Against the cult: the Forest Ruin (1.5)
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Mar 7, 2024 2:40 am
"We'll keep an eye on him," says Aanbo, opting to ignore the feast in case there are delayed effects. He moves to join the others in their investigation of the kitchen.
Mar 7, 2024 3:12 am
Kragga will bring the torch into the kitchen, following Joseph's footsteps. He will stand in the center of the room, casting light in all directions and watching out for danger.
Mar 7, 2024 4:45 am
Ogbar watches Albertus eat the apple, thinking the man quite foolish for the act, "Still not going to try it," he mutters to himself, though his mouth waters at how tender the meat is. He then follows into the western room, "Up or down?" he asks to the party at large.
Mar 8, 2024 6:35 am
Kragga will follow Ogbar up the stairs, but maintains a safe distance behind him.
Mar 8, 2024 7:35 pm
Ogbar strides boldly up the stairs to the second floor, Kragga following with the lit torch. There is a faint little bit of light in here already, from dirty exterior windows covered with clinging ivy that changes the light of day to a dim greenish glow. A set of rotten couches and meditation stools are haphazardly scattered throughout this space. Two murals of Pae adorn the southern walls, alternating with doors that lead south. In addition, a short, empty hallway to the east has three southern doors facing the dirty windows in the north, outside wall.
Back on the first floor, Aanbo is at the foot of the stairs in the kitchen, with Joseph, Theran, Albertus (still enjoying his apple), and Xana (pocketing items from the pantry) within a few paces.
[ +- ] Second floor of the Forest Ruin

[ +- ] First floor of the Forest Ruin

Mar 8, 2024 8:06 pm
Theran, who is still watching Albertus intently, asks about heading upstairs. "Should we all go up?" Unfortunately, since he isn't really looking away from the apple-eating Al, it's a bit hard to tell exactly who he's asking.
Mar 8, 2024 8:07 pm
Aanbo climbs halfway up the stairs, serving as a connection between those on the second and first floors. He waits until the folks in the kitchen are ready to proceed upward.
Mar 8, 2024 10:16 pm
Man, our knightlybfellow, he really enjoyed that apple!
(Nom , nom)…Well, friends, I believe I am now ready to proceed. That fruit was so delicious, and garden-fresh! Would recommend!
(Nom , nom)…Well, friends, I believe I am now ready to proceed. That fruit was so delicious, and garden-fresh! Would recommend!
Mar 10, 2024 7:11 am
For the sake of not waiting days for someone to take an action, I'm going to fast-forward to when all the PCs move upstairs with the others.Xana and Joseph bring up the rear. To restate: there are a few pieces of decaying furniture here, and the murals seem to indicate this was used as some sort of devotion or meditation space. Two doors to the south are bracketed by faded murals of Pae. A short corridor leads east with three smaller doors on the right hand/south wall.
Joseph interjects, his voice seeming loud after a few moments of silence: "Well, that's a lot of doors. Should we split up and each check one, or do you want me to look at them all?"
[ +- ] Forest Ruin, Second Floor

Mar 10, 2024 8:00 am
"Let us start in the east and end in the west. We are in a sun god's temple, after all."
Mar 10, 2024 4:54 pm
"And yes, let's inspect these doors one by one as a team," adds Aanbo. "I hear you all did well in the courtyard to find those traps, so I'm confident we'll easily determine whether or not these rooms are safe."
Mar 11, 2024 12:47 am
Joseph advances carefully down the eastern hallway, searching for anything untoward.
In a few moments he reaches the easternmost part of the narrow eastern corridor, examines the wall, and turns back to the other with a grin. "Seems safe! If there are any traps, my weight wasn't enough to set them off!"
The halfling rogue then examines the wall by the furthest door. He looks carefully at the edges of the door, too. After several seconds' search, he nods to himself, reaches up, and pushes the door open. Holding the silver candlestick still, he peers inside. "It's a small room, with a sort of bed in it, nothing else I can see. You want to look at the other doors, or search this room?"
In a few moments he reaches the easternmost part of the narrow eastern corridor, examines the wall, and turns back to the other with a grin. "Seems safe! If there are any traps, my weight wasn't enough to set them off!"
The halfling rogue then examines the wall by the furthest door. He looks carefully at the edges of the door, too. After several seconds' search, he nods to himself, reaches up, and pushes the door open. Holding the silver candlestick still, he peers inside. "It's a small room, with a sort of bed in it, nothing else I can see. You want to look at the other doors, or search this room?"
Perception - (1d20+4)
(14) + 4 = 18
Investigation to find any of the same triggers the party has found so far - (1d20+3)
(7) + 3 = 10
Mar 11, 2024 5:09 am
Sorry, it's been a hectic few days. Applying for a mortgage and trying to decide if I want to apply for extra to get an addition put on my house, so I've been looking at possible floor plans for new rooms!Rolls
Perception - (1d20+2)
(5) + 2 = 7
Mar 11, 2024 5:32 pm
Aanbo keeps the way clear for those that want to step inside the room. "Let's search this room thoroughly first, before we move on to the others," he says.
The monk himself remains clear of the investigation, his attention primarily focused on Albertus in case the mysteriously-fresh and freshly-eaten apple's effects are slow-acting.
Later I would like to research ways to create potions of healing, so I'll also be on the lookout for such ingredients.
The monk himself remains clear of the investigation, his attention primarily focused on Albertus in case the mysteriously-fresh and freshly-eaten apple's effects are slow-acting.
Question: Using my herbalism kit, what would it take to create an antitoxin if the apple is indeed poisonous? As a followup question, would I be able to use some of the extra poison residue that affected Devek to craft a similar antitoxin?Later I would like to research ways to create potions of healing, so I'll also be on the lookout for such ingredients.
Mar 11, 2024 11:15 pm
Al stands readily with his weapon drawn. Waitingbwhilst doors are duly investigated!
Mar 12, 2024 3:13 am
Kragga holds the torch aloft to provide maximum light. He is hesitant to move forward after Joseph's comment on his weight not triggering any traps, given how much larger the half-orc is to the halfling.
Once Ogbar enters, he feels more confident.
He follows in and strips the bed linens off, flips the mattress over, and checks underneath for any long-forgotten secrets.
Once Ogbar enters, he feels more confident.
He follows in and strips the bed linens off, flips the mattress over, and checks underneath for any long-forgotten secrets.
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