As the sun dips low over the western horizon, you hunker down in the best house you can find. The dwelling had stood many years and been enlarged more than once. There's not a lot of personal belongings left now, but whoever owned this house had been - up until recently at least - very well off. Tatianna takes a few minutes to make dinner as Johnsan leaves to go look for more food.
After dinner, you realize Johnsan is still not back. Where could he be? It's probably not a good idea to go looking for him at night, but what will happen to him if you wait until morning?
We didn't discuss rations when I meant to so let's take a moment here. I'm going to start each of you with a week's worth of rations. That's 35 to begin with. We'll just handle it as a group, so it won't matter who's carrying what - unless you run out. Then you'll have to decide who eats. You've used 5 tonight, so you'll have 30 left.
@GameMaster - Your move is probably
Forage since you're specifically looking for food.
Also, as an aside, the more I read
Stay Sharp, the less I like it. It works backwards (you roll when I do something rather than when you do something) and it makes any RP related to watching camp sort of irrelevant. So we'll just skip it if it comes up.
Falconloft sent a note to GameMaster
@testlum - We'll handle the watch if everyone stays put.