Theran examines the next statue, this one with the head of...a great heron? It really is wonderful how the marble still depicts
delight in the tilt of its head and angle of beak. But he sees no sign of any external trigger, which
Theran takes as confirmation that there is a pressure plate near the base of the statue. Carefully he begins to scrape away the accumulated leaves, canes of ivy, and dirt from the veranda, and sees that there is a slightly wider gap between some of the stones. Step on this side of that crack, and the veranda is solid. Step on the other side...probably that is the pressure plate.
Theran points it out to
Joseph; the two of them confer for a bit and agree: stepping within two paces of the statues is likely to set off traps.
Kragga mentions the prospect of
treasure, warns everyone about the trap above the side entrance, and then begins scorching the blackberry canes, setting them each alight then extinguishing the flames when the cane burns through. As they are severed, the thorny canes drop into a spiky mat that the thick leather of adventurers' boots can safely stomp without fear of getting punctured. But it's taking time: the dry undergrowth burns easily, but the green growth on top is harder to set alight. The path is not fully clear yet (but by taking out major, thick canes first,
Kragga has reduced the
CON save difficulty:
DC7 for M creatures,
DC5 for S creatures). He's working very fast, but there's over a hundred canes in just that short stretch of thicket. Characters can attempt the CON save to pass now, or wait to see if
Kragga continues to clear the path.

Kragga is scorching the thorny vines,
Albertus agrees with
Aanbo that it's time to leave, then calls out to the others with an inquiry as he prepares to enter the ruin anyway. But
Ogbar pushes past both of them and steps into the front room. The aroma of freshly cooked food grows stronger as he enters the building. His boots leave deep prints in the thick layer of dust, and he mounts a couple of stairs for a better view.
Ogbar pauses on the second step when he notices four things he couldn't see from the entrance: the
mezzanine/balcony extends above this lower room on all four sides; he's just stepped out from under it. In the exact center of the high ceiling (it is as tall as the room is deep, north to south: about 12 paces) hangs an
elaborate chandelier, golden sun and stars baubles glinting in the flickering light of the torch. From this vantage, looking down at the room, he sees the
sparkling "door" crawling with colors...the movement reminds him of when one of the Frozen Blood elders used smoke to show him how to collect honey from a beehive.
make a WIS Perception check, please. The final thing he sees, which takes most of his attention, is a
humanoid shape standing motionless on the landing up above. The light of the torch isn't shining on the figure directly, but the indirect light is enough for
Ogbar to make out the shape and some details. It's very pale, like the statues outside, but its arms are at its side and it has a man's head, and the whites of its unblinking, motionless eyes are
glowing, shining as if they contained light and that light is filtering through the sclera like a lantern's light through gauze.