Against the cult: the Forest Ruin (1.5)
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Mar 16, 2024 6:44 pm
Take your time, Al replies reassuredly to roguish friend.
Any areas or doors to check, before we check the blackened area to far-left of mapLast edited March 16, 2024 7:08 pm
Mar 17, 2024 6:36 am
Opening the lock really does take a while. Does anybody else want to try an INT check to decipher the journal?Lifting out the tray, Joseph gives a little sigh of pleasure, as the removal reveals the larger compartment underneath, which appears to be the temple's funds: about 2500 coins of a strange mint. The denominations aren't recognizable, but it's a mixture of copper, gold, and silver coins. Joseph estimates that the ration of gold to silver to copper is about 1:2:20.
It's about 50 pounds of coins.
Mar 17, 2024 5:05 pm
Aanbo lets anyone else look at the journal, as his main focus is on the lock mechanism in the chest. "Joseph, are you able to remove that needle trap?" he asks. "I wonder if it's the same poison that was used on the front gate?"
Mar 18, 2024 2:39 am
Kragga takes the journal from Aanbo gently in his large hands and does his best to decipher the text.
Int check (+2) - (1d20+2)
(11) + 2 = 13
Mar 18, 2024 5:02 am
Whether it is from his studies or a belated answer to his prayer to Pae, Kragga finds that he recognizes some of the archaic language used in the pages. Once he is able to read the cribbed handwriting, the translation comes fairly quickly. Flipping through the journal, he sees that most entries begin with a praise of Pae, followed by reports of daily life in this place. Skimming through them to sample different entries, he finds two of interest, which he shares with the rest of the group during the hour that Joseph takes to unlock the chest.
There is one that starts "Wis Bonvantur ych Gros Fatifactia hat Noi Broder in..." which he translates as:
"All Hail Pae and the New Morning!
It is with great satisfaction that we have welcomed a new brother into our midst. Brother Kaufra was a troubled youth who suffered much at the hands of fallen relatives, but now he is reborn in our brotherhood! He seems to have taken to the comforts of our kitchen quite readily, though a frank assessment of his grasp of Pae's doctrine would suggest that he falls short of ideal. But no matter how much he may shirk his duties, Brother Kaufra is our brother, and is on the path to redemption through the New Dawn as we all are!"
There is one that starts "Wis Bonvantur ych Gros Fatifactia hat Noi Broder in..." which he translates as:
"All Hail Pae and the New Morning!
It is with great satisfaction that we have welcomed a new brother into our midst. Brother Kaufra was a troubled youth who suffered much at the hands of fallen relatives, but now he is reborn in our brotherhood! He seems to have taken to the comforts of our kitchen quite readily, though a frank assessment of his grasp of Pae's doctrine would suggest that he falls short of ideal. But no matter how much he may shirk his duties, Brother Kaufra is our brother, and is on the path to redemption through the New Dawn as we all are!"
Mar 18, 2024 5:10 am
Kragga skims through several more pages and then gets excited to see the phrase "Zowbafiltra" (potion) right at the end. He flips back a few pages to the start of that entry and translates aloud:
"All Hail the New Morning!
After much consultation, observation, and prayer, the elders have come to a sorrowful conclusion. But the proof is incontrovertible: the celestial orbs are in alignment, the portents are clear, and the omens all agree that the New Morning will not come this century, or even the next. Despair has filled out hearts, and it saddens me further to record that some of our less-stout brothers and sisters have left the temple.
But all is not lost! Though the day of Pae's victorious arrival is far in the future, he has blessed our elders with resolve and ingenuity equal to the task. He has not foraken us! For they have crafted a plan whereby we all shall be able to be present when the Light Lord arrives and conquers darkness at last! Pae has granted them wisdom is crafting a potion which will, in a matter of half an hour or so, put all who partake of it into a deep mystical sleep which will last until the very day of Pae's glorious arrival (calculated to the hour by our sagacious brothers)!
Such joy and exultation was felt when the elders announced this plan that the walls echoed with shouts of praise! No longer would we die and fade into dust long ere the glorious day arrived for far future generations, but we ourselves will be there to witness it and welcome Him! Some were less effusive in their delight, such as Brother Kaufra, who ever is less demonstrative. But I do believe I saw a sly smile on his face: as big a show of delight as ever he has exhibited!
We have communicated the wonderful news to the other temples of Pae and have not heard any response as of yet, but surely they, too, are preparing to rejoice on that far distant day. We are preparing even now for our deep, ageless slumber. Long have the locals spread rumors of the dangers of the woods - it was one of the reasons we built our temple here, after all - but we have spread it even further with tales of terror and woe to keep all but the most curious at bay, so as to not disturb our peace. To keep out the most intrusive, Brother Allon and Sister Lyrbu have designed traps and hazards to protect us in our centuries of vulnerability. Forgive me, I questioned the necessity, but Lyrbu reminded us that the rest of the world is lost in darkness, and many would seek to take advantage of us in our complete helplessness. I fervently pray that none are harmed; may Pae turn any with dark mischief in their hearts away from our doors!
Blessed Brother Jertais thinks of everything. The elders have led us to believe that our bodily functions will continue, albeit very, very slowly, so that, after so many centuries, we will awake weak, confused, and very, very hungry and thirsty. So Jertais has prepared a feast for us to slake our hunger and thirst, and Brother Dulgrabo has woven the power of Pae over the repast so that it will remain as fresh as it was when served until that long-awaited date. I must admit, it is hard to resist sneaking a bite already, but I will be strong for the hope of the future in Pae's radiance!
I do not have to wait much longer, for as I write this, we are preparing to imbibe the potion at noon, the second-most holy time of day, when Pae's shield is at its zenith! When next I write, it will be in the dawning of the New Morning at last!"
"All Hail the New Morning!
After much consultation, observation, and prayer, the elders have come to a sorrowful conclusion. But the proof is incontrovertible: the celestial orbs are in alignment, the portents are clear, and the omens all agree that the New Morning will not come this century, or even the next. Despair has filled out hearts, and it saddens me further to record that some of our less-stout brothers and sisters have left the temple.
But all is not lost! Though the day of Pae's victorious arrival is far in the future, he has blessed our elders with resolve and ingenuity equal to the task. He has not foraken us! For they have crafted a plan whereby we all shall be able to be present when the Light Lord arrives and conquers darkness at last! Pae has granted them wisdom is crafting a potion which will, in a matter of half an hour or so, put all who partake of it into a deep mystical sleep which will last until the very day of Pae's glorious arrival (calculated to the hour by our sagacious brothers)!
Such joy and exultation was felt when the elders announced this plan that the walls echoed with shouts of praise! No longer would we die and fade into dust long ere the glorious day arrived for far future generations, but we ourselves will be there to witness it and welcome Him! Some were less effusive in their delight, such as Brother Kaufra, who ever is less demonstrative. But I do believe I saw a sly smile on his face: as big a show of delight as ever he has exhibited!
We have communicated the wonderful news to the other temples of Pae and have not heard any response as of yet, but surely they, too, are preparing to rejoice on that far distant day. We are preparing even now for our deep, ageless slumber. Long have the locals spread rumors of the dangers of the woods - it was one of the reasons we built our temple here, after all - but we have spread it even further with tales of terror and woe to keep all but the most curious at bay, so as to not disturb our peace. To keep out the most intrusive, Brother Allon and Sister Lyrbu have designed traps and hazards to protect us in our centuries of vulnerability. Forgive me, I questioned the necessity, but Lyrbu reminded us that the rest of the world is lost in darkness, and many would seek to take advantage of us in our complete helplessness. I fervently pray that none are harmed; may Pae turn any with dark mischief in their hearts away from our doors!
Blessed Brother Jertais thinks of everything. The elders have led us to believe that our bodily functions will continue, albeit very, very slowly, so that, after so many centuries, we will awake weak, confused, and very, very hungry and thirsty. So Jertais has prepared a feast for us to slake our hunger and thirst, and Brother Dulgrabo has woven the power of Pae over the repast so that it will remain as fresh as it was when served until that long-awaited date. I must admit, it is hard to resist sneaking a bite already, but I will be strong for the hope of the future in Pae's radiance!
I do not have to wait much longer, for as I write this, we are preparing to imbibe the potion at noon, the second-most holy time of day, when Pae's shield is at its zenith! When next I write, it will be in the dawning of the New Morning at last!"
Mar 18, 2024 5:19 am
It is but a few minutes after this that Joseph finishes picking the lock, narrowly avoids getting stuck by the needle, and opens the chest to reveal the collected money of these Pae-worshippers. In answer to Aanbo's question, he replies: "Yes, give me a few moments..." as he works on the inside of the lid, pushing the spring arm a bit further out past the tumblers, whereupon he detaches the needle and holds it up for inspection. "Here it is. It doesn't look the same as what was on the needle on the front door, but maybe that makes sense. Judging by what Kragga just read, they didn't have the sleeping potion until right before when they all went to sleep. This needle was to protect the lockbox; they would've had this trapped long before that, to protect any greedy 'brothers' from stealing their collection." He peers more closely at it. "Maybe this had poison on it at one time, but after all these centuries, it would have dried up and flaked off...unless it was magic, of course. But I don't see any residue..." With that, he proffers the needle to the monk.
Mar 18, 2024 5:37 am
Aanbo nods. He opens his herbalism kit and wraps the needle for safe storage; he may learn another antidote, after all. "That's a good observation. Thank you, Joseph."
He glances at the contents of the chest and pays particular attention to the key, but for the moment he refrains from taking anything. Instead, he listens to Kragga's recounting of the journal and sighs. "We knew how it ended with Kaufra, and now we learn how it begun. I do wish we could understand why they wanted such isolation in the first place. Is not Pae a benevolent deity? Wouldn't they be tolerated in the local community?"
He glances at the contents of the chest and pays particular attention to the key, but for the moment he refrains from taking anything. Instead, he listens to Kragga's recounting of the journal and sighs. "We knew how it ended with Kaufra, and now we learn how it begun. I do wish we could understand why they wanted such isolation in the first place. Is not Pae a benevolent deity? Wouldn't they be tolerated in the local community?"
Mar 18, 2024 9:50 am
Pelor is a good god, but Pae, but I understand, was a corrupt offshoot-cult of Pelor. They probably began as a normal Pelorite temple and became corrupted over time.
It sounds like they expected to be raptured and were disappointed when they weren’t. The fact they named that one particular acolyte is interesting, if like to know more about him.
We should alert the church of Pelor about this cache. It is tithed from good honest people and should be returned.
It sounds like they expected to be raptured and were disappointed when they weren’t. The fact they named that one particular acolyte is interesting, if like to know more about him.
We should alert the church of Pelor about this cache. It is tithed from good honest people and should be returned.
Last edited March 18, 2024 9:51 am
Mar 18, 2024 2:28 pm
"But, we know plenty about that one particular acolyte. He's the one that was seduced by Kyuss, that we killed at the altar." Theran reminds Albertus. "We know who he was, what he did, and why he did it. What more could you wish to know? I don't think knowing if he had a pet as a child or how he preferred his eggs is relevant."
Mar 18, 2024 4:40 pm
Aanbo alternates a look between Albertus and Theran. Perhaps the paladin was just distracted by things and forgot what the party had discovered on the third floor, and the loss of memory was not influenced by the magically-preserved food.
"It's fine," he says. "We should continue to look through this temple. We may find more answers to any lingering questions."
"It's fine," he says. "We should continue to look through this temple. We may find more answers to any lingering questions."
Mar 18, 2024 9:17 pm
WhiteDwarf says:
Any areas or doors to check, before we check the blackened area to far-left of mapOOC:
There are two unexplored areas on the second floor (where you are now): the area to the south, accessed from the hallway; and the area to the west of you, accessed with a door from either the hallway or the meditation room. Everyone has a sense that, given the dimensions of the building, that the far western door of the hallway will lead outside, onto a balcony/walkway above the first floor.Mar 19, 2024 7:41 pm
In as much as it pleases his group, our paladinic fellow strides down the southern hallway. Heading into the unexplored, southern area. Emerald eyes attempt to see as far as he can, before lighting another torch if needed.
Mar 20, 2024 2:29 am
As the others are considering the ramifications of what Kragga has read, Albertus strides over to the southern door to push it open. Realizing that it is locked, it takes him a moment to figure out how to work the unlocking mechanism. That gives Joseph enough time to come up and curiously look under his arm. As the halfling follows the paladin out of the room into the hallway, he shouts "WAIT!" just as Albertus puts his hand on the door in the southern wall. "This we've seen before!" Joseph explains, shifting a brick in the wall to reveal a switch very much like the one the party found further down the hall. After the halfling fiddles with the switch, there is a loud CHUNK in the wall, and Joseph nods. "Go ahead; it should be safe now."
Albertus opens the door, tensed, but no spear flings itself at him (though he can see the hole in the wall where it would launch). The room looks very much like its neighbor...but this one has clearly not been disturbed for centuries. The simple furniture - stone pallet, desk, chair, and some shelves - have been tidily arranged, and all is covered with a layer of dust (albeit thinner than in many of the other rooms). Lying on the pallet, eyes closed, hands clasped over his chest, lays an elderly man dressed in white robes!
Albertus opens the door, tensed, but no spear flings itself at him (though he can see the hole in the wall where it would launch). The room looks very much like its neighbor...but this one has clearly not been disturbed for centuries. The simple furniture - stone pallet, desk, chair, and some shelves - have been tidily arranged, and all is covered with a layer of dust (albeit thinner than in many of the other rooms). Lying on the pallet, eyes closed, hands clasped over his chest, lays an elderly man dressed in white robes!

Mar 20, 2024 11:50 am
Al calls out to his companions,
Herein lies a white-robed, white-bearded figure, friends! Not decayed, simply lying as if in-state. We should investigate!
Our paladinic fellow closes his eyes and fixed his face in a look of intense concentration.
Herein lies a white-robed, white-bearded figure, friends! Not decayed, simply lying as if in-state. We should investigate!
Our paladinic fellow closes his eyes and fixed his face in a look of intense concentration.
Divine Sense.Last edited March 20, 2024 11:50 am
Mar 20, 2024 3:11 pm
Albertus calls upon Pelor's guidance, but there is no sense of anything inherently evil or inherently good here, nor do any undead remain within the range of his divinely-enhanced awareness (ie, not within the ruins). Joseph comments: "Yeah, I wonder why he wasn't destroyed like the others."
Anyone who wishes to may attempt a WIS Perception or WIS Insight check, DC10 (your choice).Mar 20, 2024 3:40 pm
Theran will move to where he can see the person.
"Clearly their slumber worked... perhaps Pae watched over him and kept him from being killed?"
"Clearly their slumber worked... perhaps Pae watched over him and kept him from being killed?"
Perception (WIS) - (1d20+5)
(20) + 5 = 25
Mar 20, 2024 3:48 pm
"Perhaps Kaufra was not able to enter that room during his dark ritual," suggests Aanbo. "If the journal is true, that person will wake at a certain time. Not sure yet when that time will be, but best not to disturb them until we can secure the rest of the temple."
Insight DC 10 - (1d20+5)
(9) + 5 = 14
Mar 21, 2024 5:52 am
Aanbo enters, takes in the scene, and confers with Albertus. They both feel that this old human reminds them of something other than the Heralds who attacked them earlier. After a few moments, they're able to recognize that it's the figure's pallor and supernatural stillness...which reminds them of Devek.
Theran enters, peers at the supine figure, and observes: "Huh. Look at that: his neck hasn't been slit!" Everyone looks and now that the druid said it, it's obvious: this person's robes are spotless (albeit dusty) white, with no ancient bloodstain down the front. Unlike the others' attire, there is a golden stripe woven into the fabric at the sleeves.
Theran enters, peers at the supine figure, and observes: "Huh. Look at that: his neck hasn't been slit!" Everyone looks and now that the druid said it, it's obvious: this person's robes are spotless (albeit dusty) white, with no ancient bloodstain down the front. Unlike the others' attire, there is a golden stripe woven into the fabric at the sleeves.
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