Aug 22, 2024 4:15 pm
Brother Irwin freezes when he hears the change in pitch in the woodsman's voice. Real terror now in Johnsan's scream. It drowns out his own fear. "O God, give me a sign to help this man," the scribe mumbles through tightly pressed lips.
He pushes himself upright and staggers closer to the dragon savaging Johnsan's leg. With clenched teeth, he swings, praying that faith would let him strike true and daze the monster enough for the other man to pull free.
He pushes himself upright and staggers closer to the dragon savaging Johnsan's leg. With clenched teeth, he swings, praying that faith would let him strike true and daze the monster enough for the other man to pull free.
Last edited August 22, 2024 4:18 pm
Dig Deep - (2d6+0)
(62) = 8
Damage (if any) - (1d6)
(6) = 6