May 7, 2024 4:27 am
"I was thinking." Oxana says facing away from Tatianna as she pulls on a fresh set of linen underwear. "Maybe we should each get a tattoo or something that we could use to identify one another that can't be seen easily."
The scars from the tax mans whip are still visible on Oxana's pale skin.
"Maybe parts of a thing that make up a whole item." She says lacing up the front of her undershirt and turning about. "What do you think?" Oxana asks before pulling her skirt up and lacing that in place. "We can think about it." She finishes pulling on her top and lacing up her corset.
"Brother Irwin and Johnsan will likely be beside themselves with worry by the time we get to them so lets hurry."
The scars from the tax mans whip are still visible on Oxana's pale skin.
"Maybe parts of a thing that make up a whole item." She says lacing up the front of her undershirt and turning about. "What do you think?" Oxana asks before pulling her skirt up and lacing that in place. "We can think about it." She finishes pulling on her top and lacing up her corset.
"Brother Irwin and Johnsan will likely be beside themselves with worry by the time we get to them so lets hurry."