Against the cult: the Forest Ruin (1.5)

Dec 7, 2023 5:59 pm
Following the young man's footprints, Joseph approaches an ancient metal gate that breaches a stone wall. The thick ivy covering the gate has been partially pulled aside, though the thick, woody trunk of the ivy suggests that it's been growing over the wall and gate for a long, long time. The gate is of wrought iron, tremendously rusted, and is held up as much by the ivy twined through it as by the disintegrating hinges. A scrape in the thick layer of decomposed earth shows where the gate was wrenched open a few inches...just enough for Devek to squeeze through. As Joseph considers whether a torch will be needed, Theran joins him. They both poke their heads through the gate, Theran's head over Joseph's, to look at the courtyard beyond. Some trick of the wind combined with the screen of trees growing up inside the walls (or perhaps some kind of caretaking magic?) has kept part of the courtyard relatively clear of debris and plant growth: some of the flagstones lining the courtyard are visible. In the center there is a large decorative basin - what was probably once a fountain, but now filled will stagnant water barely visible through a thick carpet of water plants. Past that, a stone building rises, obscured by trees and mostly covered by ivy and other creeping vines. Peering through the gate, they see that the stone building appears to have three distinct levels: a ground floor accessed from leaf-strewn stairs leading up to a single entrance door bearing a heavy iron ring in its center, a narrower mezzanine level above it bordered by stone columns almost completely covered with plant growth, and a stone, iron, and glass dome above it, overgrown with blackberry canes and topped with ferns and shrubs. If there are any windows on the ground floor, they have been completely obscured by foliage, and though some light might filter through the grime on the dome, deeper parts of the building certainly wouldn't receive much light. Gazing at the ruin, they detect no movement, nor any birdsong, but there are faint markings in the stone above the door which might be writing. All is still.

Meanwhile, Kragga and Aanbo have made a circuit of the complex. It is surrounded by what appears to be a hedge, half again as tall as Kragga, overgrown with creeping ivy, thorny berry canes, and flowering vines. The only obvious break in the wall is the gate where Theran and Joseph are. The monk and wizard stop at a point where the foliage is thinner, in the shade of a tree that grows over the wall, and poke and cut at it with their weapons. There is a thick layer, nearly as long as Aanbo's arm, of old, brown, dry ivy and thorny brambles under the surface layer of current growth...but picking through it carefully, so as not to get snagged by the thorns, they find that it is mortared stone underneath. Cutting away at the thick, woody branches to clear a bit larger space, they recognize that each of these stone blocks bears a carved imprint matching the one that Devek brought back with him: what Albertus had identified as the stylized sun-and-serpent eye of Pae. Stepping back from the wall a bit, from this angle (about 90 degrees around the complex from the halfling and half-elf) the half-orc and dwarf can see the side of the building. Through a narrow vertical gap in the branches of trees growing up inside the complex, they can just make out what appears to be a trellis roof that slopes out from the building, weighted down by a similar mass of vines as the wall. They can also make out about half of what appears to be a statue of a humanoid figure with an upraised arm, with only a few vines on it, standing in the shade of the roof. By shifting around and squinting, they can see (from the orientation of the hand and shoulder) that the humanoid statue is facing away from them, carved from a lighter stone than the wall, and has a very long, thin neck but no head. The little gap between the trees doesn't allow a view of the rest of the statue, and moving further in the other direction gives a view of the side of the building, but nothing else.

Xana and Albertus talk amiably some distance away with Ogbar fingering his axe, filling the expectant silence with their companionable chat. They can see the shape of the complex in front of them, but the mist is thick enough that they can only just make out the two pairs of their companions at different points in the wall.
Dec 7, 2023 8:11 pm
Aanbo studies the wall and the amount of forest growth. "I'm not sure what to make of all this, except that no one has obviously kept this place for a very long time. Perhaps Devek first did as us, looking at things from outside, before he was urged to seek proof that he was here. Shall we head inside now?"
Dec 7, 2023 8:23 pm
Nifty drawing!
Kragga reunites with the others, and explains there is only this entrance. "We also found further sign of the worship of the sun-and-serpent god, Pae."

A temple to an old god seemed like just the place to find relics of magical power, and as Kragga has devoted his life to freeing these from their dusty tombs and moldering crypts, he is quite eager to enter. After giving the wrought-iron gate a once-over for obvious signs of danger, he will grab it with both his large hands, plant his feet, and heave it open. If others assist, he will not argue.

If all goes well, he will say a prayer aloud to this Pae:

"O Pae, Sun-and-Serpent, radiant deity, bless our quest to liberate the artifacts hidden within your forgotten temple. May your divine light guide our way and illuminate the shadows that shroud these sacred relics. In your name, we seek the treasures of old, to bring them back into your solar light, and to let their brilliance make our world brighter still."

He strides into the courtyard, half-expecting Pae to respond through some sign or portent.
Last edited December 7, 2023 8:23 pm
Dec 7, 2023 11:40 pm
Ogbar moves to the front line of the party, smiling in anticipation of proving himself in battle once again. He moves toward the main door, reaching for the iron ring to attempt to open it.
Ogbar will open it assuming no one steps in to stop him
Dec 8, 2023 1:08 am
The paladinic fellow stops low. Surveying the leafy ground, and observing the forested quiet. As his half-orc friend offers humble prayer to an ancient avatar of the sun god, Albertus reaches to front of his shield, the emblem of Pelor emblazoned thereupon. Kneeling, he offers silent knightly prayer of his own.

Good to know, your presence has always been here, our knightly fellow thinks to paladinic self.

Smiling kindly, Albertus follows Ogbar to the iron gate. Please, friend, you do the honors, Al says to Ogbar, gesturing hi to the iron gate with gauntleted hand. I will cover you. Although, something tells me I trust your axe more than my sword.
Last edited December 8, 2023 1:08 am
Dec 8, 2023 2:03 am
Len says:
After giving the wrought-iron gate a once-over for obvious signs of danger, he will grab it with both his large hands, plant his feet, and heave it open. If others assist, he will not argue.
Kragga moves to left to allow Ogbar to take the gate head-on. He sizes the man up as he assists; clearly he is big, for a human. The smile on his face belies his eagerness for battle.

"Ready? On the count of three..."
Editted to make it clear he is assisting Ogbar.
Last edited December 8, 2023 5:20 am
Dec 8, 2023 2:25 am
White Dwarf says:
Although, something tells me I trust your axe more than my sword.
After, Kragga pulls back until he is beside Albertus as the paladin makes his comments to Ogbar. He has seen Albertus's fighting skills first hand, and he knows he is a stalwart ally. When he is finished, Kragga interjects:

"Ever so modest, Albertus. Is that one of these vows you took? For I swear, when we fought side-by-side, your sword flashed red many times. You have much to boast about, if that was your way."
Last edited December 8, 2023 5:20 am
Dec 8, 2023 5:10 am
a) Kragga doing an Athletics check to open the gate, then Ogbar striding through to the front door,
b) Kragga assisting Ogbar (doing an Athletics check with ADV) in wrenching the gate open?
Dec 8, 2023 5:18 am
Yeah, sorry I was trying to retcon things to make Naat's post follow smoothly after mine. Maybe we cross posted?

Let's go with option B. I'll edit my post to make it seem like Kragga is assisting.
Dec 8, 2023 6:21 am
OK. @Naatkinson have Ogbar make an Athletics check with ADV for wrenching the gate open.
Dec 9, 2023 12:06 am
Rather, let's say either Kragga or Ogbar roll Athletics with ADV to open the gate wide enough for the larger PCs to enter. Joseph and Xana can fit through as it is.
Dec 9, 2023 5:41 am
Ogbar grabs hold of the door's ring and tugs with all of his might.


Athletics (advantage) - (2d20H1+4)

(24) + 4 = 8

Dec 9, 2023 6:13 am
[ +- ] The Forest Ruin
With a great rustling and snapping of twigs and branches, Ogbar heaves and shifts the left hand gate open. But then the heavy gate and the branches entwined around it twists as the hinges, rusted completely through, snap into powder. The gate twists out of Ogbar's hands, and he and Kragga leap out of the way as it lands with a clang. The way is clear.

Inside the wall the whole party can now see what Joseph and Theran had already seen: a flagstone courtyard largely overgrown with thorny blackberry canes and roiling ivy that reaches all the way to the crumbling stone walls of the building. A narrow space remains that leads north past a dead fountain (filled with stagnant water and choked with water plants) and two trees that managed to grow between the flagstones and push them aside and crack them as they grew. To the north, framed by the grasping, climbing vegetation, a few stone steps lead up to a stone door with an iron ring in the center. Above the door are faint markings, probably writing that has eroded away to the point of illegibility at this distance.

Gazing between the tree trunks, you can see that stone patio attached to the east side of the ruin thrusts up out of the aggressive plant growth several yards away. Just visible in the verdant dimness there is a statue of a humanoid figure with upraised arms, but the head is somehow deformed.

As the echo of the gate's collapse fades out, all is quiet and still. The smell of damp leaves and petrichor fills the air.
Dec 9, 2023 11:33 am
Joseph chuckles and says "So much for going in quietly."

Do I see any movement or signs of other creatures in the courtyard?


Perception - (1d20+4)

(11) + 4 = 15

Dec 9, 2023 12:50 pm
Our paladinic fellow strides cautiously into the ancient courtyard. Albertus uses his trusty sword to clear away bits of stray debris otherwise obscuring clear passage for his friends.

"(Cough)…what an incredible smell we’ve discovered," Al quips, walking past the stagantly-watered fountain. Making cautious approach north, Albertus walks up stony stairs to the door. Emerald eyes gaze upon ancient writing.

"Can I have a bit of torchlight, please? I…may not know the ancient language written here upon, friends."
Last edited December 9, 2023 12:55 pm
Dec 9, 2023 3:01 pm
Theran will move through the courtyard, scrutinizing the plants mostly out of curiosity. However, when Albertus asks for light, he moves up to see what everyone is looking at.
Dec 9, 2023 4:30 pm
Sorry, I thought Albertus already lit a torch.
Aanbo fishes into his pack for a torch, then spends a minute fiddling with the tinderbox to get a flame going.
Dec 9, 2023 6:18 pm
Kragga likewise enters the courtyard. The fountain strikes him as interesting; in temples, fountains were often imbued with magical properties. This long-dormant fountain might contain some vestige of that power. He wonders how he might clear the vegetation given his current assortment of tools. He muses out loud, but mostly to himself:

"A wizard's staff is a most useful tool, and I am less a wizard without one. I shall endeavour to acquire one, but in the meantime, a stick will have to do."

Kragga will break a branch off one of the trees growing through the flagstones (thanking Pae in a short prayer before doing so) and strip away the twigs and leaves with his dagger. Then he uses the crude staff as a pole to try to clear away some of the water plants in the fountain to better study it.
Last edited December 9, 2023 6:19 pm
Dec 9, 2023 8:50 pm
As Kragga fashions a staff, Aanbo offers his. "It's well-balanced, and perhaps you might need it later?" he says, hoping to interject before Kragga gets too far into woodworking.
Dec 9, 2023 9:02 pm
Joseph sees no movement in the courtyard, but he acknowledges that any number of tiny creatures could be lurking in the brambles all around them. It occurs to him that amphibious things might be able to survive in the fountain, too, when Albertus and Kragga are the first ones to step past him.

Albertus and Kragga cough at the reek of the stagnant water as they approach the old fountain. Albertus continues on to the stairs, asking for more light. Although now that he's moved closer, the paladin can now make out the details of the heavily-eroded, overgrown carving despite the shady dimness: a larger version of the sunburst-and-snake symbol popular with ancient Pae worshippers, below which archaic Imperial states: "All Ware Danger Be! This Portal Entrance Forbidden is! All the New Morning Hail!" Below this, at the top of the stairs, is the stone door with an iron ring mounted in the center. Clearly anxious to pull on the ring, Ogbar strides forward and has almost caught up to Albertus when...

The snap of a small, dry branch sounds loud in the stillness as Kragga gets himself a long switch. A cloud of midges flies up as Kragga stirs the surface of the water, and he recognizes that it's not just vegetable rot they're smelling, but the stench of rotting flesh, too. He's just realized that something must have died in the water when a serpentine form, previously unseen amongst all the duckweed and water lilies, lashes out at Kragga as he pokes the stick into the fountain. Theran is just opposite the half-orc wizard on the other side of the fountain. Aanbo is just a couple of paces from Kragga, holding a lit torch in one hand and extending his staff toward the wizard with the other. Joseph and Xana are a little further back but can still see this clearly.
[ +- ] Forest Ruin Courtyard
Everyone, roll initiative and declare your actions. Each PC is easily within a single move of melee range of the snake if they wish to move closer, though at the moment only Kragga is engaged in melee, and the sightlines are clear for ranged attacks. Though I will resolve the actions in initiative order, I strongly encourage you to declare what you're doing as soon as possible, to reduce the likelihood of anyone holding up the turn for everyone else.


Snake strike at Kragga AC14 - (1d20+3)

(5) + 3 = 8

Snake initiative - (1d20+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

load next

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