Oxana checks around the gate as it lays dormant, and everything appears to be safe - as long as you, you know, don't step off the edge of the cliff. I'm not sure I can be 100% helpful here, Oxana, but I'll give you some info anyway. One of the reasons the village resisted having the abbey at first was because of a deep-seated belief that writing things down locked them in and didn't let them change. ((OOC: There's a similar thing in real life, which I'm only mentioning as a touchstone for understanding the depth of this. Some cultures do NOT want their photograph taken, believing it steals their soul.)) It's much the same with writing here. If you write THINGS down, they are locked in whatever state you wrote about them. If you wanted to be free, you couldn't have written records. That was several generations ago, and the abbey doesn't write about local people anyway, so people stopped
caring so much. But they still remembered and passed it down. But perhaps that belief didn't come from nowhere. Because as you can see here, the ONLY thing that hasn't withered away or eroded or broken down is this gate with
ALL THE WORDS. How is this useful? Perhaps it's not
immediately. Perhaps it's just a piece of information to hold on to. But you
do know now that because if all the words, it won't fall off the cliff. In fact, it might not even fall when the cliff finally does.
Falconloft sent a note to testlum