The trouble with Fey Relations

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Apr 10, 2024 9:21 pm


You have been chatting for several minutes now and though the shed may hide you from casual observation you are not really hidden.
Apr 11, 2024 2:37 am
Okay. We'll see you ... on the morrow. Mina looks to her companions and shrugs. This seems to be the best they can hope for at this time. Let's hurry back to the inn?
Apr 11, 2024 3:05 am
I agree. That went better than I had hoped.
Aizashi feels relatively good about the encounter but is exhausted and weary.

Thagren Ironforge


Apr 11, 2024 4:03 am
You return to your room after informing the innkeeper you will be leaving before sunrise and he agrees to have a meal ready for you. After retiring to your room you discuss the days events again before falling asleep.
OK : This turned out to be quite an eventful first day or two for everyone involved. Aizashi and Mina will be advancing to full Veteran after this next scene. Normally the advancement from Rookie to Novice to Veteran would be spread out but the characters have not had time to rest and develop their skills to reflect their gained experience. However both Aizashi and Mina can each add either a Trait or Mastery to their character immediately after posting their selection to their personal/creation thread and getting it approved.

After resolving the situation all three of you will further progress your characters with Ultime picking either Mastery or a Trait and the other Two gaing which ever option the do not select for immediate use with their character.
Mastery lets you attack with advantage, 3d6
Post questions and selections on your personal character creation thread.
In the morning you awake early and after a simple meal say your farewells to the innkeeper and are on your way. Taking the NW road you make you way out of the valley. As the valley falls below the far side of the surrounding hills you spot a small side track and take it to the south. As the sun begins to break over the horizon you see a small group at a trail crossing ahead of you. You spy several children accompanied by the blacksmith, who is armored in chainmail and holds a massive warhammer and shield. The massive man and children watch you approach and Mina spots the girl from the vision in their midst.

Thagren Ironforge

The children say you are here to prove your claims and help settle the troubles we have been having. I'm just here to ensure no harm comes to them. the smith states calmly as you get near.
Apr 11, 2024 5:03 pm
Aizashi steps forward greeting the blacksmith Master Thagren, it is good to see you here. You are right. We are here to help. Mina, I think you understand this best. Can you explain?
Apr 11, 2024 6:56 pm
Unexpectedly put on the spot, the foxkin's eyes widen. Brows raised, she glances unsurely at the badgerkin, then turns back to the blacksmith, clamping her gaping mouth shut.

Oh, um. She rings her gloved hands. It has come to our attention that... well, that the reason that hag has been complaining and making trouble lately... is that, well, it appears as though her daughter has been... taken... from her, and hidden among the children in your town. Seeing the man's brow furrow doubtfully, she quickly adds: I know it sounds crazy, but the nature of the multiple enchantments that I removed from Hany suggests that someone inside the town has been casting spells on children -- and possibly adults too -- to alter their memories so that no one questions the fey child's sudden appearance. I can't claim to know why this was done, or who did it. But if we can find the fey child and remove the curse shielding her from her true memories, we'll have a chance of getting some answers and resolving this matter -- peacefully, I hope.

Thagren Ironforge


Apr 12, 2024 1:40 am
Thagren Ironforge

The smith nods at Mina's speech before asking And you have something to identify which of our children is supposedly the fey child? With a sigh he continues. Bring forth your charm. Usually we leave these matters to the priest but seeing as you antagonized him I am half of a mind to think he is involved. Most frontier towns have a couple hedge witches, apothecary potion crafters, or rune scribes. We have me. Most smiths have a touch or magic and many develop it for specific needs. I am no spell caster but I know magic and am more resistant than most. Show me what you have and I will tell you if we will allow you to use it.
Apr 12, 2024 1:52 am
Mina nods. Aizashi is carrying the charm, but ... I was hoping to avoid using it, if possible. With my abilities, I think I should be able to identify the child and remove any enchantments upon her on my own.... She glances at Aizashi. Truth is, I don't know the full story behind this charm and, honestly, I trust myself more than it...

Thagren Ironforge


Apr 12, 2024 2:42 am
Thagren Ironforge

The large man sighs Now that's where it gets tricky. See I'm best when working with thing, not people. That's the priests specialty. And while something is definitely going on, likely between the priest and hag.
The thing is that we don't know you. You seem to mean well but surely you must realize it takes years for most healiers to be accepted in a community? Willingly letting a stranger use magic on yourself is not something most people are willing to do.

Just show me the charm. That I am certain I can work with. After that we can see about you and your healing. Sound fair?
Apr 12, 2024 6:34 am
Aizashi looks at Mina apologeticly and mumbles Sorry about that.
He then rummages in his pack to remove the hags charm.
Showing it to Thagren he explains: We found this on the body of a monk who was send by the hag. It is said to react to the fey child's presence.

Thagren Ironforge


Apr 12, 2024 3:16 pm
Thagren Ironforge

The smith takes the pendant in his leather and metal gauntleted hands and look it over closely before pulling out a metal disk inset around the edges with various stones carved with a different glyph on each. A couple of the stones faintly glow and the smith grunts. Taking off one of his gauntlets he holds the pendant a moment, rubbing it between his thumb and fingers then hands it back.

This is set to trigger for a specific person. Likely the child of the hag as I don't think it will react to a human at all. Though it may react to other fey or changelings in some manner. The strongest enchantments on it are protective in nature but there are also others that likely inform the crafter of the charm when and where it triggers. And once triggered the charm will be impossible to remove. So in essence it is a cursed item that only affects select individuals though most of the effects seem beneficial, or at least not directly negative.

Replacing his gauntlet he ponders for a moment as the children look on. Very well this seems to match your story. But before you heal any of the other children I will watch as you so so on my apprentice. He's not from here but has lived with me for a couple years as he learned the craft. Though not a full smith he has the gift and can feel the nature of things.
Mina can tell the process of healing with each child possessing a basic enchantment on them. Roll for each attempt to heal/break the enchantment.
Apr 12, 2024 4:00 pm
I'm confused about the blacksmith's concern/special request regarding the apprentice. The blacksmith will watch as she does what with him? ... Heals him? Also, how many children are there so I know how many rolls will I need to make?
Apr 12, 2024 6:06 pm
Yeah basically he want to watch you operate on a test cast
there are 7 children, including the apprentice who is about 16
Apr 12, 2024 6:35 pm
Oh. Okay... Mina turns to the apprentice, who towers over her despite her being nearly a decade his elder. Uh, hello. I'm Mina, she says to him. She removes her right glove.

I'm just -- just going to check to see you if you have any spells cast on you -- if, if you're okay with that? All I need to do is hold your hand for-- for just a moment. It shouldn't hurt at all. She holds out her hand and smiles tentatively up at the lad, trying to reassure him.

This was admittedly a bit awkward, diving into the head of a teenage boy... Oi.


3d6 - Testing for & removing enchantments - (3d6)


Apr 12, 2024 6:43 pm
Mina closes her eyes and inhales swiftly as the lad accepts her hand. Feeling uncomfortable under everyone's expectant gaze and trying very hard not to get overwhelmed or distracted by all the teenage hormones, she struggles to maintain focus on the task at hand.
hahaha! Oh dear.
Apr 12, 2024 8:17 pm
4 and above is a SUCCESS since you can spend time to Focus.
Mina feels a faint gossamer like web covering the boys mind and spirit. Reaching out to remove the enchantment without reaching into the boys self too deeply she struggles a bit before getting a hold of it and pulling it free. As she does she puts a bit more pressure on the boy and they share a moment of mingled emotions before Mina pulls back, removing the spell. The boy blinks a few times then blushes in reaction to Mina's behavior. As the spell is removed Mina feels it pulled away, as if on a string. Apparently this was not the main spell and it was just an extension of some other enchantment. Removing more of the enchantment on the villagers may allert whomever crafted the enchantment.

The smith tosses the boy an odd looking chunk of rock that the lad catches hefts a few times before walking over to the smith and quietly conferring and handing the rock back.

Thagren Ironforge

All right, the lads verified your magic is at least not fey in origin. We know the feel of their magic. But says he didn't feel much of an affect?
You can proceed as you like, just add rolls to indicate continued difficulties but assume you can remove all spells with repeated effort.
Apr 12, 2024 10:28 pm
Mina's head cocks curiously upon hearing that the boy feels no change at all, but she is relieved to have been granted approval to continue. She turns to Ultime and Aizashi.

There is a good chance that whoever cast this enchantment will sense what I'm doing, especially as I free more and more people from its effects. You might want to keep an eye out, in case they come running... she murmurs anxiously.

With a renewed sense of urgency, she tackles the rest of the children, prioritizing the mayor's daughter. By the time she is finished, she is feeling emotionally numb and fighting off a headache.


Remove curse - (3d6)


Remove curse - (3d6)


Remove curse - (3d6)


Remove curse - (3d6)


Remove curse - (3d6)


Remove curse - (3d6)


Remove curse - (3d6)


Apr 13, 2024 12:15 pm
we'll be ready for anything coming. Aizashi tells Mina and watches her proceed for a moment before turning his attention to their surroundings.
Apr 16, 2024 12:36 pm
One by one the children pass under the healers touch and have little it no reaction. They stand to the side and chat about the experience revealing a spectrum of awareness of the process normal in any group of people. As Mina finishes up, with the girl she really wanted to start with, she is surprised to realize that this girl is under a much stronger enchantment.


Enchantment defense - (Resistance:3d6, alarm:3d6, trap:3d6)

Resistance:3d6 : (621)

alarm:3d6 : (445)

trap:3d6 : (515)

Apr 16, 2024 12:46 pm
Mina tried to overcome the spells laid over the girl but that backlash strikes at a Mina breaking the connection and throwing the yep apart several feet.
Mina can choose to break 1 enchantment on the girls mind
Using her 5,6 to beat the 6
Silence the alarm triggered by her actions
5 vs 6 enchantment, 6 vs 5 alarm
The Smith and children all cry out on alarm at this and rush to the girls side to check on her.

Aizashi is startled as well but keeps his vigil and spots on of the the fey/children serving the hag quickly fly off.
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