Chapter 3: Stardust Waltz

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Jan 26, 2024 12:50 am
"It's fully possible. It would be slightly more complicated than using a new-grown body, but on the scale of what we're talking about. Yes, very possible. "
Jan 26, 2024 12:54 am
By that time, the group arrived at the comm station and Slaine were able to connect with the Sentinel.

"Sentinel. This is Captain Rael speaking."

The whole Sentinel's bridge was also listening to that conversation between the agent and the Navy captain.
Jan 26, 2024 1:13 am
I dont know that I would be broadcasting that whole conversation. I did assume we weren't being overheard.
"Captain Rael. This is Special Agent Slaine Rowan, aiding Senior Special Agent Alex Mercer. Transmitting credentials now." Then after a moment, "First I would like to say that we were informed of your search and are scanning as we speak. But while that is in progress I need to inform you of a possible cerulean level threat. If I could transmit the details to you personally." After getting that secure channel Slaine will transmit the report of their investigation, making a note of the ways to detect Bio-Synths.
"It is likely that the crew of the Celestial Voyager is infiltrated and in danger."
Last edited January 26, 2024 1:14 am
Jan 26, 2024 1:29 am
The captain did talk to you on "the main screen". It was not a choice from Slaine's side. That's her standard procedure, but she complied with your request regarding the files.

The conversation with Hank, Jil and Gabe was not broadcast, just the one with the Captain and just for her Bridge crew.
"Thank you for the information Special Agent. Please give me a moment to process this, but continue scanning. " and she cuts the connection, leaving Slaine with the shuttle's crew.
In the Sentinel's bridge, Captain Rael calls Douklan to her office for a private conversation. After the door closes, she shows him the file.

"You are our Liason Officer at the Celestial Voyager. It's your turf, you met them and spent the last few days there. What do you think?"
Jan 26, 2024 2:01 am
I'm confused, how can they have overheard the conversation if we weren't at the screen yet?
Jan 26, 2024 2:51 am
They didn't hear our internal conversation. But the entire bridge did hear you comments to the captain, outside the part you sent confidentially.

Too bad they don't know about the shuttle sabotage.
Jan 26, 2024 3:40 am
OK. I think I understand.
Jan 26, 2024 10:26 am
Yup. Daryen is right.

You can visualize this like having a conversation with a captain in a Star Trek's ship bridge. Everyone on the bridge hears it.
Too bad they don't know about the shuttle sabotage.
Yet. You are free to tell, when you feel its appropriate. Corbin can also contact you or vice-versa.
Jan 26, 2024 3:22 pm
Do we have personal communication devices? So, normally for something "formal", we're gonna do a ship-to-ship communication. However, if we want to do a personal one-on-one, do we still have our own little "cell phones" or "communicators" that allow for that? If we do, are they within range? Or, does all communication have to take place ship-to-ship?
Jan 26, 2024 3:47 pm
Unh... Without satellite amplification or other hardware, let's say that a standard comlink has a range of something about 50 kilometers. This range is decreased drastically in dense urban zones due to the presence of high levels of electromagnetic interference, though this could be circumvented by the use of wired transmission networks or larger radio.

So, for the distance between you and Corbin... I guess it has to be ship-to-ship.

Jan 26, 2024 4:05 pm
That's what I figured, but I wanted to make sure.

I'm doing a quick initial response from Corbin to get the conversation started. Hope everyone is cool with that.
Hank requests permission to make a follow-up call to Corbin. Assuming it is permitted, Hank opens a link to the Sentinel. When the link is made, he asks to be connected to Corbin. When the connection is finished, he says, "Hey, Corbin, are you at least kind of isolated? Or at least being ignored?"

Corbin responds, "Yeah, I've been kinda ignored in the shuffle going on. Whatcha got?"

Hank says, "You know this whole thing about the Celestial Voyager being in danger? I think the threat is real. When we reached the orbital station of Draco I, we discovered out navigation system had been tampered with and we almost plowed into the station! We corrected fast enough that we apparently didn't raise any alarms at the station, but it could have been bad. That means someone on the Voyager screwed with the shuttle's systems. We did a thorough diagnostic and it appears to have only been the nav system, and we completely replaced the software just to be safe, so we're good for now. But who knows what they might have done to systems on the Voyager itself. They could indeed be in danger.

"I'm just not sure who to tell. We can't tell anyone on the Voyager right now, as the the perpetrator would know someone is onto them and the crew would be in more danger. But we need to do a complete sweep of the ship's systems before it goes anywhere."
Jan 26, 2024 7:50 pm
"Bloody hell, not my ship", thinks Corbin. "Hank, thanks for the heads up, I'm going to get with Captain Rael and see about getting back to the Voyager."
From the flow of the conversation, I think Douklan would have his conversation with Captain Rael about the same time Hank is talking to me. I'd be heading to the Captain's office to get Douklan as soon as Hank filled me in.
Jan 26, 2024 7:59 pm
"You are welcome. I hope you can get some things figured out because I'm stumped here. Before you go, here are the time periods to look at in the Voyager's logs."

Before Corbin moves on, Hank will send over the times to look for in the Celestial Voyager's logs. These are based on the "holes" in the shuttles logs.
Last edited January 26, 2024 8:00 pm
Jan 26, 2024 8:53 pm
Captain Rael finishes telling Douklan about the situation. "You never get just one meteorite..." Douklan murmurs the old Destroid expression about bad luck and shakes his head. "Captain...." he sighs. "I don't think anyone was subverted since I came aboard the Celestial Voyager...or at least I didn't notice any change in behavior or activity with anyone there. I was paying pretty close attention to the people I worked with, because I was trying to get a feel for each of them, how they work together, and how I could contribute without stepping on toes, so I feel assured in saying that. But as to before I came aboard? I have no idea. We'd have to ask someone who's been on the ship longer, like Engineer McRogers."

He thinks for a bit, and continues on the assumption that he can continue to speak freely. "I don't see where this issue falls in the priority relative to the possible Separatist threat...unless you feel that they are related somehow? What do we know about this fugitive surgeon? Does he have Separatist sympathies?"
Jan 26, 2024 9:22 pm
When Captain Rael gets back to Slaine they will offer to keep the Alpha-Zero-Nine scanning, to keep Rael's mission progressing, out of professional respect, and (CV crew willing) accompany Hank and Jill and Gabe back to the Celestial Voyager in their shuttle to make sure they aren't under threat
and probably try to arrest Alfredo Hernandez.
Putting this in OOC since it doesnt quite fit in the timeline but maybe the info will help story advancement.
Last edited January 26, 2024 9:23 pm
Jan 26, 2024 10:43 pm
We're cool with an extra passenger. In fact, with any luck, we'll be able to pick up Corbin and Douklan, too. Not sure how many the shuttle is able to carry without issues.
Jan 28, 2024 12:31 am
Trade Era 1235, Day 135

The Sentinel, somewhere in the Main Belt, Draco system

Douklan says:
... But as to before I came aboard? I have no idea. We'd have to ask someone who's been on the ship longer, like Engineer McRogers. I don't see where this issue falls in the priority relative to the possible Separatist threat...unless you feel that they are related somehow? What do we know about this fugitive surgeon? Does he have Separatist sympathies?"
"Honestly, the only concrete thing in those files is medical fraud from a suicide bomber. For all I know, this Ryan could be a cousin or even a twin brother. The remainder is just speculation.

On the other hand, I have a hostage situation from armed Separatists who shot you and my Marines. That's concrete, that's real, that's urgent, that's what I care about. So if they are worried about something else, okay, I wanna get those cops out of my head and away from here. Ideally, their long range transport would help us with the search but even that I'm willing to let go.

So let's talk to Corbin, please call him here. I will stay quiet, just listening. Check with him his priorities, and let's find out if this is more urgent for the Navy or not. Either way, they are civilians, and free to go. But we are not."
Just to be clear, I (the GM) am totally fine with all of you getting back. Rael sees things differently, so we may need some Persuasion rolls there, if you wanna get some extra help from the Navy and/or Douklan going with you. If Corbin wanna just leave alone in your own shuttle, no need to roll.

After talking to Corbin, we will talk to Slaine/Hank. PhoenixScientist OOC suggestion will be a good comprise for her, so if things progress before I'm able to post again, Slaine can go ahead, Rael will accept their suggestion. I didn't write it here because of the timeline, as the conversation with Corbin will come first. Just a quick reminder that Alex pilots Alpha-0-9 in real space, the Synths are only active during jump and emergencies in civilian vessels, so he has to stay if the ship does.

Regarding the Passenger shuttle, it supports 2 crew + 6 passengers for 1 week. It's like a "first class airplane" ticket, though, with just food, air scrubbers and comfortable seats where you can sleep. A trip taking a couple of days is ok there, but not something that you will really look forward to.

Its unlike the CV, which has 12 crew cabins (small individual bedrooms with a private bathroom and several other amenities, including a cryo-pod), where you could really live and travel for a while.
Jan 28, 2024 12:51 am
I just didn't know the capacity of the shuttle. So we can easily take all of us back without issue. Perfect!

As for priorities, the separatists should be Rael's primary focus. That is absolutely correct and shouldn't be changed. The only thing we should ask for is Douglas (so he can be involved.)

I just hope no one dies when sh-, err, uh, stuff goes down!
daryen sent a note to htech
Jan 28, 2024 1:11 am
I assume a little sunspace jump over these distances isnt done/feasible?
I assume the ITC ship also has shuttles, but probably just as small/fast?
Or if there was scanning to do towards the Celestial Voyager we could bring it part way.
Last edited January 28, 2024 1:16 am
Jan 28, 2024 1:28 am
I assume a little hyperspace jump over these distances isnt done/feasible?
Can't be done in this game. Hyperspace is just interstellar. For the rest, you use (admittedly very advanced) real space engines. Every travel takes days/weeks, I use real physics formulas for your constant 2 or 3G accelerations. Space is huuuge.
I assume the ITC ship also has shuttles, but probably just as small/fast?
Actually it doesn't. It's just a little bit bigger than a shuttle itself. It has 2-3 crew cabins, a very fast (3x) jump drive, a couple of cargo holds for supplies, and that's basically it. Its streamlined to land and take off from planets, as well, so I didn't put a shuttle there.

I was (heavily) inspired by GURPS Space ship design rules, with a couple of minor changes, so there's actually some balancing work behind the scenes. I designed the ITC ship with a purpose: fast hyperdrives to pursue fugitives. Everything else I had to give up or put a little bit less.
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