You return to your room after informing the innkeeper you will be leaving before sunrise and he agrees to have a meal ready for you. After retiring to your room you discuss the days events again before falling asleep.
OK : This turned out to be quite an eventful first day or two for everyone involved. Aizashi and Mina will be advancing to full Veteran after this next scene. Normally the advancement from Rookie to Novice to Veteran would be spread out but the characters have not had time to rest and develop their skills to reflect their gained experience. However both Aizashi and Mina can each add either a Trait or Mastery to their character immediately after posting their selection to their personal/creation thread and getting it approved.
After resolving the situation all three of you will further progress your characters with Ultime picking either Mastery or a Trait and the other Two gaing which ever option the do not select for immediate use with their character.
Mastery lets you attack with advantage, 3d6
Post questions and selections on your personal character creation thread.
In the morning you awake early and after a simple meal say your farewells to the innkeeper and are on your way. Taking the NW road you make you way out of the valley. As the valley falls below the far side of the surrounding hills you spot a small side track and take it to the south. As the sun begins to break over the horizon you see a small group at a trail crossing ahead of you. You spy several children accompanied by the blacksmith, who is armored in chainmail and holds a massive warhammer and shield. The massive man and children watch you approach and Mina spots the girl from the vision in their midst.

Thagren Ironforge
The children say you are here to prove your claims and help settle the troubles we have been having. I'm just here to ensure no harm comes to them. the smith states calmly as you get near.