An enormous spiral mosaic, partially obscured by a tattered tarpaulin, is built into the floor of the tower. While you identify this as the holy symbol of Pharasma, the observatory was dedicated to Maat and Thoth, two deities with little, if any, relation to Pharasma. In fact, the spiral conceals a secret door leading down. Opening it requires speaking a secret phrase.
Fortunately, this phrase is inscribed along the walls with the prayers to Pharasma. In Ancient Osiriani there are all of the common prayers and affirmations to the Lady of Graves worked into the building’s decor save the phrase, "All who live must pass through the doorway of death to face her judgment."
Reciting this phrase while standing on the spiral opens the secret door, revealing a stone spiral staircase that leads down.
The Spiral Down
The spiraling stairway from above terminates in this vaulted chamber. Looming jackal-headed statuary, oversized pillars, and a long reflecting pool lend a grandiose scale to the room.
Hieroglyphs cover the walls, describing the Shepses family’s history and the life of Nefru Shepses—his divine inspiration to join Pharasma’s faith, the creation of the necropolis, and his restoration of Wati.

Secret Roll