Lending Bay an ear, Hazel whispers back while her tail swishes around without pause:
"Yeah, let us bring an end to this cluster-trap." Sky grips the handle of her blade with intent and nods her agreement.
Turning towards the captain, the brown archer tries to summon an artsy tremble in her voice as she shouts out:
"Don't hurt them - they are mice you're playing with!" Adjusting her voice for a moment while hanging her head in deafet:
"Take the necromouser, but let the rest of them go! You win!"
Turning to the side, the rivermouse tripples a few steps to the side, getting a better line of sight towards the remaining skeleton, while she whispers to Gideon:
"Keep your scrolls at the ready."
Sky fetches Filmon with a dramatic gesture and brings him forward by the tip of her sword. Much like a pirate making a prisoner walk the plank.
The moment Filmon is close enough Sky cuts his bonds and shoves him against the dreaded Captain. Using the distraction Hazel shoots the remaining skeleton, while Sky gets ready to filet all remaining bones.
Spoke to Adrastheia and she is on board with this solution.