Chapter 3: Stardust Waltz

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Feb 1, 2024 9:10 am
Turn around and leave.
htech sent a note to daryen
Feb 1, 2024 12:59 pm
"Hank, I'll be at the airlock, pick me up on the way back to the Voyager."
Feb 1, 2024 2:37 pm
daryen sent a note to htech
I'm going to assume that we are to leave now, then.
With the decision made, Hank responds, "We will do so. We will be there in approximately (travel time+10) minutes."

Once the connection is closed, Hank turns to Slaine. "Looks like we are going to head back. Are you still wanting to come with us?"

Assuming he says he is, turns to Alex and says, "Despite my frosty reception, it was good to see you. Thank you again for helping me get through that stuff on Tulsoma. I do appreciate it, even if I don't always show it."

Turning back to Slaine he says, "Do you need any help bringing your stuff with you?" If so, Jil and Gabe immediately head back to the shuttle and Hank goes with Slaine to get their stuff. If not, the three head back to the shuttle and wait for Slaine. Once Slain and their stuff are on board, they undock and Jil flies them over to the Sentinel.
Hank has a plan for how to get everyone to meet them in the cargo bay. It's not a great plan, but it is at least a starting point that everyone can pick apart. :-) It does rely on some deception, though.

EDIT: Fixed the pronouns. Sorry about that.
Last edited February 1, 2024 5:20 pm
Feb 1, 2024 4:09 pm
Slaine assures Hank that they don't need any help and probably arrives to the airlock fifteen minutes after Jill, Gabe and Hank with a single, but large-ish metal-shelled suitcase and attached what looks like a tall courier's-tube.
"Ready to go."
Feb 1, 2024 8:25 pm
"Sorry to see you go, Corbin. But of course you've got to look after your crew." Douklan somberly shakes Corbin's hand farewell. Then he grins and slaps the engineer gently on the shoulder. "But this is only temporary, after all. When we get these reprobates sorted, I'll see you back on the Voyager for the next leg of our journey!"
Feb 2, 2024 3:50 am
'Absolutely, and watch your six, these nut jobs puts some serious planning into whatever their doing. Just because they couldn't predict our arrival, doesn't mean they didn't plan for something like us. See you on the other side."

Corbin heads to the airlock to meet the Voyager's shuttle.
Feb 2, 2024 5:31 am
As the shuttle approaches the Sentinel, they hail the Sentinel and request permission to dock. The Sentinel replies with where to dock and Jil expertly moves the shuttle over and docks. Once Corbin is on board, they radio back to the Sentinel that they are ready to leave and undock when given permission. As they prepare to go, Hank says, "Celestial Voyager shuttle now departing back to the postal station. Once we resolve the situation there, we will send word to let you know the outcome. Good luck on your hunt."

And at that, they head back to the Celestial Voyager, hoping for the best.
On the way back, Hank will bring up how they want to handle things when they get back, and what they want to tell the captain now. Once we have at least the formation of a plan, they need to reach out to the Celestial Voyager. But I figure we need to make sure of this part before jumping into the planning and communication.

Sr. Special Agent Alex Mercer


Feb 2, 2024 9:41 am
Hank turns to Alex and says, "Despite my frosty reception, it was good to see you. Thank you again for helping me get through that stuff on Tulsoma. I do appreciate it, even if I don't always show it."
"You're welcome, don't worry. Good luck on solving this case with Slaine on the Celestial Voyager. I will see you all soon. "
Sr. Special Agent Alex Mercer
Feb 2, 2024 9:45 am
Trade Era 1235, Day 135

Somewhere in the Main Belt, Draco system

With the newly arrived Special Agent Slaine as part of the shuttle, the Celestial Voyager's crew returns to Draco III, leaving Alex and the Navy in the search for the terrorists and the hostages.

End of chapter

This chapter had no XP, as it was just preparing and sorting things out for the next ones.

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