A Collection of Connoisseur

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Dec 30, 2023 7:55 am
Ever trusting, Gus optimistically says:

Oh that patrol might be might really be a pickle to deal with, but these folk sure do seem like they know their way around. Having help getting to Paphos sure seems swell. And look at how well they, um...throw that cork!
Dec 30, 2023 11:46 am
Oliver transitions from an almost-disappointed face to a gleeful chuckle, watching the cork fly by.

"Wonderful, golly what talent! You make an otter's heart happy."

"I'm with you both on this, Gus and Grin. I bet nothing short of an explicit yes counts for a Fey."

He awaited for the cork to fall, but was too polite to ask (how would I dare interrupt their game now?), so he just emotionally prepared for it to be lost forever.
Quick edit to adapt to Gus' post just popping in.
Last edited December 30, 2023 11:48 am
Dec 30, 2023 12:14 pm
Excellent Lieutenant, it looks like we have a deal. But I do have a couple of questions for you sir.
What does a cold iron charm look like? And, do you have anything decent to eat? My rations are all wet.



Dec 30, 2023 3:17 pm
The charms will be a simple lump of metal, uncrafted or shaped in any way by tool or hand, stored somewhere on each hobgoblin

Meanwhile the cork toy is passed about mid air by the sprites that flicker in and out of visibility. The ball moves around the inside of the thicket and Gus is included in the game. The ball passes close to the ottern several times but is kept from passing close enough to grab. Bryr takes pity on Oliver and states If you want the ball back you will have to fetch it by joining the game. A fey at play is loathe to give up a new toy.

As for food, well I can show you a berry patch on the way while we track down the hobgoblins.
Dec 30, 2023 3:25 pm
Oliver joins the game and manages to be the last to touch the ball before it is broken up by an order from Bryr. You quickly make your way out of the thicket and move to follow the patrol. As you do you notice that though nothing seems to change you find your way much more easily and make much less noise while in the midst of the sprite squad. Grin gets his berries and the other two happily pluck as many as they can stuffing pockets and mouths as you move through the berry patch.

As you walk Bryr explains the plan We have darts that will make the hobgoblins sleepy but their charms make is so it takes longer to go into effect. We will cloth you in illusion so that you appear as fey creatures. When the hobgoblins move to attack or flee it is your job to interfere with them for the few seconds it will take for the sleeping poison to take effect. This will add to their confusion when they rejoin the other hobgoblins and tell their tale. We cant fight them directly as a single blow from one of their weapons can kill us but you should be able to take a hit or two, while the potion takes effect, before falling. Right?
[ +- ] Combat
Any questions in/out of character before moving to spring the trap on the patrol?
Dec 30, 2023 5:48 pm
When we make successful attack actions, do we narrate them or do we leave them for you to interpret?

Also, when it comes to it, I’d like to focus before attacking at range on the first turn. Grin will also want to have an avenue of retreat before attacking so he can fall back.
Last edited December 30, 2023 7:31 pm
Dec 30, 2023 6:45 pm
I am fine with you guys narrating results
The focus and retreat path are give just do it in character
Dec 30, 2023 7:48 pm
I’d prefer to not take any hits if it can be avoided - more of a hit, run, hide approach.
I’m curious, you seem to know a lot about how your magic affects these cold iron charms. Have you tried it before? Will the hobgoblins be expecting this?
Last edited December 30, 2023 8:28 pm
Dec 30, 2023 8:46 pm
No questions for now. I will assume I have no alchemist preparations yet, for the sake of having some fun with collecting and preparing later on.
Oliver nods and prepares his sling with a particularly round river rock.

"Are the hobgoblins in an encampment? If we can take them by surprise, I may have an idea."
Dec 30, 2023 9:11 pm
No questions at the moment.
Looking over his equipment, Gus' eyes land in his frying pan. He picks it up and gives a nod to the others.

Okay friends, ready when you are!
Dec 30, 2023 9:44 pm
Ohhh yeah! Gotta love the pan



Dec 30, 2023 9:56 pm
We will get these on patrol. They are easier targets and when their return to camp is delayed it add to the mystery and drama of it all he says with a grin. The sprites quickly lead you to a spot ahead of the patrol and you all get into position. Gus graps his weapon of choice and hides in some thick tall grass to intercept any hobgoblins who might rush the sprite archers. Grin set up on the other side of the trail behind a thorn bush so any attacker will have to circle it or get snagged and cut by the vicious plant.

They will come into view in a few moments. Make your preparations. You Mr Otter. What is you suggestion? Perhaps we can help you implement it here in the field?
Dec 30, 2023 10:27 pm
Grinfletch prepares his crossbow and settles Veilstitch on his shoulders. Okay Veilstitch, they’ll not see us behind this bush. Do your magic. His cloak takes on the coloration of the thorn bush.
Dec 30, 2023 10:40 pm
"Oh, I, um. Ok, I think this might work. The plan is to have them smell smoke from the area behind them just before the attack. That way they'll believe to be surrounded once we attack from the other side. This would do the trick." Oliver then retrieved the spherical flask with the wavy rune from his pouch, and handed it to the lieutenant. The flask now appeared to contain some moving black gas.

"We could have a stealthy one of our units roll this flask behind their position. Once there, we just need to say the magic trigger word which is..." He paused for a moment. "Blimey, it would be bad to say it right now, wouldn't it? Well, you signal me at that moment and I say it."
I swear I was gonna say the word for real, rofl.

Also... stealthy... Grin... hiding magic cape. I'm just figuring that would make sense.
Last edited December 30, 2023 10:42 pm
Dec 30, 2023 10:43 pm
lol, great idea! Out of curiosity, if my target isn’t looking at me when I shoot at them, and I’m still relatively well hidden after the fact, can I just stay there and load another shot and shoot while remaining hidden on my next turn? Or would it be an action to hide?
Last edited December 30, 2023 10:47 pm
Dec 31, 2023 3:59 am
With everyone set you all hide yourselves and await the hobgoblin patrol. Less than a minute later they can be seen walking down the path as predicted by the sprites. They move into the initial position and one of the sprites, assigned to Oliver signals he can activate his magic smoke. The sprites will wait for them to react but plan to fire before the hobgoblins leave the encircling archers firing zone.
Ok, Olliver can roll to activate his concoction. As an alchemist he can roll 3d6 and as he has had time to prepare he can Focus befor rolling so any 4 or higher on any of the dice is a success.
After that if you beat me to the post you are free to post NPC reactions, within reason, and the rest of you can go.
Dec 31, 2023 9:30 am
Alright, here goes!
"Rilascio" muttered Oliver.


Smoke smell convincing - (3d6)

(455) = 14

Dec 31, 2023 10:35 am
Ah, no wonder the trigger word I thought out felt familiar: it was indeed (almost) a Harry Potter spell (Relashio). Wellp, anyhow, that's the word now, but it's just the italian word for "release".
Dec 31, 2023 7:35 pm
Very cool Bunt! You got three successes! Are you releasing it from a distance or are you behind their position yourself?
Dec 31, 2023 7:45 pm
I'm in front, like everyone else. I just said the trigger word to release the gas, while the Sprite rolled the flask into position.

It's just meant to add to their confusion. No one should be behind them.
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