Irwin searches, but to no avail. Nothing really seems to mark any one of the three passageways available as being any better a choice than any other. And so you take the first of the three, heading in the direction you believe to be north.
The passage narrows until you're forced to proceed single file, but you eventually come out into a room that's lit by a small hole in the cavern's roof, far above. The hole looks to be no more than a foot across, and its positioned in the very center of the ceiling. It is probably not there on accident, for the dim shaft of light falls directly on a statue of a voluptuous naked woman, all at once regal, sensual, and grotesque. Something about the curves is wrong, but you're hard pressed to say what exactly it could be. It stands nearly twice as large as life, hip cocked to one side, arms outstretched, and balanced in those arms is a sword, very similarly shaped to the ones held by the less-armored warriors in the previous room.
Falconloft sent a note to testlum
Opposite the statue there is another passage.