The Necessity of Travel

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Apr 6, 2024 10:57 am
Johnson takes a look at the trail to the Agnon Woods. "I typically hunt to the South, not the North, but I have been around these parts once or twice. I have never been in the Agnon's Woods, although I have always wanted to see what game lies inside."

Bending down, he inspects the dirt and grass beside the Imperial Highway for signs of tracks. "It is clear that no game has been here recently, maybe scared off by people traveling along this road, much as we are. As for the men, they would have been walking along the road and passed without leaving a track. I think the only way of knowing what lies within these woods is to venture there ourselves."

With that, Johnson turns towards the trail to the Woods and says, "I've heard strange tales about the beasts and men of these Woods. Most do not bear repeating, but perhaps we will find something of note in this place."
Last edited April 6, 2024 10:58 am
Apr 7, 2024 10:34 am
"I care not, as we will make our own tales and I trust your judgement Johnsan." Jorgen claps his hands together.
Apr 8, 2024 12:27 am
"I guess that settles it- let's be off then!"

With that, Johnsan heads off on the road to the Agnon Woods at a decent pace, spirits high.
Apr 8, 2024 8:51 pm
You could see smoke from the village by now, normally. There is none at the moment. You're not exactly sure what this means. You know that back home, things are bad enough that everything is being rationed for winter, even firewood. It might be that bad in Agnon's Wood as well. The road to the village hasn't ever been a well-traveled one, and nothing is growing well, not even the weeds that would normally cover up an unused road. That makes it hard to tell if people just aren't using it, or if the weeds are dying. Small blessing, perhaps.

The road to Agnon's Wood is mostly dirt and rock, and grows rockier as you go, so that by the time the tiny village is in sight in the middle of what was probably at one time a plentiful and sprawling fruit grove, it feels like the rocks have decided to cut out the middleman and simply stab you in the feet directly. The village is still there in front of you, a series of small, simple dwellings circled around one central circle of grass. But still, there's no smoke. And no people. Nothing is moving in the entire village. There's also a lack of any detritus that would normally accompany desertion, and there's no visible signs of violence.
Apr 8, 2024 11:03 pm
The hair on the back of her neck stands up. She finds herself knocking on one door and then the next. Without an answer she frowns. "Did they all leave?"

She heads towards a door and tries to open it, she wants to see what is inside. At the very least maybe something here can be brought back home even if it’s just wood from the houses.


Not sure what stat - (1d20)

(12) = 12

Apr 9, 2024 1:04 am
Now seems like a good time to ask. Since this is a Powered by the Apocalypse game, I assumed we'd be rolling 2d6 with the typical 6- for failure, 7-9 for partial success and 10+ for full success. Do correct me if I'm wrong @Falconloft!
The stillness in the village is eerie. It almost seems to press them in, the only people present wandering among the lonely houses. Brother Irwin sticks close to the others as they explore. Tatianna's suggestion brings relief and sheepishness all at once. "Yes, that must be it," the scribe says. "It's not so far from here to Immenost. Times must have been just as hard for them."
Apr 9, 2024 3:03 am
Oxana looks about then looks at the sky, "We should check a couple of the houses. Perhaps there's some clues inside and maybe we can find an axe or something else useful before it's to late in the day."

The redhead shivers, "I don't like this, not one bit. We were close by, why didn't they come to us for help?"

As she looks about to see if the town has a forge, there might be something of use there, she tries to figure out what happened here.


Wits / - (1d20+1)

(17) + 1 = 18

Apr 9, 2024 1:44 pm
Yes, that's correct. You'll roll 2d6 and add anything that the move tells you to add. And since this seems like it's a good time to address it, here's how moves work!

A move is activated when you do the thing it says it does. Let's take Hack & Slash for example.
In the bold, you see that it says, "attack an enemy in melee who can defend themselves and who you have a chance of actually damaging". That's the trigger for the move. So if you threaten to attack an enemy, this move doesn't trigger. If you attack an enemy and it can't defend, this move doesn't trigger (you probably just down him immediately). If you attack a tank with a slingshot, this move doesn't trigger, because no amount of marbles is going to matter.

The section immediately after the bold tell you what to add. Then you match your result to the options below the trigger. If there is no "6 or less" option, the default is 'fail and mark XP'. A failure lets me make a GM move as well, which is more or less a plot twist, or something that you have to react to quickly.
Apr 9, 2024 1:51 pm
@Ysolde - All that being said, Tatianna does probably trigger Discern Realities, because its trigger is, 'spend significant time to closely study a situation or person', and peering into buildings seems to be doing that. So you'll roll 2d6+Wits. On a 10+, ask three of the following questions. On a 7-9, ask one. Please note, these are not sample questions, you do need to select them specifically.
-- What happened here recently?
-- What is about to happen?
-- What should I be on the lookout for?
-- What here is useful or valuable to me?
-- Who’s really in control here?
-- What here is not what it appears to be?

Take +1 forward when acting on the answers. (Take forward means add that number to any rolls as long as the conditions last.)

@Emberskyes - Same for Oxana. Generally once someone triggers a move, it doesn't get triggered again, but just so we get used to the way it works.
Apr 9, 2024 2:30 pm
What weirdness is happening?
Apologies so used to D20 that I forgot it was 2d6. Thanks for the reminder
Looks like Fail and Mark XP...
Last edited April 9, 2024 2:31 pm


Discern Realities (Wits) - (2d6+1)

(22) + 1 = 5

Apr 9, 2024 2:40 pm
Oxana heads down the main dirt road of town towards the village well and square, such as it was. She peers in through the shuttered windows of the few thatched roof houses she passes give the doors a tentative shove so as to glance inside. In the square she looks for the pub, every village has a pub and the blacksmiths.

"What happened here?" She wonders out loud, "Where is everyone?"
Oxana's questions in this order depending on what I roll and I have to run out the door right now because I'm really behind time.
1-What happened here recently.
2-What's valuable to me.
3-What here is not as it appears to be.
Last edited April 9, 2024 3:53 pm


Wits / 2d6+1 - (2d6+1)

(26) + 1 = 9

Apr 9, 2024 8:28 pm
Tatiana and Oxana explore several houses and come up with the following info.

The village definitely ran out of food. There's nothing in any of the pantries, and no meat hanging out behind the butchers, not even scraps. However, there's a working kiln and a small pile (1d6+1) iron ingots near it. Those should be usable somehow. The strange thing is, and you've found this in more than one house, are notes left, some to loved ones, some to children, some to 'whoever might find this' that all speak of going north into the mountains, where apparently according to these various people, 'a bounteous feast awaits.'
Tatianna gets 1XP, so don't forget to mark that down.
Apr 9, 2024 8:53 pm
"Well this is not bloody ominous." Oxana says showing one of the notes to Tatianna.

As she searches the forge and collects the usable ingots she looks at the young men and Tatianna.

"We should definitely let the elders know about this." Oxana says, "Walking north from here," she pauses and looks at the glaciers not far away and shivers in the cold winds, "is madness."

Oxana looks about quickly for anything the others can use as weapons. Make shift or otherwise, pitch forks, axes, knives. Etc.
How long till sundown?


Iron 1d6+1 - (1d6+1)

(6) + 1 = 7

Apr 9, 2024 9:41 pm
"At least we know where they went," Brother Irwin says. He rubs his arms, though he suspects the chill he feels has nothing to do with cold. "But..." He picks up one of the letters, staring at it. "It can't have been all of the villagers going to the mountains. Where are the people these were addressed to?"
Apr 9, 2024 11:11 pm
"I think, well maybe, they were left for those who departed. Like we did, to find help for our village. See, they are addressed to young folk and all, just like us."

Jorgen looks at the Brother, "Maybe here is a sign of the fsith of our village?"
Apr 9, 2024 11:31 pm
She reads the note. "The people it’s addressed to are us. I won’t travel any further north even if these people claim a bounteous feast awaits us." She looks North and shivers, the frozen lands that way do not, in any way, look like a place where any sort of feast might occur.
Apr 10, 2024 12:26 am
"No, not just that," Brother Irwin says to the dark-haired woman. He reads aloud the letter's heading again. "To my darling daughter. Did they want their family to follow them there if they found the village empty like us?"

"God's will is not always clear, and there are such things said to happen in the days of the saints, but..." He trails off, shaking his head.
Apr 10, 2024 1:43 am
"I think they were just writing to whoever would find the letters." Oxana says with a sigh, "The were at their end and they wanted people to know where they had gone and where there thoughts were at the time."

"This does not sound like the work of your god." Oxana says with a sigh as she examines the quality of the iron bars, mentally she's already turning them into billets and forging them into something useful. "This sounds like the work of evil spirts or the fae."
Apr 10, 2024 5:01 am
There's not much daytime left now. Shadows are already starting to stretch out into the central plaza. If you don't stay here, you'll end up camping on the road. That might not be safe, but then... neither might staying be.

What will you do?
Apr 10, 2024 9:52 am
"Let us find a dwelling that is easy to secure, and rest there tonight. We will as like spend enough days sleeping rough, so a night in comfort is welcome." Jorgen looks around at the abandoned homes, gauging which is safest.

"We can sleep and decide in the morning which direction; north to the sanctuary, home with this news, or onwards to further places."
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