Oscar pushes the door open and the sounds of the lullaby get a bit louder.
Inside the room, the same kind of putting-kids-to-sleep light show is going on inside, mostly on the ceiling and the floor, as the walls are covered in shelves.
There's space in here for you all to lie down and get some sleep.
What you find in the store room
Mechanically the store room will allow you to upgrade your Supplies Dice to d8.
You also find each one specific object that you could reasonably expect to find in a near-future hospital storage room. You each have the choice to either describe this object to us i.e. choose for yourself (I'll then provide it with any relevant mechanical details e.g. amount of HP it recovers on use or something like that). Or you can leave it to me/a roll to decide what you find.
I leave that choice to each of you individually i.e. some of you can make up your own piece of kit, others can roll against a table I put together.
Taking a rest
If you take a Long Rest, you restore your Doom Dice to their highest die (a Ud6 for all of you, I think), reset your Hit Points to maximum, and there are some other specific features that rest on a Long Rest (Oscar has one of these).
However, you can only take a Long Rest in a safe location - a nights sleep in somewhere like a town with safe lodging, or somewhere your party can fortify. It comes down to how safe the PCs feel they are.
My sense is that you're feeling pretty edgy and unsafe at the moment, so my default would be to say you can only take a Short Rest mechanically in this room. This gives you Hit Points regained equal to half your CON score rounded down. Only one short rest is possible per day.
However (again) this is the first time you are looking to take a rest, and the first time you engage with that aspect of the rules. Thus, I'll again give each of you individually the choice whether you want to take this rest using RAW (i.e. it counts as a Short Rest OR you make a post describing how and why your character feels safe enough to get a good rest in this situation), or if, for just this one time, you'd like to take the mechanical benefit of a Full Rest if you do sleep a full night in this room (with RAW then applying for all future resting situations), then that's indeed what you get.
Map of the sanatorium
Based on your feedback, I'm going to try and put together a rough map of the sanatorium, based on the descriptions I've shared of it in this thread.
That's not the kind of thing I'm good or quick at, though, so if any of you would enjoy doing that, just let us know, very happy to go with what you come up with. If there's something that would cause a big problem to the adventure, I'd change it, or ask you to change it - but I don't think that's very likely to happen.