Against the cult: the Forest Ruin (1.5)

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Jan 5, 2024 8:21 pm
Theran and Aanbo call out, and Theran clobbers the thrashing corpse with his staff, dealing 10 bludgeoning damage. The body falls limp once more. Aanbo and Theran look at each other wild-eyed for moment, but there is no glow in the eyes any more and the body remains still. They both look backwards and up, realizing that the golden light came through the ceiling without any aperture or mark, in a straight line, but at an angle as if from above and a bit to the south.

Xana, Joseph, and Albertus rush in and look expectantly at their companions staring at the ceiling. There's no sign that anything untoward has happened, but Xana, Joseph, and Al are ready to attack at the first sign of movement.
[ +- ] Forest Ruin 2nd Floor
The light went into the head of the corpse, and it is still wearing its pendant.

If a medallion was taken off a body to examine, it was the one from the body without a head, as that was easiest to remove: no blood, no clasps, just pick it up and go.

I will keep the unused attack rolls and damage (Xana, Joseph, Albertus) for the next time they are needed.

QUESTION: If someone did take a medallion, which PC is holding it now?
Jan 5, 2024 8:59 pm
I took one and still have it, but not in hand at the moment.
Jan 5, 2024 10:34 pm
Ogbar reacts to the call of his companions, hoisting his axe and rushing to help.


Ogbar Init - (1d20+1)

(14) + 1 = 15

Jan 5, 2024 11:22 pm
Al rushes into the scene, his trusty sword ready!
Jan 5, 2024 11:39 pm
Taken by surprise, Kragga scrambles to jump into action, sending a fire bolt at the nearest foe.
Last edited January 5, 2024 11:41 pm


Initiative - (1d20+1)

(14) + 1 = 15

Fire bolt - (1d20+4, 1d10)

1d20+4 : (2) + 4 = 6

1d10 : (7) = 7

Jan 6, 2024 4:00 am
OK, I'll keep Ogbar and Kragga's rolls for the next time we're in combat, too. Everyone is now in the dormitory. There is no movement from either of the corpses in the room, or the three others that haven't been moved yet that are still where they fell on the landing/mezzanine. What do you all want to do now?
Jan 6, 2024 6:27 am
"No, seriously, it got back up! A beam of light came out of nowhere and then it started swinging again!" Theran explains to the now-congregated team.
Jan 6, 2024 8:11 am
Everyone, give me perception checks while you are considering your next moves (or as part of your next move, if you know how you want to react to the situation or Theran's assertion).
Jan 6, 2024 9:20 am
"I believe you, Theran. With all these blood stains and corpses in this ancient temple, I suspect these men died under dark circumstances. Perhaps they made a fiendish pact that now allows for their corpses to reanimate."

"We should deal with the bodies before they deal with us. Let us toss them into the pit that Albertus discovered earlier!"

Kragga will heft one of the dehydrated corpses from the mezzanine, after first ripping off any visible medallions, and toss it over the railings of the stairs into the pit. If this is successful without animating anything, he will continue to do this with the others. He will keep his arcane focus close at hand.


Perception - (1d20+0)

(10) = 10

Jan 6, 2024 12:26 pm


Perception - (1d20+4)

(2) + 4 = 6

Jan 6, 2024 12:57 pm


Perception - (1d20+3)

(6) + 3 = 9

Jan 6, 2024 1:57 pm
"Should we test it, Theran?" asks Aanbo. "Maybe not with a full body, but perhaps that head lying over there by itself."

The monk goes to retrieve the decapitated head, taking care to keep any moving parts away from the sensitive areas of his own body. He returns to the dormitory and gives the ceiling another glance as if to inspect for any changes. Aanbo places the head on the pallet and takes a step back, ready to use his staff to defend himself.
Jan 6, 2024 5:18 pm
Theran assures the party that he and the seriously-hurt Aanbo weren't crying wolf, and Kragga asserts that he at least believes the claim. He recalls that figure 2's head flew over the railing and disappeared into the pit on the first floor when Ogbar chopped it off earlier (so not easily retrievable). Thinking to send another body in that direction, Kragga suggests tossing the bodies over the railing into the pit, and exits the dormitory to do so. In addition to the headless Figure 2, the bodies of Figures 3 and 5 remain slumped on the landing. But as Kragga reaches down to grab one, he perceives two beams of beautiful golden light stream out of the ceiling (just a bit south and west of where the chandelier had been anchored) and into the heads of those two bodies. Seeing this, he leaps back and so it out of reach (and not adjacent) of their initial flailing as they lurch into motion with glowing eyes. They rise silently, and we're back in initiative. Kragga launches his firebolt at the one closest to him (using his previously stated/rolled action): the smell of scorching dust and flesh fills the air as figure 5 takes 7 fire damage, and it collapses again, its staring, unblinking eyes extinguished. The other closes the distance to Kragga and attacks him, clubbing arms unable to hit the wily half-orc hard enough to do real damage. That was round one, and everyone in the dormitory heard Kragga incant the words to cast the firebolt.
[ +- ] Forest Ruin, 2nd Floor
We will begin round two. One dead - priest? monk? devotee? dead guy? what do you want to call them? - stands next to Kragga, eyes glowing (figure 3). Everyone else is in the dormitory, but they're aware that something has happened; Kragga would not be launching spells frivolously. Albertus holds a torch in that room, but the light from the torch on the floor downstairs provides enough indirect light that anyone can see the figure well enough to fight/target it on the mezzanine even if Al doesn't bring the torch out with him. For the people who have tied on initiative - Theran/Joseph and Kragga/Ogbar - you can decide which of you goes first, or, absent that, I will just process them in the order that you post to the thread. For those of you who declared attacks and made rolls but didn't use them previously, you can use those, or declare a new action and perform new rolls.

On 23: Xana (8/9) IN:23 (declared eldritch blast with 10 force damage on a hit)
On 16: Theran (8/8)
On 16: Joseph (6/8) (sword/dagger attacks for a total 7 piercing damage on a hit)
On 15: Kragga (7/8)
On 15: Ogbar (11/14)
On 11: Albertus (13/13) (sword attack for 7 slashing damage on a hit)
On 10: Undead figure 3
On 4: Aanbo (1/11) (dodge)


Figure 3 attack on Kragga AC14, bludgeoning damage - (1d20+3, 1d6+1)

1d20+3 : (9) + 3 = 12

1d6+1 : (2) + 1 = 3

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Undead initiative - (1d20-2)

(12) - 2 = 10

Jan 6, 2024 7:27 pm
Aanbo completely forgot where the head was lopped off to, and shelves the plan once he is informed of the difficulty in executing it. He considers using his staff to poke the ceiling where the beam of light shone from, but he is jarred from that action with the smell of flames and warning cries.

"You don't think they'll just keep coming?" he asks, ready to thwack the body in the dormitory should it rise a third time.
Jan 6, 2024 8:42 pm
"I would set them to blazes, but I like the idea of fighting a flaming corpse even less than fighting the cold ones. It may be best that we leave them be, although I wonder if they might animate once we turn our backs on them."

He pats his magical armor where it intercepted the corpse's strikes in a quick superstitious ritual to affirm its effectiveness.

"Perhaps the answers lie deeper into this place..."

He moves to check the next door for traps and if it is locked. If it is neither, he will open it and look inside.
Checking the first door on the south wall of the hallway. Rolling an investigation check.
Redacted! Misunderstood that we were still in combat. My apologies.
Last edited January 8, 2024 5:30 am


investigation - (1d20+4)

(19) + 4 = 23

Jan 7, 2024 3:06 pm
One of the dead is still up, right? If so, Theran will move to engage it. If not, he'll help make sure all the bodies and their pieces are in the pit.


Attack (Staff - Shillelagh) - (1d20+5)

(8) + 5 = 13

Damage (Bludgeoning, Magic) - (1d8+3)

(8) + 3 = 11

Jan 8, 2024 2:00 am

"You don't think they'll just keep coming?" Aanbo asks, and out in the hall, Kragga responds calmly, despite getting attacked by the flailing fists of the animated dead (undead 3): "I would set them - oof - to blazes, but I like the idea of fighting a flaming corpse - ah - even less than fighting the cold ones. It may be best that we leave them be - ow - although I wonder if they might animate - ech - once we turn our backs on them." As they are discussing this, Xana rushes back out of the dormitory, sees the undead figure 3 ineffectually attacking Kragga, and blasts it for 10 force damage. Theran is hot on her heels and smacks it in the head, for an additional 11 bludgeoning damage. The light in its eyes goes out and the body collapses onto Kragga, who shrugs it off and then pats his armor reflexively. It's doing its job. Joseph waits with blades in hand to see if either of the figures in the dormitory rise again.

"Perhaps the answers lie deeper into this place," Kragga opines, and walks into the western hallway. As he enters the dark hallway, he sees that the furthest door to the south is ajar, giving him a glimpse into the room beyond, and there's a flutter of movement just inside that doorway. Reassured by Kragga's calm demeanor, Ogbar, Albertus, and Aanbo wait with Joseph, ready to absolutely demolish either or both of the corpses lying on the pallets the moment they start to move. Outside, on the landing, Xana and Theran see another beautiful golden beam of light come through the ceiling and into Figure 5, which stands up, eyes aglow. The undead steps forward and swipes at Theran. The druid is hit for 4 bludgeoning damage.

What is everyone doing for round three?
[ +- ] Forest Ruin, 2nd floor
@Len: I didn't complete your declared move, in case you wanted to change what you were doing with the new information about the open door.

On 23: Xana (8/9) IN:23
On 16: Theran (4/8)
On 16: Joseph (6/8) (sword/dagger attacks for a total 7 piercing damage on a hit on dormitory undead)
On 15: Kragga (7/8)
On 15: Ogbar (11/14)
On 11: Albertus (13/13) (sword attack for 7 slashing damage on a hit)
On 10: Undead figure 3
On 4: Aanbo (1/11) (dodge)


Secret Roll

Figure 5 attack on Theran AC11, bludgeoning damage on a hit - (1d20+3, 1d6+1)

1d20+3 : (15) + 3 = 18

1d6+1 : (3) + 1 = 4

Jan 8, 2024 2:07 am
"Oh, come ON!!" Theran shouts, his frustration becoming evident in his voice. "Get them in the damnable pit trap already!!"

Seeing he's closest to the latest recipient of the golden beam of light, the young wood elf uses his staff and strikes out again.


Attack (Staff - Shillelagh) - (1d20+5)

(15) + 5 = 20

Damage (Bludgeoning, Magic) - (1d8+3)

(8) + 3 = 11

Jan 8, 2024 5:25 am
When the corpse re-animates again, Ogbar calmly raises his axe and tries to chop it down, "Good idea. As soon as we've got them down, we will throw them in the pit."


Greataxe - (1d20+5, 1d12+2)

1d20+5 : (20) + 5 = 25

1d12+2 : (5) + 2 = 7

Crit extra - (1d12)

(7) = 7

Jan 8, 2024 5:29 am
Sorry, I missed that there was still one alive. I'll edit my old post and make a new one.
To Ogbar, he yells: "I tried throwing them into the pit ... and that's when they woke up again!"

But maybe Ogbar would have more luck than him. Sometimes magical things just happened around him, and not usually pleasant things. But, that's the price for being a wizard. And the perks would pretty great.

He lined up his next fire bolt and aimed it at the last standing zombie.
Last edited January 8, 2024 5:34 am


Fire Bolt (+4 to attack, fire damage) - (1d20+4, 1d10)

1d20+4 : (4) + 4 = 8

1d10 : (8) = 8

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