What Comes Next (OOC)

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Dec 26, 2023 2:55 pm
TheGenerator says:
... he doesn't want to help us until we convince the wife to take him back. The other way makes less sense to me.
We can do that. The downside —and why I went the other way first— is that this way means you have to first resolve the request before he agrees, the other way meant you could skip it and still get what you want even if he does not go home.

Convincing someone to get back together with another can be a bit icky. She might have valid reasons to have kicked him out (let's avoid assault and battery). To preserve her autonomy I might want to shape it such that you have to convince him to 'change his ways' and 'prove himself' for her to give him another chance. 'Selflessly' helping you on your quest might be something that changes her opinion of him. Obviously I would also accept lying to him that 'she says "when you get back from helping my friends, we can talk"' even if she just wants him gone.

Narrate meeting up with her, her sending you to him, and him telling you his side of the story. We can then see about getting the rest of her side and working on a way to get what you want. I can set this up if you guys would prefer.
Dec 26, 2023 3:09 pm
vagueGM says:
you could skip it and still get what you want even if he does not go home
Ah, I didn't think about that. I see your point.

I think I'm wearing too much of a GM hat sometimes :P . I trust your judgment, vague. Whatever 'quest' awaits us at Tina's place is fine. Go ahead and write your idea :) That might be better than going through the whole thing OOC first.
Dec 26, 2023 3:28 pm
TheGenerator says:
... I think I'm wearing too much of a GM hat sometimes :P ...
Not at all. I always welcome as much player input as people can give.
TheGenerator says:
... better than going through the whole thing OOC first ...
Agreed. Hence my call for it to be 'narrated' in character.

I will start us off, and we can iron out the specifics in dialogue.
Dec 28, 2023 11:46 am
Looks like we posted together, no real conflict else then the timing.
Dec 28, 2023 11:47 am
Hehe yes. It still works :D
Jan 3, 2024 3:00 pm
TheGenerator says:
(OOC in RPI hope I approached this the right way. Maybe you guys had something else in mind?
Looks good to me. Very direct, and you mentioned where you were going, so that might be a consequence —but, of course, also would yield the most direct result.

Seems like you need a roll (+CHA I would say). Given that this is part of a Partial Success, which we don't want to take away, so, even on a miss, it should be possible for him to help, but there will be a large cost (remember, you can always turn down the cost and try another way); and on a 12+, he will help easily, while a 10+ and 7-9 would see him asking something 'reasonable' of you.
Jan 3, 2024 8:24 pm
Ok great! I figured it would be ok to say the exact place if it's just Humphrey in the alley. I think lying would likely slow us down at this stage :)

I got a 10. So, pretty decent.
Jan 4, 2024 9:22 am
TheGenerator says:
... I figured it would be ok to say the exact place ... lying would likely slow us down at this stage ...
Absolutely. This ups the stakes for both success and failure. Higher risks go hand in hand with higher rewards.
TheGenerator says:
... I got a 10. So, pretty decent.
Indeed. There are two other ways this can go, I thought about presenting them, as well, in the RP, but could not easily shoehorn them into the narrative. If you don't want to try mediating with Tina, then one, or both, of them will come up instead (you rolled a 10), else the nature of Humphrey's connections will be based on how well that Tina-negotiation goes (maybe an intricate RP, maybe a short description and a single roll, it's up to you guys).
Jan 8, 2024 2:50 pm
We can make it work. Though he does not have a carriage at this time [ref]; and has not been there [ref], so does not actually know the way.

If you want him to take you, we can fix those problems and make a plan. How would you go about convincing him to do that?

Or, he can put you in touch with people who (apparently) can get take you there.
Jan 8, 2024 3:04 pm
Oh, I thought his loud announcement of "I have never been that far" was an obvious lie :P Guess I misinterpreted that.
vagueGM says:
How would you go about convincing him to do that?
My idea was to convince Tina to give him another chance after he finishes this (spiritual?) 'journey' with us. And that would be Humphrey's last chance then. So should be convincing enough, right?
Jan 8, 2024 3:12 pm
TheGenerator says:
... an obvious lie ...
It wasn't. But it might have to be, if he is to be able to show you the way. We can make that work.
TheGenerator says:
... convince Tina ... Humphrey's last chance then. So should be convincing ...
It is thin, but we can work with that.

Bound to come back and bite you later, but c'est la vie.
Jan 8, 2024 4:01 pm
Are you saying we're better off not trying that approach?
Jan 8, 2024 4:14 pm
Not at all, just that there will be a price to pay. Solutions that seem simple at first glance always prove to be more complicated once you are in it.

For him to be the sort of person that goes where 'people don't go' necessitates giving him backstory or contacts that allows that. So, depending on how much he ends up being able to directly help you, he will need to become a more complex entity, and you will need to deal with that more complex personage, and your promise to him and his wife... or not, as you choose later.
Jan 9, 2024 6:45 pm
What do you think, Airshark? Any preference?
Jan 11, 2024 11:19 am
Do you actually go and speak to Tina [ref], or do you just come back later pretending that you did?
If you do speak to her, show us how that conversation starts/goes.
If you don't, then we can come right back with her 'answer' whenever you are ready. If you want to do any prep before that, then we can do that scene first.
Jan 11, 2024 11:43 am
Roald will go and talk to Tina, as promised.

I like the idea of Humphrey getting us there or maybe almost there. We can work it into the conversation with Tina. Some sort of pilgrimage.
Jan 12, 2024 2:01 pm
Seems like Tina's response to Roald [ref] should depend on a roll (+CHA, presumably?).

On a 6- she would respond badly, probably continuing to be angry at Humphrey and unwilling to consider taking him back. You could either try harder, possibly with another angle, to sway her, or you could accept that she will not trust him to change and go back to him with a different approach (maybe you lie, or convince him that she might reconsider if he comes back a demonstrably changed man?).

Or you could abandon Humphrey and seek another route.

On a 7-9 or 10+ she will agree, to varying degrees. On a 7-9 she may be dubious, while on a 10+ she may provide you with some assistance or advice (if you want it).

In addition, on a 12+ she will give you an encouraging promise that should convince Humphrey to your side.
Jan 17, 2024 1:50 am
Airshark says:
(in RP) ''I would like to speak to the person responsible ... who is in charge here?''
Could go badly, walking in and demanding to see the manager. :)

I assume we would like this to work, so we can move the story forward. So let's say this needs a roll, but, no matter the result, they will offer you something. You can decide to refuse their offer afterward, if you so choose, but then you will need to find another way.

This sounds like a +CHA roll to me. Go ahead and add it if you agree.
Jan 17, 2024 9:34 am
I kinda forgot about this, but Albert is level 2 now, right? Do I need to reroll my HP? According to my char sheet I'm on 6 already, so no point I suppose unless it could go lower.
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