Falconloft sent a note to Falconloft
Oxana's blade pierces the beast, but it's not finished off yet. It rears back and tries to twist its head down and around so it can sink its teeth into her side. Irwin slams his club rather ineffectually into the other one, not doing much damage but forcing it back so that Johnsan gets a good shot at it. It hisses and opens its maw defensively, ready to bite Irwin.
Irwin for his part, even though he knows the violence is ultimately necessary, just can't take it. His head spins as his club impacts, and he's forced to drop back, leaving himself open to attack.
@testlum - Irwin is Shaky so -1 Edge for a while.
@Ysolde - What's Tatianna doing in the middle of all this?
One note. Some of you may know this already, but PBtA doesn't really use turns. Even in combat. When I narrate results, you can immediately go again. Even though your enemies are fighting, unless they have a special move that triggers, they don't get turns. A character only actually suffers a monster’s attack when:
-- I set up an attack with a soft move, and you ignore it
-- The results of a move (like Hack and Slash) says that they do
-- You roll a 6- on pretty much any move, and I decide to use their attack as my move.