Chapter 4D: To acquire an asset

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Mar 2, 2024 12:11 am
Hank carefully drafts a message, detailing the Celestial Voyager's need for additional crew, particularly someone skilled in medical care. With the announcement posted prominently on the space station's bulletin board, he waits anxiously for responses.

In the meantime, he was contacted by Julia to get the Solaris and the repair supplies from a nearby docking bay. She told him the location and that he could bring with him an engineer, if he liked, to check it out.
What do you do?
Mar 2, 2024 12:54 am
Hank informs the Captain that he was headed out to check out the new used shuttle and the repair supplies and would be taking Corbin with him.

He then tracks down Corbin and says, "Hey! The supplier got back with me and we need to go check out the used shuttle and repair parts to make sure its everything we need and its in good repair. Considering what we both know of my repair skills, I'm not qualified to pass any judgements. Assuming it is all good, we'll have to work with them to remove the lifeboats and what's left of our old shuttle. Ready for a walk?"

Kelly (Synth Beta)


Mar 2, 2024 11:07 am
Kelly was working near Corbin when Hank told him about the repair parts.

"Can I go as well?" - she asks.
Kelly (Synth Beta)
Mar 2, 2024 2:51 pm
"Not this time Kelly. Your skills are more efficiently used here. Also, Erin is already on the station, we are going to meet her there and bring her back." Corbin picks up a few tools and a data pad.

"Once the repairs are done and we're back on schedule, there'll be time for some sightseeing at some of the upcoming stops."
Is there a way to isolate and wipe a Synth?
Mar 2, 2024 4:08 pm
Is there a way to isolate and wipe a Synth?
Unless they revolt, yes, just say so and roll Fix as you do it.
Hank and Corbin stood in hangar bay C14 of the space station, their eyes fixed on the vessel that would soon become their new acquisition—the Solaris.

The Solaris stood among other retired spacecraft, its silhouette a testament to its years of service and wear. Despite its weathered exterior, there was an undeniable aura of resilience surrounding the vessel, as if it had weathered every challenge the cosmos had thrown its way and emerged stronger for it.

Together, they approached the Solaris, their footsteps echoing in the cavernous hangar bay. As they drew closer, they could see the signs of wear and tear more clearly—the scuffed paint, the patched hull, the occasional dent from past encounters.

But despite its outward appearance, there was an undeniable sense of potential emanating from the vessel. Its engines hummed with latent energy, eager to be set free once more. Its interior, though in need of some refurbishment, held the promise of countless adventures yet to come.

As Hank and Corbin continued their inspection of the Solaris, they climbed a ladder to reach the top of the vessel, where they discovered a curious addition—a sandthrower weapon mounted on a turret.

Corbin whistled lowly, eyeing the weapon and gesturing toward it for Hank to see.
I have added the Solaris character sheet now
As Hank and Corbin inspected the Solaris, a company representative approached them, her dataslab in hand.

"Excuse me, gentlemen," she said, catching their attention. - "My name is Julia, I am the local manager for Herald-Leader Salvaging. You're Hank right? The repair parts you requested for the Celestial Voyager are already aboard the Solaris. They're stored in the cargo hold."

"Just one thing to note", she added, with a serious expression. "With so many repair parts, they weigh approximately two tons in total. As your shuttle bay is damaged, you can't just fly the parts there. You will need a gravsled or a transportation services company."
What do you do?
Mar 2, 2024 5:07 pm
Before we leave, Hank adds, "They only allowed me to bring one person."

On the way over, he asks Corbin, "Is it just me, or is she acting differently? She's acting more like a person that they usually have? Is this new?"
Hank will want to continue this conversation because, even if we need to do a wipe, he wants to talk with her first. If they have been somehow altered, I am not sure a full wipe is going to fix the issue. We'll need to do full diagnostics to see what is going on. They might be fundamentally compromised.
When we get there, Hank will smile broadly at the sight of the sandthrower. Gifts are great! "I am sure there is something about this old shuttle that's gonna bite us later, but this is a great starting bonus!"

When Julia arrives, he replies, "Yes, I am Hank. And this is our chief engineer, Corbin McRogers." He then climbs down and offers a handshake. "I am please to finally meet you in person."
Now, before continuing with this conversation, the Celestial Voyager is big, with a large hold. In that case, it would seem to me that, with everything already in the shuttle, we should be able to fly it over with everything in it and either transfer it normally ship-to-ship, or literally fly into the cargo hold and unload there. Yes, the stuff is heavy and we'll have to grav-lift the stuff from one ship to the other, but I would think we should be able to move it directly from one hold to the other right where the Celestial Voyager sits. I mean, it is a Bulk Freighter. It should be built to allow transfers like this with ease.
Last edited March 2, 2024 5:10 pm
Mar 2, 2024 11:28 pm
we should be able to fly it over with everything in it and either transfer it normally ship-to-ship, or literally fly into the cargo hold and unload there.
Of course! The Solaris can fly. Right? I guess so. =D

The issue is not the Celestial. ;)

Corbin, gimme a diagnostics/jury rig check. Roll Fix DC8.
Mar 2, 2024 11:33 pm
Oh, I guess I was assuming the Solaris was flight-worthy. Fair point. :)

But, that wasn't my main point. My main point was that, even with a ruined shuttle bay, assuming we can get the shuttle over to the Celestial Voyager, there should be plenty of room to directly transfer cargo from the shuttle to the Voyager, whether that is by docking to the Voyager or directly entering the cargo hold of the Voyager. Is that part of my prior statement correct?

Obviously, if the Solaris cannot fly, we will need to come up with a different way to transport the repair parts over.
Mar 2, 2024 11:36 pm
Is that part of my prior statement correct?
It is. It's tight though. But I forgot you could Pilot, so that's feasible. Pilot DC6.

Edit: And Corbin can, as well.
Mar 3, 2024 12:27 am
htech says:
"Just one thing to note", she added, with a serious expression. "With so many repair parts, they weigh approximately two tons in total. As your shuttle bay is damaged, you can't just fly the parts there. You will need a gravsled or a transportation services company."
OK, with that answered, Hank can answer Julia. :)
Hank says, "It's a big ship. We can dock with the cargo bay and unload that way.

"However, how do you plan to pull the lifeboats and get the damaged shuttle? I have to imagine you're going to want your payment for all of this."
Hank smiles while saying the last part.
Mar 3, 2024 1:28 am
A couple extra notes ...

Hank is gonna want to buy Extended Stores and a Ship's Locker for the Shuttle, since I think that is what we had in the old one. The Extended Stores is kinda handy for its use as a replacement lifeboat. That's only 4.5K, so it is quite doable. We can wait on that until the next world, though.
Mar 4, 2024 1:49 pm
Corbin begins to look over the new shuttle.


[SWN] Corbin McRogers: Fix - (4d6h2+3)

(4514) + 3 = 12

Mar 4, 2024 4:59 pm
Trade Era 1235, Day 138. 10:45 UTC

Hangar bay C14, Postal Authority orbital station, Draco III

Corbin approached the Solaris with a practiced eye, his mind already running through the checklist of pre-flight procedures. He moved around the vessel, then entered the engine compartment. With practiced hands, he began the meticulous process of checking each system, his eyes scanning the readouts for any anomalies.

"Found a loose connection here," he called out, his voice muffled by the hum of machinery. "Should be an easy fix."

Hank continued his conversation with Julia while Corbin worked.
"However, how do you plan to pull the lifeboats and get the damaged shuttle? I have to imagine you're going to want your payment for all of this." Hank smiles while saying the last part.
"Oh, don’t worry. We've already considered this, as long as your crew can uninstall the lifeboats while you make repairs, we'll take care of it.

With the final checks completed and the repairs made, Hank and Corbin prepared to take off. With a steady hand, Hank guided the Solaris out of the hangar bay, its engines roaring to life as they ascended into the void of space.

As they approached the Celestial Voyager, Jil’s voice crackled over the comms system. "You are cleared to enter the cargo hold," she announced.

Hank acknowledges, guiding the Solaris toward their destination. With practiced precision, he maneuvered the shuttle into position, its landing gears engaging with a satisfying click as they secured it in place.

As the airlock cycled and they stepped out of the Solaris onto the familiar deck of the Celestial Voyager, Hank couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. They had successfully retrieved the vessel, overcoming some obstacles along the way, and now it stood ready to serve as a vital addition to their crew's resources. With the Solaris safely aboard, their journey through the stars could continue unabated.
We will skip the days spent in repairs. We will also wait to improve the shuttle in the next world.

So, I’m just waiting for Mercer’s answer now, to end this thread.


Hank Heron: Pilot DC6 - (2d6)

(43) = 7

Mar 4, 2024 7:27 pm
A few items of followup ...

- Please update the Celestial Voyager player sheet to its new configuration. This includes moving the Sandthrower to the Voyager.
- I think the Celestial Voyager player sheet has a cut-n-paste error, as it should only have 10 Power, not 15.
- Please update the Solaris to remove the Sandthrower.
- We are still trying to hire a medic.
- Hank does want to make sure of any other prerequisites we need to address over time to qualify for more freight.
- We do need to investigate what is going on with the synths. We absolutely need them during hyperspace (or whatever we call it), and if we can't trust them, we're in serious trouble.

On that last point, assuming these new developments aren't the results of a nefarious virus implanted by the late and unlamented Alfonso/Ryan, Hank will recommend allowing them to continue to develop. People are people and machines are machines. But if machines are now people, too, then Hank wants to approach that very, very carefully. And wiping their minds to hide the evidence isn't "careful".

BTW, we don't have to role play any of that, other than Mercer and Peter. I just want to make sure none of it is forgotten as we go along.
Mar 4, 2024 7:44 pm

daryen says:
A few items of followup ...

- Please update the Celestial Voyager player sheet to its new configuration. This includes moving the Sandthrower to the Voyager.
- I think the Celestial Voyager player sheet has a cut-n-paste error, as it should only have 10 Power, not 15.
- Please update the Solaris to remove the Sandthrower.
Done! Anything else, just let me know. =)
daryen says:
- We are still trying to hire a medic.
We will check that in Peter's thread.
daryen says:
- Hank does want to make sure of any other prerequisites we need to address over time to qualify for more freight.
Nothing specific for now. Delivering your current cargo is blocking everything else.
daryen says:
- We do need to investigate what is going on with the synths. We absolutely need them during hyperspace (or whatever we call it), and if we can't trust them, we're in serious trouble.

On that last point, assuming these new developments aren't the results of a nefarious virus implanted by the late and unlamented Alfonso/Ryan, Hank will recommend allowing them to continue to develop. People are people and machines are machines. But if machines are now people, too, then Hank wants to approach that very, very carefully. And wiping their minds to hide the evidence isn't "careful".
Okay! This is enough to keep this thread alive. Corbin/Hank, what do you do In Character?
Mar 4, 2024 9:07 pm
After getting back with the shuttle, but before anyone else gets there, Hank says to Corbin, "Is it just me, or are the synths acting unusually? I don't remember the synths ever asking for anything before, much less for a chance to leave the ship. That was highly unexpected. Or have they always been like that and I just never noticed?"
Last edited March 4, 2024 9:08 pm
Mar 5, 2024 1:50 pm
"That behavior falls under super highly suspicious. Add to that, we just had a possibly bio-synth psionic saboteur on the ship. I'm thinking of seeing if the captain has an issue with me popping a 'factory reset' on the whole lot of them."
Mar 5, 2024 2:55 pm
"Do you know if the synths can wirelessly communicate with each other? I would like to talk with Kelly before her reset. I am not sure what is going on, but getting more information can only help.

"Also, can we run a diagnostic on them? I'd like to know if there are observable changes from their factory configuration that we can detect and isolate? If they have been modified, it will be good to know if it is just software, or if there have been hardware alterations.

"And, I don't know how to say this correctly, but if they are now sapient, I am not going to feel completely comfortable resetting them. If they are now sapient, I don't actually know what to do. Automatons doing their duty with no break or say in the matter are just machines operating as designed. Sapient beings doing that is slavery. Mindwiping a sapient being is ... not good. We could be facing a situation no one is prepared for."
@htech, I am not trying to bog anything down. However, it seems like you have given us clues to pick up on, and both of us have grabbed this with both hands (each). However, running a whole back-and-forth conversation with Kelly will take forever. So, can I just give you a bunch of ideas of Hank's approach and kind of questions and let you narrate it a bit to save all of that time?
Last edited March 5, 2024 5:08 pm
Mar 5, 2024 4:29 pm
I think we can mix getting some ooc directions and role-playing yourself, as you're clearly interested in doing something about this. But I guess Corbin is taking the 'lets wipe this broken toaster' approach, while Hank is clearly worried, so the first step is between yourselves. Let's see what Corbin answers =)
"Do you know if the synths can wirelessly communicate with each other? I would like to talk with Kelly before her reset. I am not sure what is going on, but getting more information can only help."
They can't. We don't have wireless networks / ubiquitous computing in our setting. Your idea, by the way, when we started the game. =)
If they have been modified, it will be good to know if it is just software, or if there have been hardware alterations.
If it's hardware, you can check with Fix DC8. Software is impossible for you to debug, their brains are very complex, would need specialized skills and tools
Mar 5, 2024 5:07 pm
htech says:
They can't. We don't have wireless networks / ubiquitous computing in our setting. Your idea, by the way, when we started the game. =)
Fair point. :)

That's for the Star Wars feel where they are constantly running around handing off data cards instead of just using the wifi.
htech says:
If it's hardware, you can check with Fix DC8. Software is impossible for you to debug, their brains are very complex, would need specialized skills and tools
Thanks on the hardware. For the software, I am expecting a full factory reset to take care of most of that. Now, if this is some kind of "firmware update worm" thing, we're in serious trouble, but then the only solution is to burn them to the ground and buy new ones. I (the player, not Hank) am making the assumption we're not looking at that.

Basically, where I (again, the player, not Hank) is at is that if this is an "evolution" thing, I am on board with it and would love to explore things. To the point that I'd feel bad for "murdering" them so they can remain mindless slaves. But, if it's a "they've been infected with a worm and will turn into homicidal maniacs", then we're gonna want to nip this in the bud. And if we can't tell the difference, we're gonna have to guard against the latter scenario.
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