Vesuvius, or simply Vesu (VAY-soo) to allies, is a dark and dastardly knight. He is cold, calculating, and selfish. At times, he’s very judgmental - but mostly of himself. In spite of it all, however, he’s also lawfully-minded and cooperatively aligns with those loyal to his causes.
Coming of age, Vesu pledged fealty to a local order of Amnish knights. Mentored by Amolas Amolensen, an elderly knight secretly holding malevolent intent. Rumors of a
death-curse abounded, and our dark-knightly fellow made devious pact with the Shadowfell! Secretly binding himself to the Raven Queen, along with another human adventurer - one
Ixion Vanth IX.

The two humans bound themselves wickedly to
Clomayer (CLO-mare), a longsword of ill repute. The pact diabolically stating, if Ixion should fall, Vesu must retrieve the savage blade from dungeonous ground.

Under his mentor’s devious influence, Vesu eventually aligns himself with the
Zhentarim. Following principles favoring sinister self. And so now comes our diabolical knight. For to collect - and,
to conquer.
Last edited January 4, 2025 11:30 pm