Chapter 3: Stardust Waltz

Jan 24, 2024 12:43 am
Trade Era 1235, Day 135

Somewhere in the Main Belt, Draco system

The shuttle moved through the vast expanse of the Draco star system's main belt, a little bit over 1 Astronomical Unit from the star. Jil and Hank were huddled around the scanner console, eyes fixed on the pulsating lights, while Gabe's fingers danced across the controls, adjusting the scanner frequencies to filter out the debris cluttering the region.

"This belt is a real maze. If the Separatists are here, they could easily hide among these rocks." - he said

Meanwhile, aboard the approaching Sentinel, Captain Rael studied the gathered data on the bridge. They were just 45 minutes from a rendezvous with the Celestial Voyager shuttle. Lieutenant Douklan Paravides was at the helm, with Corbin McRogers sitting in an observation chair nearby. In a seat normally reserved for admirals and VIPs out of the chain of command, Corbin was being treated like a real guest of honor.

Suddenly, the unexpected appearance of a sleek starship near the shuttle disrupted the Celestial Voyager crew. Lights flickered as the long-range transport materialized a few hundred kilometers away.

Gabe peered through the magnified viewport. "What in the galaxy is that? Looks like an ITC ship. Wonder what they're doing out here."

As the starship stabilized, a communication channel crackled to life. "This is the ITC Bureau of Investigation vessel Alpha-Zero-Nine. We've just arrived from hyperspace near your position but will change course with your authorization. Apologies for the disturbance; I'm defrosting the human crew now," conveyed a metallic voice.

On the ITC vessel's bridge, a synthetic being efficiently processed data. Following standard procedures, it remotely accessed the cryo-pod chamber and initiated the thawing sequence for Special Agent Slaine Rowan and Senior Special Agent Alex Mercer.
What do you do?
Jan 24, 2024 1:37 am
Slaine pulled them self out of their cryopod, stretching out the cold and the settled in lethargy of the cryo-pod. Noticing an alert of awaiting communication Slaine started pulling on their ITC uniform and gathing their equipment.
And seeing Sr. Agent Alex do the same.
A breathy indistinguishable sound came from Slaine as they tried to speak, then "I'll take coms if you want to get the situation details and update me on the way." Their voice reaching it's normal tone at the end of the sentence.
Then, a few minutes later a communication came through from the ITC ship. "This is Special Agent Slaine Rowan of the ITC. Please confirm that you are the Celestial Voyager."
Jan 24, 2024 2:44 am
Oh bother, thought Corbin.

"You know Douklan, terrorist are one thing, but you know your day just went sideways when the Cops show up."
Jan 24, 2024 2:59 am
OK, let's make sure I have this correct. Hank, Jil, and Gabe are still in the CV's cargo shuttle. We have made it to the edge of the asteroid field, and we have commenced our scans for the separatist vessel.

The military shuttle with Douklan and Corbin has already returned to the Sentinel, and the Sentinel is now on its way to join the CV's shuttle so do some serious scanning. Douklan and Corbin are actively on the Sentinel.

The CV itself is still back docked to the postal station.

I think I got that all correct. Assuming it is actually correct, the ITC courier ship has dropped out of space adjacent to what? The CV, the CV's shuttle, or the Sentinel? I just want to make sure so I can know who Slaine is talking to. If it is the CV's shuttle that Slaine is talking two, Hank will answer, but I want to make sure that is where Slaine is.
Last edited January 24, 2024 3:01 am
Jan 24, 2024 9:15 am
You got that all correct. The ITC courier ship has dropped out of space adjacent to your shuttle.

I assume Slaine contacted the CV shuttle, but I will let @PhoenixScientist answer that for sure.
Jan 24, 2024 2:00 pm
First looking to Gabe to make sure he is OK with Hank responding, flips the switch on the communications panel. "Special Agent Rowan, this is the cargo shuttle of the Celestial Voyager, not the Celestial Voyager. The Celestial Voyager itself is dock a distance away at the postal relay station.

"To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit? Have you come to join the fun in searching for the separatist vessel? We could always use the help."

Since Hank has no idea why there would be any ITC Special Agents here, separatists would seem to be a good reason. And, yes, he did fail to introduce himself as he is simply replying as a voice of the CV, not just himself.
Jan 24, 2024 3:41 pm
I'm assuming that, at 45 minutes' distance, we fairly quickly become aware of the ITC BoI ship Alpha Zero Nine.
Douklan snickers at Corbin's comment and then quickly blanks his face as Captain Rael turns at the noise.
Jan 24, 2024 4:11 pm
htech says:
You got that all correct. The ITC courier ship has dropped out of space adjacent to your shuttle.

I assume Slaine contacted the CV shuttle, but I will let @PhoenixScientist answer that for sure.
Isnt the CV right there? I would assume I would be mainly contacting the real ship, but probably on a open channel, both?
Last edited January 24, 2024 4:12 pm
Jan 24, 2024 6:21 pm
While the Sentinal is fairly close (45 minutes away), I believe the CV is a bit more distant from the shuttle. Not sure why the synths in the courier made that mistake (possibly something to quickly investigate), but that will work to your benefit if you take advantage of it ...
Jan 24, 2024 6:37 pm
oh ok I didn't get a good mental image.
Slaine would be able to tell the difference between the shuttle and a real starship, so I'll say they asked if it was the shuttle for theCV. But we'll keep moving

"No, we're here looking for some information about, possibly, a separate issue which we think you may have so e knowledge. If you would be like to dock we will keep our scanners workig while we talk."
Jan 24, 2024 7:02 pm
Hank looks at Gabe to get his direction. He then says, "So, your not here to help with the search for the separatists?"
I am assuming that Gabe is on-board with not pissing off ITC Investigators, and that they have the authority to demand we dock. So, since they are giving us the chance to do it "voluntarily", we will do so.
While waiting for the response, Hank sighs and once Gabe gives direction, Jil moves the shuttle to dock with the courier.
Jan 24, 2024 9:56 pm
daryen says:
I am assuming that Gabe is on-board with not pissing off ITC Investigators, and that they have the authority to demand we dock. So, since they are giving us the chance to do it "voluntarily", we will do so.
Spot on.

Gabriel "Gabe" Reyes


Jan 24, 2024 10:31 pm
The CV is 2 AU (2-3 days) away from you. The synth choose to leave hyperspace 1 AU from the Draco star, we don't know why, but it couldn't have scanned the system from hyperspace to detect the CV or your ships.

So its not that uncommon to leave hyperspace somewhere and then move using conventional physics in real space.

Just to give you an example, when you arrived from hyperspace a couple of days ago, the Celestial Voyager was 1.5 AU from the star, I think.
Please, go ahead, Hank. I'm not a good talker. Would rather let you handle it, last time I talked with somebody from the Bureau I was almost arrested by mistake.
Gabriel "Gabe" Reyes
You or Slaine can also describe the docking and the next steps. It's up to the PCs.
htech sent a note to PhoenixScientist
Jan 24, 2024 10:38 pm
In the Sentinel bridge, Lieutenant Douklan and the crew detects the ITC Bureau ship and the CV shuttle approaching it.
Jan 25, 2024 12:05 am
Hank asks Jil to go ahead and dock with the courier. Once the docking is completed, Hank radios over to the courier, "We have finished the docking process."
I am assuming Slaine and Alex are coming over to the shuttle.
When the door opens and Slaine is standing there, Hank is ready and says, "Welcome to our little shuttle, Special Agent Rowan. My name is Hank Heron, this is Jil Broadenspec, and this is Gabe Reyes." He motions appropriately when introducing the others. "Since you obviously aren't here about ..."
You know what? I'm gonna just go ahead and do this, just to keep things interesting. Please ignore it or delete it as you will. I am assuming Alex was involved in the investigation of the company Hank worked at and was part of the team that interrogated him before letting him go. I am also assuming Hank's name was legally cleared, though his reputation was pretty heavily smeared locally. He only calls him "Agent" because that's what he remembers and he doesn't know he is now a "Sr. Special Agent". It is not an insult.
As Slaine steps forward, Alex, who wasn't completely visible when Hank started speaking, follows and comes fully into view. As he does so, Hank interrupts himself upon seeing Alex. After collecting himself for a moment, Hank continues, "And welcome Agent Mercer. This is a completely unexpected surprise. I guess I should thank you for helping me get through that issue back on Tulsoma, even if you didn't need to make it so painful. I see you've moved on to bigger things?"

Now addressing both, he finishes, "Anyway, as I was about to say, you obviously aren't here about the separatists. Why are you looking for the Celestial Voyager, and how may we help you?"
Jan 25, 2024 12:16 am
Don't worry, I am a "Yes, and..." kind of GM. You can write anything that doesn't contradicts something already written and I will go along. This is clearly something that falls into that "doesn't contradicts" category, so we are going with that.

My only request is for us to, somehow, try to use more in-game information and content and less OOC next time. (Example: that Alex part =))

Slaine also has some (extra) information about your case, so I will let them answer before Alex does.
Jan 25, 2024 12:20 am
I'll leave that to @htech to confirm.
Jan 25, 2024 12:22 am
Confirmed. I think we posted at the same time, so see the message above
Jan 25, 2024 12:52 am
Slaine is going to see the tension and cut in, maybe trading tension for some awkwardness.
"Hank Heron. I have been informed that the previous charges have been removed from your record and you have been proven innocent." The pull up the records on their datapad and hold it out to Hank. "And I believe your, I assume former, girlfriend is now convicted."
Last edited January 25, 2024 12:52 am
Jan 25, 2024 1:13 am
Giving Hank a minute to check over the information, Slaine continues, "We actually had some questions about an.... Individual... We believe to be traveling with you. Going by the name of Ryan Carter."
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