Against the cult: the Forest Ruin (1.5)
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Feb 16, 2024 8:12 pm
Though disengaging might be a safer tactic, Kragga is hot with the bloodlust his people are famous for. Unaware of the change in the other priests that Xana's boots have wrought, he curls his fingers around the staff even tighter, and continues to beat on the eyeless abomination with a snarl on his lips.
Say one thing for Kragga Moonweaver, say that he sees a thing through to the end!
Say one thing for Kragga Moonweaver, say that he sees a thing through to the end!
Last edited February 16, 2024 8:21 pm
Attack K with 2-handed quarterstaff - (1d20+5, 1d8+3)
1d20+5 : (16) + 5 = 21
1d8+3 : (1) + 3 = 4
Feb 18, 2024 10:54 am
If K is still not down after his companions' attacks, Ogbar tries to finish the creature off.
Greataxe - (1d20+5, 1d12+4)
1d20+5 : (19) + 5 = 24
1d12+4 : (7) + 4 = 11
Feb 19, 2024 2:17 am
Standing over Joseph's body, Aanbo readies an attack on anyone who approaches. Now that Xana has disrupted the ritual, all that remains of the undead priests is ancient dust that swirls around the monk's feet as he surveys the room warily.
Theran swings his shillelagh at K but each hit is a glancing blow that doesn't seem to slow the wizened figure!
Albertus runs up and attacks K, but the dead thing keeps sidestepping the fierce swings!
But Kragga's staff manages to catch K in the jaw as he dodges back, snapping his mandible to the side for 4 bludgeoning damage!
Atop the table, Xana supervises the party with calls of "Ooh, better luck next time!" and "Good shot! It seems like you've learned a lot from my training!"
Joseph drools.
With the ritual magic disrupted, K cackles and sobs with relief, disengages from the combatants, and flees.
But his doom awaits him in the doorway. Stepping forward, Ogbar brings his axe down, cleaving into K for 11 slashing. K collapses, inanimate.
There are no apparent enemies or immediate threats. Each PC gains 85 XP!
What do you want to do now?
Theran swings his shillelagh at K but each hit is a glancing blow that doesn't seem to slow the wizened figure!
Albertus runs up and attacks K, but the dead thing keeps sidestepping the fierce swings!
But Kragga's staff manages to catch K in the jaw as he dodges back, snapping his mandible to the side for 4 bludgeoning damage!
Atop the table, Xana supervises the party with calls of "Ooh, better luck next time!" and "Good shot! It seems like you've learned a lot from my training!"
Joseph drools.
With the ritual magic disrupted, K cackles and sobs with relief, disengages from the combatants, and flees.
But his doom awaits him in the doorway. Stepping forward, Ogbar brings his axe down, cleaving into K for 11 slashing. K collapses, inanimate.
There are no apparent enemies or immediate threats. Each PC gains 85 XP!
[ +- ] Forest Ruin, 3rd floor

Feb 19, 2024 3:35 am
Aanbo remains wary of K's body, not eager to see a repeat of reanimation. He is, however, very relieved that his companions inside the room managed to stop whatever it was that kept bringing the priests back to existence.
The monk maintains his vigil over Joseph.
The monk maintains his vigil over Joseph.
Feb 19, 2024 7:37 am
Kragga congratulates Ogbar on slaying the undead priest with a hearty slap on his back.
"Well done, Ogbar. I don't trust him to stay dead, however. I counsel you to take your axe and separate his torso from his arms, legs, and head."
"Well done, Ogbar. I don't trust him to stay dead, however. I counsel you to take your axe and separate his torso from his arms, legs, and head."
Feb 19, 2024 9:23 pm
Ogbar is sighs as the last vestiges of his heightened battle rage drain from him and he begins chopping up the bodies to ensure that none of them are able to rise again. He nods appreciatively at Kragga's words, "You fought well," he says, a compliment if there ever was one coming from the powerful barbarian.
I have enough XP to hit level 2. How do you want to handle that? Probably wait until we rest?Feb 19, 2024 11:18 pm
Al gives K a good stiff kick just for good measure. And stay down, he exclaims!
Well done, everyone! I, um, I could really use some healing, myself. Unless we intend to find a safe place to rest?
Well done, everyone! I, um, I could really use some healing, myself. Unless we intend to find a safe place to rest?
What’s everyone wanna do next?Feb 20, 2024 3:36 am
"I, too, have suffered some injuries, Albertus. Hopefully our hale allies can lead the way."
Kragga will inspect the wreckage that Xana wrought, looking for anything still possessed of magical power among the ritual components and fetishes.
Kragga will inspect the wreckage that Xana wrought, looking for anything still possessed of magical power among the ritual components and fetishes.
Feb 20, 2024 1:42 pm
"Can anyone more knowledgeable identify just what they were up to here?" Theran asks the group, as he looks over the shrine with Kragga. "They had to have a purpose or goal, right?"
Feb 20, 2024 5:10 pm
Aanbo makes Joseph as comfortable as he can, now that the rogue is out of danger. Joseph should be fine with some rest. Nevertheless, if the group decides to leave the temple, Aanbo is prepared to carry Joseph to their destination.
Feb 20, 2024 6:00 pm
Albertus examines the altar. Gauntleted hand shifting over whatever articles might be thereupon, and emerald eyes fixating upon strange quasi-religious artifacts.
Very strange indeed.
My guess is, a twisted religious cult infiltrated Pelor’s presence, in order to conduct strange rituals. But, if so…for what purpose?
Very strange indeed.
My guess is, a twisted religious cult infiltrated Pelor’s presence, in order to conduct strange rituals. But, if so…for what purpose?
Last edited February 20, 2024 6:00 pm
Intelligence - (1d20)
(11) = 11
Feb 21, 2024 12:09 am
Theran and Albertus's discussion gets Kragga thinking about motives as he examines the ritual fetishes and such, and he searches for an answer to the question in their wreckage.
Last edited February 21, 2024 12:10 am
Religion - (1d20+4)
(16) + 4 = 20
Feb 22, 2024 4:18 pm
Naatkinson says:
I have enough XP to hit level 2. How do you want to handle that? Probably wait until we rest?OOC:
When you earn enough XP to gain a level, your HP and attack modifiers go up immediately if you are gaining a level in the same class. But any other gain of new abilities - or gaining a level in a new class - requires that you spend some time with a trainer in the class to learn the new abilities. This almost always requires returning to town.1) Is my PC going to gain a level in the class they already have, or a different one?
If the answer is the same class, then you also need to declare in the Character Creation forum whether you are rolling for HP, or just taking the "average." Then, if rolling, you can also post that roll.
If the answer is "a different class," then your PC's HP gain will wait (along with all other new abilities) until you return to town to spend time with the new class trainer.
Here I have to admit that I haven't looked at the characters with an eye to multiclassing, so I don't know whether it's even an option for all of our PCs (in terms of ability score prerequisites).
Feb 23, 2024 6:45 am
Ogbar hacks up the body of K, but there are no other fallen enemy bodies to dismember.
Albertus looks at the scattered remains of the ritual implements - the skulls, the candles, an impractical knife, a large silver bowl, a number of wooden pegs, some dried twigs, and the black tablecloth - and doesn't really know much about it other than this ritual was definitely the evil that he was sensing downstairs.
Kragga examines the same materials and is able to put a name to the abomination: Kyuss, the god of evil and undeath. The hairs in his body rise up in horripilation as Kragga considers the nature of the dark ritual. Obviously, he experienced the results of the foul magic that kept the murdered priests "alive" for centuries, but being this close to the elements - particularly the candles and skulls - gives a visceral sense of residual foulness.
But as any literate PC who wishes to looks around the room now that the immediate threat has ended, they can all see and discern the following:
A small part of Kaufra's ravings that despoil the sanctum to Pae.As mentioned previously, the room is filled with carvings of Pae. It was clearly designed and dedicated to this god of light. But this sanctum has been mutilated, defaced, and despoiled by Kaufra, the final enemy you faced ("K," whose body is being dismembered by Ogbar). Scrawled in among the sacrilegious and profane graffiti are mad scrawls in many languages, which can be interpreted to tell Kaufra's sad, mad story. Kaufra was a devoted and good Herald of Pae, but when he prayed to Pae, a little voice of doubt spoke to him. Why wait centuries, it said ("Why wait centuries?" "Reward now!" and "Take your prize!" are scrawled on the wall in a very different, inhuman hand), when you could have an earthly reward now? This thought came to dominate Kaufra's waking life, drowning out his devotions. While the other Heralds were committing themselves to Pae, Kaufra came to believe that he deserved a reward for all the earthly sacrifices he had made, and he invited more of these intrusive thoughts in. By the time he came to realize that the voice came from an external source, he was too far in its thrall. By the time he realized it was Kyuss, he had already agreed to the plan. When the others began their sleep, Kaufra only pretended to partake. Then he followed them into their rooms and slit their throats while they slept. Kyuss filled him with power for this sacrifice, but the evil power did not protect him from his own carelessness, and he was caught by one of the Order's own traps: pierced and killed by spikes on the stairs.
Kyuss was not finished with Kaufra, however, and kept him alive and in the agony of his wounds to complete the ritual he had started, which would allow Kyuss to puppet the murdered servants of Pae in twisted mockeries of their original zeal ("So shall the servants of the light serve the darkness forever!" reads the scrawled text written in the inhuman hand on the wall).
All this confirms Albertus' surmise, explaining why the Heralds of Pae were dead, animated, and hostile, and it does say something about the Heralds "going to sleep," but it doesn't answer the question of why the Heralds were asleep, or how to awaken Devek. Those answers may lie elsewhere in this ruin.
Albertus looks at the scattered remains of the ritual implements - the skulls, the candles, an impractical knife, a large silver bowl, a number of wooden pegs, some dried twigs, and the black tablecloth - and doesn't really know much about it other than this ritual was definitely the evil that he was sensing downstairs.
Kragga examines the same materials and is able to put a name to the abomination: Kyuss, the god of evil and undeath. The hairs in his body rise up in horripilation as Kragga considers the nature of the dark ritual. Obviously, he experienced the results of the foul magic that kept the murdered priests "alive" for centuries, but being this close to the elements - particularly the candles and skulls - gives a visceral sense of residual foulness.
But as any literate PC who wishes to looks around the room now that the immediate threat has ended, they can all see and discern the following:
[ +- ] The desecrated sanctum

A small part of Kaufra's ravings that despoil the sanctum to Pae.
Kyuss was not finished with Kaufra, however, and kept him alive and in the agony of his wounds to complete the ritual he had started, which would allow Kyuss to puppet the murdered servants of Pae in twisted mockeries of their original zeal ("So shall the servants of the light serve the darkness forever!" reads the scrawled text written in the inhuman hand on the wall).
All this confirms Albertus' surmise, explaining why the Heralds of Pae were dead, animated, and hostile, and it does say something about the Heralds "going to sleep," but it doesn't answer the question of why the Heralds were asleep, or how to awaken Devek. Those answers may lie elsewhere in this ruin.
Feb 23, 2024 4:40 pm
Seated in his guardianship of Joseph's unconscious form, Aanbo rolls each of the stone beads of his rosary between his fingers. He replays the battle in his mind and contemplates the abominable nature of this defiled temple.
Feb 23, 2024 7:18 pm
"Well, that's... pretty terrible..."
Theran sifts through the information they learned about the defilement of the temple, contemplating how seemingly easy it was for a good man to be swayed.
Suddenly, his mind snaps back to the immediate issue: "Um, we still need to find out about the poison, right?"
Theran sifts through the information they learned about the defilement of the temple, contemplating how seemingly easy it was for a good man to be swayed.
Suddenly, his mind snaps back to the immediate issue: "Um, we still need to find out about the poison, right?"
Feb 23, 2024 8:15 pm
Aanbo holds up the broken needle from the front door. "This is likely the culprit. I just hope there's enough residue on it for Lady Diana to find an antidote. Did we find another potential source of the poison in here?"
Feb 23, 2024 8:21 pm
"Yeah but if they were making it here, there should be more info about it right?" Theran leans on his staff as he looks at the mess. "If we can find out specifics beyond just a sample that needs to be identified, we probably should."
Feb 23, 2024 9:03 pm
I contend, if it pleases the group, we rest for a short while, in any case. I am weary, friends, and will be no good to anyone if I am…well if I’m dead.
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