As of the time of this post, Edgar is the only member of the ambush party. The remaining will stay far enough back as to not cost Edgar his ambush. For the sake of time, I will handles the rolls. This first one will be using Edgar's background and dexterity to see if he manages the approach and gets the surprise. If yes, i'll let him decide how he wants to attack and then i'll roll initiative. If he fails the DC 20 check, i'll just go ahead and roll initiative and have Edgar be close to them but seen before he could engage or attack.
@Furmyr Edgar passes the check. You get 1 round to attack one of the hounds before I roll initiative for everyone. What do you do? Assume you are able to get into melee if that is what you want to do. After that i'll make a quick map. Remember you move before or after you attack, not both, so if you attack in melee you end your turn in melee.