Zean not knowing what is happening inside the chamber and not being sure if it had something to with what he tried to do with his attempt to theme the stone scull, rushes towards it opened jaws with intention to assist Tinkara inside the chamber.
When [if? :)] he crawled through the small hole, he falls on the floor, supporting himself not to brake his nose on the ground. When he rises his head he sees the fling skull, that is apparently gathering its strength after last shoots at Tinkara. Zean crawls towards the sarcophagus to - hopefully - have some cover from skulls shots, shouts:
"Tinks, take cover! I will try to provide us with some more time!"
and then peeks around the corner at the skull and says an invocation of Banishment.
I decided it is not worth for now to use Turn Undead for now, for 1 skull, and instead cast
Banishment spell on it, so other could have some time to enter the chamber too.
So as far as I understand this, I only declare casting the spell and it is skull that is rolling to resist against my Spell DC 17?
Crossing out one 4th level spell slot.
About movement: I figured it goes like this, referring to
this map, a have speed of 30ft:
5 foot get near the stone skull,
10 to get on the other side and fall prone,
10 to crawl 2 squeres and try to hide on this side of sarcophagus.
Last edited May 21, 2024 10:07 am