The Necessity of Travel

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Jun 20, 2024 2:59 pm
@testlum - I believe you have a move for this.
Jun 20, 2024 3:03 pm
Whoops. Brother Irwin wants to reach the lush meadow. In his mind it's probably still in the same world, just... idealized a bit seen through his eyes.


Secret Paths and Ways (Shadow) - (2d6+1)

(66) + 1 = 13

Jun 20, 2024 3:10 pm
As you step through the gate, you feel an odd sensation run through him. It's hard to explain, but if you ask someone to put their palm up against yours and then take your thumb and forefinger and run them down the backs of both hands at once, that should get pretty close. Is it because the air is different? Perhaps the sunshine is ever so slightly brighter. Whatever it is, the tiny jolt you experience from the ground being a couple inches lower here removes it from your mind before you can dwell too much on it.

It's just as beautiful here as when you saw it from the other side. You can look back and see the others sort of hanging there in the air, a couple inches off the ground but you do not see a gate.
Jun 21, 2024 3:45 am
"Johansen wait!" Oxana blurts out as he steps through the doorway, she moves in a way so she can see through the door and looks to see if she can still see her friend.

"Oh gods," she says, "I hope he's alright."
Jun 21, 2024 5:42 pm
He's fine. There's nothing in the way of seeing back and forth or of communicating. That specific piece of air just goes somewhere it's not really meant to go.
Jun 24, 2024 3:10 am
"So Irwin went through- should we follow him?"

Johnsan looks through the gate at Brother Irwin, now a bit beneath him.

"Everything alright down there?"
Jun 24, 2024 4:12 am
"I'm... I'm fine," Brother Irwin says after he's had a moment to parse the fact that he'd actually crossed through the portal. He belatedly checks whether he is indeed, fine. He's still in one piece, as far as he can tell.

Brother Irwin tilts his face upward, feeling the sunlight warm his cheeks. There's not a cloud in the blue sky. He breathes deep before addressing the others again.

"Are the three of you coming?"
Jun 24, 2024 2:23 pm
Oxana looks at Tatianna and Johnsan before sticking a hand through and pulling it back. "Shall we?"

"Perhaps the whole village could pick up and move to this place." She puts her hand through again and pulls it back. "It's warm in there."
Jun 24, 2024 3:12 pm
I'm going to assume that everyone goes through in the order they suggested they do so (Johnsan, Oxana, Tatianna) unless someone has an objection to that.

If you do, make a post for what you'd do instead. I'll hold on this til tomorrow.
Jun 25, 2024 3:01 pm
She looks to Oxana and holds her other hand. "Okay but hold tight I don’t want to get split up." After that she follows behind the other woman.
Last edited June 25, 2024 3:02 pm
Jun 26, 2024 6:10 pm
Johnsan steps through, followed by the two women. The portal stays open behind you, but it's just the opening in the air, there's no stone on this side to hold it. You're not exactly seeing any obvious signs that direct you which might be the best way to go. On the other hand, you're not seeing danger in any specific direction either. Now that you're all together, where do you go from here?

Jun 26, 2024 6:30 pm
What do we see around us? Is it a reflection of where we were? Mountains in the same places or is it somewhere entirely different? What do we see in the distance? Do we see any signs of life?
Jun 26, 2024 6:44 pm
I thought I'd described it, let me see...
Jun 26, 2024 6:45 pm
Had to look for it, was a page back.
Falconloft says:
the seascape ... is replaced by land. And what land. Green as far as you can see, tall lush grass, a flowery meadow, and a thick forest that borders it on both sides.
If you were too look far enough, off in the distance, you might see the ever so fuzzy outline of a mountain obscured by clouds.
Jun 27, 2024 12:41 am
"Where are we?" Oxana asks looking about. She squints at the mist covered mountains in the distance, "Are those our mountains?" She asks peering through the looking glass like lens of the portal and then looking off into the distance again.
Last edited June 27, 2024 12:42 am
Jun 27, 2024 3:40 am
"I don't see any smoke," Brother Irwin says in answer. Looking for the source of the aforementioned smoke doesn't seem nearly so important anymore. The gate had opened to him for a reason. He would find the reason here, not on the other side.
Jun 27, 2024 3:54 pm
It's hard to tell if the mountains are the same. Impossible would be a better word for it, really. The angle is different, and the clouds are in the way. Are there clouds on the other side of your mountains? Hard to say.
I'm not going to cut rp short here, if there's going to be any, but you will eventually need to decide where to go from here. Back through the portal? Toward the mountains? Into the forest? It's up to you, but we should steer the RP toward making a decision.
Jun 27, 2024 4:10 pm
How different is the weather here? ie. Was it cold and now it's warm? Was it autumn with leaves changing color and now it's not? Anything significant.
Jun 28, 2024 12:08 pm
Johnsan, hearing the idea of bringing the village here, will immediately begin to look around for water sources and for game. This is a different land, but the village requirements will still be the same. The soil seems to support vegetation, which bodes well for community gardens, so this might be a good place after all.

"Maybe we should start looking for a water source, like a spring or river? We can leave a trail so we know how to return to this gate, and maybe we will find a nice spot to set up a new village?"
Jun 28, 2024 2:20 pm
Oxana nods, "That sounds like a good idea." she says giving Tatiana's hand a squeeze looking for a marker that can lead them back to this place, "We'll need to find a safe spot to spend the night and maybe clean up a bit after that night in a muddy cave."

"How about if we circle this glen and go from there?"
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