onceandfuture says:
Logic and Abara, you hustle down the maintenance corridor to reach the nearest coupler.
After a couple of minutes, you emerge onto a catwalk which runs around the internal equator of a sphere at least a hundred metres in diameter. The moment you step of out the corridor, Logic, your electroreceptors pick up massively powerful electromagnetic fields in the air. A cluster of dark machines at the base of the sphere breaks the otherwise clean white interior.
A quarter of the way around the gantry, you can both see three pirates awkwardly making their way down. They have ropes tied to the catwalk guard rail.
Abara carefully aims his phaser, and - signalling Logic to do likewise - then fires a warning shot, amining right next to the head of the pirate being furthest down.
Hold it right there!"
Would argue that this is intimidation, so using Lasers. Would argue that additional die is justified as we have initiative/upper hand. Also hoping for Logic's support!
EDIT: Laser Feelings!!!
Last edited June 16, 2024 11:41 pm