Apr 6, 2024 10:57 am
Johnson takes a look at the trail to the Agnon Woods. "I typically hunt to the South, not the North, but I have been around these parts once or twice. I have never been in the Agnon's Woods, although I have always wanted to see what game lies inside."
Bending down, he inspects the dirt and grass beside the Imperial Highway for signs of tracks. "It is clear that no game has been here recently, maybe scared off by people traveling along this road, much as we are. As for the men, they would have been walking along the road and passed without leaving a track. I think the only way of knowing what lies within these woods is to venture there ourselves."
With that, Johnson turns towards the trail to the Woods and says, "I've heard strange tales about the beasts and men of these Woods. Most do not bear repeating, but perhaps we will find something of note in this place."
Bending down, he inspects the dirt and grass beside the Imperial Highway for signs of tracks. "It is clear that no game has been here recently, maybe scared off by people traveling along this road, much as we are. As for the men, they would have been walking along the road and passed without leaving a track. I think the only way of knowing what lies within these woods is to venture there ourselves."
With that, Johnson turns towards the trail to the Woods and says, "I've heard strange tales about the beasts and men of these Woods. Most do not bear repeating, but perhaps we will find something of note in this place."
Last edited April 6, 2024 10:58 am