Apologies for the delay. Initially I was waiting to see if Darlene or Ezra would do something contrary to the party, then real life took over for a moment. I still want the pace of this game to reflect "a week or sooner if you can" so I will be posting in-game very soon.
Before we continue, I want to set a new precedent for how XP is awarded. Both treasure and monster XP will be awarded in one grand total when the party gets back to safety. Right now that means the Keep, but, once the party moves on from the Keep, it can also mean whatever town, permanent camp, or domain they consider their "home base." To keep the reward tangible, I will declare how much XP the party gets from monsters, but they won't actually get any of it in the moment. The main reason I want to stick to the RAW here is so that the Prime Requisite bonuses actually work like they're supposed to.
Finally, I will be treating Father Petronius like an NPC hireling for the rest of this dungeon crawl, but Robin will be written out of the party immediately. This is because I only have Petronius's character sheet, but also because the party needs its only cleric way more than a second thief—especially because it set out with the assumption that one would be handy. After the party gets back to the Keep, Petronius will leave in anticipation of a new cleric.
EDIT: Just found out I can still see Robin's sheet. Still writing her out for the other reason.