I'm going to assume Ylliane jumps in too, otherwise she would be up there alone.
As you all jump in, the same hum rings and you fall slowly, like a feather without the swaying. As you reach the bottom, the dim light of 4 fires in the far corners reveals the thing silhouettes of 5 human-shaped figures. The torch that was thrown down then illuminates the figures, revealing 5 skeletons, two with spears and three with arrows knocked in bows.
The two with spears look at you, and in a voice you assume was magically placed on them as it sounds almost mechanical, says,
"You are unknown. Identify yourself or be removed by force." The three with bows raise the bows and pull back on the strings.
You know that if you identify yourself, they will likely say you are unknown and intruders and attack. Does anyone try anything before I roll initiative for everyone?
updated battlemap