I've had my head in books my whole life, and this is happening right below our order's feet. I will see this through"

Meanwhile, Chitkree, Augustine, Aramil & Vess has easily made it past the pit. The light may be dimmer now that you rely on your darkvision, but you relay back to Zrukz, Pierce & Cassyt that it seems to be a closed off room, or rather a few smaller ones. A smell of wood smoke reaches you from the back.
Do you go further in? Zrukz, are you hanging back? What about you, Pierce?


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