Against the cult: the Forest Ruin (1.5)

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Apr 15, 2024 3:15 am
Unlike his previous communion with Pelor, this time Albertus detects nothing particularly evil or good in the area: there are no undead, demons, or devils nearby, nor has anything been consecrated or desecrated. But he, too, feels a bit of scraping or scratching on the other side of the damp door.

While he's doing this, the others have moved away from the paladin, wary of what may be unleashed when Xana blasts the door or Albertus smashes it.

Joseph climbs onto the workbench with the rusted weapons, ready to attack anything that comes through the door from the side. Ogbar plants his feet firmly in the center of the room and tightens his grip on his axe, ready to come to Albertus' aid if a threat materializes. Aanbo flanks the portcullis, while Theran and Kragga retreat on the other side of the pit. Xana prepares to blast the door.
[ +- ] Basement workshop
Is everyone pictured about where they want to be? I wasn't sure about Aanbo's "flanking" of the portcullis and on which side of the pit he wanted to stand. Does Xana want to be there, or closer/further?
Apr 15, 2024 4:28 am
Thanks for the map. I was thinking of Aanbo moving directly south so that he is on the eastern side of the pit (where Albertus was in the previous map). In my head I envision him reaching out to catch anyone trying to jump over the pit from the south and pulling or pushing them across, basically trying to assist any Athletics or Acrobatics checks people might have to make.
Apr 15, 2024 5:40 am
Good; I've adjusted it.
[ +- ] Forest Ruin, basement cellar & workshop
Apr 16, 2024 7:20 pm
With as much patience as he can muster, Ogbar politely taps Albertus on the shoulder. The holy warrior, focusing deeply on his paladinistic thoughts, starts and then steps to the side. Ogbar nods, once, in acknowledgement of this courtesy...then he kicks the door.


STR check to kick down the door - (1d20+2)

(11) + 2 = 13

Apr 16, 2024 7:39 pm
The door sags into soggy splinters under the barbarian's boot. A wash of foul water flows into the room, carrying sodden chunks of the door...but it's less water than Xana was hoping, as it doesn't knock anyone down.

The collapse of the door greatly surprised a large, scraggly rat (its body is perhaps a pace long) that was gnawing on the wood. The light reveals several more filthy, scampering rats, darting this way and that around a fallen water tank and a large puddle of water originating from it that persists even now that much of the water has flowed out of the room. Trickles from a broken pipe sticking out of the southeast wall show where water flowed into the tank, and possibly how the rats got into the cellar. The smell is overpowering, and the floor of both the workshop and the cistern room is slick with water.
[ +- ] Forest Ruin basement with Cistern
Roll initiative and declare what you want to do, even if it is to leave; the order of operations may be important. There are eight cave rats. The pool itself (greenish area on the map) is difficult terrain.


Cave rat initiative - (1d20)

(19) = 19

Apr 16, 2024 8:14 pm
"Back this way?" Aanbo suggests, gesturing to those in the workshop to retreat so that the pit and portcullis can serve as barriers. He is ready to assist anyone that tries to clear the pit.


Initiative - (1d20+2)

(18) + 2 = 20

Apr 16, 2024 8:40 pm
Albertus follows his friend back to sidestep the pit


Initiative - (1d20+1)

(16) + 1 = 17

Apr 17, 2024 12:02 am
Theran readies his staff, but stays across the pit trap from the rodents.


Initiative - (1d20)

(3) = 3

Apr 17, 2024 12:57 am
Kragga readies his arcane focus as soon as he sees the wriggling rodents with an intent to immolate them.


Init - (1d20+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

Apr 17, 2024 4:28 pm
Ogbar hacks at the rat adjacent to him with the axe of his ancestors.


Ogbar initiative - (1d20+1)

(5) + 1 = 6

Greataxe, slashing damage on a hit - (1d20+5, 1d12+2)

1d20+5 : (8) + 5 = 13

1d12+2 : (10) + 2 = 12

Joseph Nimblefingers


Apr 17, 2024 4:32 pm
Joseph Nimblefingers
Joseph hops down from his perch with a splash, and stabs daggers toward the cave rat.


Joseph initiative - (1d20+2)

(8) + 2 = 10

Dagger, damage on a hit, sneak attack - (1d20+4, 1d4+2, 1d6)

1d20+4 : (7) + 4 = 11

1d4+2 : (4) + 2 = 6

1d6 : (4) = 4

Bonus action dagger, damage on a hit - (1d20+4, 1d4+2)

1d20+4 : (10) + 4 = 14

1d4+2 : (2) + 2 = 4

Apr 17, 2024 6:51 pm
The cave rat is surprised by the appearance of the Dungeon Busters, and does not react in time to avoid getting skewered by Joseph's daggers. Then, because that one is dead, Ogbar has no adjacent rat to attack. The rogue and the barbarian step back with Xana, waiting to see if more rats try to come through the doorway. They do not seem to, though party members can see them scurrying around in the cistern room.
If you have a ranged attack available, you can attempt to hit a cave rat with a spell or missile through the doorway, as they are scurrying back and forth constantly. Those on the other side of the pit, in the cellar room, can hit a rat by attacking AC16 (3/4 cover). Those in the workshop room - Xana - can hit a rat by attacking AC13 (1/2 cover). For anyone who enters the cistern room, the rats will be much easier to hit: AC11. In any case, take your actions for this surprise round.
[ +- ] Forest Ruin basement rooms

20 - Aanbo - helps Albertus cross the pit
19 - cave rats
17 - Albertus - moved up, attacked
10 - Joseph - attacked, moved back
6 - Ogbar - moved back
5 - Kragga - missed with fire bolt
5 - Xana - hit with eldritch blast
3 - Theran - waiting to assist where there's need
Apr 17, 2024 11:43 pm
Deciding to return and aid his companions, Albertus strides south and into the cellar. His handy sword at the ready, he swings at the nearest rat!
Moving south and into the cellar, then attacking, in as much as my actions during the round allow please.


Attack - (1d20+5, 1d8+3)

1d20+5 : (8) + 5 = 13

1d8+3 : (4) + 3 = 7

Apr 18, 2024 1:23 am
Kragga spots a dark shape, wet shape emerge from the water, wriggling violently. He doesn't waste time lighting it up. "Magna globi ignis!"

Kragga curses under his breath as his bolt of fire goes wide.
Last edited April 18, 2024 1:25 am


Fire Bolt (AC 16) - (1d20+5, 1d10)

1d20+5 : (3) + 5 = 8

1d10 : (1) = 1

Apr 18, 2024 2:42 am
Theran, not having many options available from his current location, holds his ground for the moment.
Apr 18, 2024 5:21 am
Aanbo holds, maintaining his readiness to help anyone crossing the pit.
Apr 19, 2024 12:28 am
Xana does what she does best, leading from behind. "I've got this! Don't worry, I’ll provide cover!"
Last edited April 19, 2024 4:13 am


Initiative - (1d20+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

Eldritch Blast - (1d20+4, 1d10)

1d20+4 : (10) + 4 = 14

1d10 : (7) = 7

Apr 19, 2024 5:52 am
As Ogbar and Joseph step back, Aanbo helps Albertus leap across the pit. The paladin then rushes forward and splashes into the cistern room, slicing one of the other cave rats in half. Kragga, not expecting one of his companions to run in front of his difficult shot, jerks his hand back and the fire bolt goes wide of its mark and scorches the wall of the workshop. But Xana's aim is not obstructed; the dark energy flows from her and explodes a third cave rat.
[ +- ] Forest Ruin Cistern
Thus the surprise round ends.

The remaining five cave rats turn and focus on trying to bite Albertus.
What do each of you do?

20 - Aanbo
19 - cave rats
17 - Albertus
10 - Joseph
6 - Ogbar
5 - Kragga
5 - Xana
3 - Theran
Apr 19, 2024 6:01 am
"Anyone else?" asks Aanbo, resolved in his assistance for those crossing the pit.
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