Chapter 4C: Street Justice

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Mar 4, 2024 4:57 pm
Trade Era 1235, Day 138. 13:42 UTC

Postal Authority orbital station, Draco III

Morgan succeeded in neutralizing the threat posed by Alfredo Hernandez, ensuring that he could no longer endanger innocent lives. As he returned to his small apartment, weary but triumphant, Morgan found himself greeted by the familiar chime of an incoming transmission on his personal comm link. With a sense of curiosity, he activated the transmission, his heart skipping a beat as the holographic image of Commander Reyes materialized before him.

"Morgan," Reyes began, his voice filled with pride and admiration. "I wanted to personally commend you on a job well done. Your efforts in apprehending Alfredo Hernandez without showing your psionics powers have not gone unnoticed, and the Psi Operatives are grateful for your dedication and bravery."

Morgan's chest swelled with pride at Reyes' words, a sense of validation coursing through him. To receive recognition from his former commander was an honor he had never anticipated, and it served as a reminder of the importance of his work within the clandestine world of psionics.

"Thank you, Commander," Morgan replied, his voice tinged with gratitude. "It was an honor to be able to contribute to the safety and security of the galaxy."

Reyes nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "For now, instead of directly engaging in high-risk operations, you're tasked with embedding yourself within civilian populations, gathering intelligence and monitoring potential threats from within. You should secure a position aboard a ship or station within the sector and wait for further instructions or developments."

With a final nod of acknowledgment, Reyes ended the transmission, leaving Morgan alone with his thoughts. And as luck would have it, there was an announcement posted prominently on the space station's bulletin board from the Celestial Voyager. Though Morgan lacked medical skills, he saw that the ship was in need of additional crew.

He could contact Hank Heron, the ship's first officer, for futher information about it.
Mar 4, 2024 8:17 pm
htech says:

PhoenixScientist sent a note to PhoenixScientist
Last edited March 4, 2024 8:33 pm
Mar 4, 2024 8:26 pm
htech sent a note to PhoenixScientist
Mar 4, 2024 9:25 pm
htech sent a note to PhoenixScientist
Mar 7, 2024 12:28 am
Slaine is going to head back to the Celestial Voyager to thank everyone for their help and to let them know he was going to be following this mission back to the capital.
I don't know if we want to do that here since it will probably be short or wait until the next thread/chapter?
Mar 7, 2024 2:55 pm
Let's wait, so they could see Mercer there. =)
Mar 8, 2024 2:22 pm
"... so I have 2 years in the military, plus 2 more years in the private sector. I've seen my fair share of combat, and though I understand that the ad specified a need for a medic specialist, in my experience, the best remedy is eliminating the target before it is able to hurt you."

Morgan will have made contact with Hank and sent along a briefing of his experience. He knows he's a bit outside the requested expertise, but he hopes an extra gun is always needed on a ship like that. He also hopes the Celestial Voyager would be a great place to monitor any potential threats closely. For some reason, he imagines that Alfredo Hernandez would not be the last threat to cross his path.

Morgan would also send Erin Brand as a possible reference. He knows they haven't known each other for much time, but he hopes she could at least vouch for his shooting skills.
I'm sending this here to mainting the thread going, but let me know if i should send it in another thread also.
Mar 9, 2024 9:05 am
I'm sending this here to mainting the thread going, but let me know if i should send it in another thread also.
That's the correct thread. Hank can also answer here
Mar 9, 2024 7:08 pm
I am going to make some assumptions here:
1) This is a bit in the future, after the whole synth thing was taken care of, and after Erin got back to relay the news.
2) That Hank is filtering prospects and the final in-person interview goes through Captain Valeria.
3) That the above is the tail end of Peter's introductory statement on an initial video interview.
Hank replies, "Yes, our primary need for someone with medic experience. However, we are going to need some people with weapons training to qualify for more freight assignments. And, yes, Erin is the entire reason I set up this interview.

"I do want to admit that we are a bit tight on finances at the moment. While we will pay full salary for the medic, for someone in your position, we will initially start with a working passage. You will get room and board, of course, but no salary to start with while we make sure everything works out with you in the crew."
Hank slightly smiles and continues, "Kind of like a short unpaid internship. After a couple of trips, we will start with a salary.

"Is that acceptable?"

Assuming it is so, Hank will arrange for an on-board interview with the Captain.
Mar 10, 2024 7:20 am
"I accept it"

Morgan is a bit disappointed on the prospect of having to work for free, but the main focus of the job for him is to get some contacts and being able to keep an eye on anything he may need to act upon or report, so if that’s the price (literally..) he must pay he will endure it.

"I also heard that some of the ships in your line of work, have a police where the workers have free range to have their own trades when in ports, is that the same here?"
Mar 10, 2024 2:41 pm
Yeah, sorry about the work for free. But, that's standard fare for PCs, anyway. It's also what the current crew are likely doing, too, for now. It'll be fixed when we get sufficient funds.

"We most definitely do! The only caveat is the you pay for the cargo space taken by the speculation. In better times, you may also borrow from the ships funds for particularly good deals. We can go over the specifics later.
Last edited March 10, 2024 2:42 pm
Mar 10, 2024 4:30 pm
Great. I will skip the interview with the Captain, will leave it off camera. Welcome aboard, Peter.

Now, for the medic...
In the Celestial Voyager, Hank sat at his desk, scrolling through bulletin boards and searching for any potential recruits. The urgency to fill the gap left by Alfredo weighed heavily on him. Just as he was about to send out another announcement, his communicator buzzed.

"Hello?" Hank answered, his voice echoing slightly in the quiet room.

"Hi, this is Dr. Emily Hart," came the voice from the other end. "I saw your announcement about needing crew, particularly someone trained as a medic. I'm interested in the position."

Hank leaned forward. "Tell me more, Dr. Hart," he encouraged.

Emily took a deep breath before continuing. "Well, I'm a medical professional with experience in various fields. My brother, he's also a doctor, volunteered to go to Verdura in the Zyronis system, to help the impoverished communities there. But I've lost contact with him, and I'm worried something might have happened."

Hank's expression softened with empathy. "I'm sorry to hear that," he said sincerely. "But what does that have to do with joining our crew?"

Emily hesitated for a moment before replying, "I'm willing to work for passage to Verdura. If I can't reach him through conventional means, I'm hoping I can gather some information there. I'm also willing to pay for any news about him and for your crew's help, if you're willing."
What do you do?
Mar 10, 2024 6:57 pm
I was going to pose these as questions, but instead they are assumptions. Please correct bad ones.

I am assuming our freight is headed for Zyronis proper. So this would involve a side trip to Verdura. That would be good. Hank wants that. He hopes we can get some good agricultural goods there before heading to Zyronis proper. Then we can unload it immediately, or hold on to it later for Castand. So, one point in her favor.

Also, working passage is good, too. Another point in her favor.

However, this would just be delaying things for one jump. (As an aside, what do we call interstellar movement? I call it a "jump" because of Traveller. Is there a proper term for using interstellar travel from one world to another?) And neither world in Zyronis looks promising for finding a new doctor. A point against her.

Finally, we have had no bites and no other interest in the position. And we are running out of time before we have to leave. (I am assuming this only came in very late in the process.) So, while she is just a temporary fix, a temporary fix is better than no fix. Another point in her favor.

Looks like she succeeds.

Plus, if something comes in very, very late, we can just take both. That won't happen, but it wouldn't really end up being a problem.
Hank replies, "I was really hoping for someone to stick around for more than one world, but one world is better than no worlds. Assuming the Captain agrees, you get the position." He then proceeds to give her their location so she can come in for the final interview. I assume she passes the Captain's muster and joins us for our departure.
Of course we have to wait for the asteroid battle to finish before the story can advance. Especially since the Celestial Voyager is so far ahead of the Sentinel right now.

I would make a comment about hoping she decides to stick with us after Verdura, but that would probably be bad for her and extremely bad for her brother, so I won't do that ...
Last edited March 10, 2024 6:59 pm
Mar 11, 2024 12:04 am
Those assumptions are correct. We call it Spike Drills in SWN, but jump also works for me.

End of thread. =)

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