The High Street

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Apr 24, 2024 9:34 pm
Hearing the familiar music, the half-elf lets out a sign in resignation. She knew she'd only prevented Zin's participation for so long, but she couldn't focus on that right now. She was still at a distance, safer than Elysia was at the moment. Seeing the movement, Sia quickly flicked her eyes downward to see if she could notice what had been dropped. Noticing the ring, she picks it up, slipping it on as movement jerked her eyes back up at the mob moving forward to attack a bearer. The situation was devolving around her.

Moving to the one being assaulted, she begins pulling them off of him, trying to prevent them from wailing on the poor bearer any further. "Stop this," she shouted as she did so. She grabbed at his attackers. She knew she wasn’t the strongest by any means, but she was swift. Swinging with grace, she aims true as she swings her fist for the closest incapacitating part of their bodies.
I would like to take this turn to use non-lethal action against them.

Edit: I hope that works. If not, let me know.
Last edited Apr 25, 2024 8:26 pm


Perception on the item dropped w/ Expertise - (1d20+5)

(19) + 5 = 24

Unarmed Strike Attack w/ Advantage - (2d20H1+2)

(1220) + 2 = 22

Unarmed Strike Damage - (1)

() + 1 = 1

Apr 24, 2024 11:31 pm
The item that the drow dropped for Elysia is a single chunk of obsidian carved into the shape of a ring with a spider as its decoration.
Apr 25, 2024 1:04 am
Can I add picking up the ring to my post?
Apr 25, 2024 3:54 am
So since the mob is both a collective and individuals, would casting a spell at them be targeted at a person or as a whole? Like … say I wanted to Vicious Mockery, would I pick an individual or could I send it at the mob as a whole to try and hamstring the lot of them?
Apr 25, 2024 4:18 am
Morik shook his head, half laughing and half in disbelief. "This is why I hate cities," he grumbles. "Everything makes much more sense out in the wild, none of this... politicking. Although the drow..." He shrugged and chuckled, then cleared his throat, as the situation escalation far quicker than he anticipated and his friends were in danger. If it wasn't for that, he'd have agreed with Adran, but he couldn't leave his friends when they were in danger.

He rushed up to get a better view, and then knelt and placed his hand on the ground, feeling the tremor of the earth beneath, and called forth a surge of grasping weeds and vines at the mob.
Entangle spell just in front of Elysia and Bramlin, I assume there's a 20x20 area that are completely covered by the mob.

Entangle - DC 14 Str or Restrained
[ +- ] 1. Entangle


Initiative: - (1d20+1)

(7) + 1 = 8

Apr 25, 2024 6:05 am
Ishi is still angry but now towards the drows' bearers because they are attacking people who are not armed for it and they are evil. As he attacks he yells they're EVIL

am slow to trust members of other races, tribes, and
rage continues
ATTACK great sword


attack - (1d20+6)

(2) + 6 = 8

DAMAGE - (2D6+8)

(23) + 8 = 13

Apr 25, 2024 6:39 am
Some answers to questions before I post for round two:
Kilikina says:
Can I add picking up the ring to my post?
Kilikina says:
I would like to take this turn to use non-lethal action against them.
"Non-lethal" is usually used to describe an attack action: the character is attacking but with the aim to incapacitate/knock unconscious, rather than to kill. So it would usually be accompanied by an attack and damage roll. If you do this, remember to roll with ADV (due to Morik's Entangle). But if you want to shove or grapple with them, roll the attack with ADV using STR as your modifier, not DEX. If you want to do something that isn't an attack with a weapon or trying to move people physically, give me a bit more detail so I can adjudicate it.
Redamancy says:
So since the mob is both a collective and individuals, would casting a spell at them be targeted at a person or as a whole? Like … say I wanted to Vicious Mockery, would I pick an individual or could I send it at the mob as a whole to try and hamstring the lot of them?
Mechanically, they're one unit. So casting a spell targets the mob as a creature, and that creature (the mob) is affected if it hits or if the mob fails its save. The "Entangle" spell that Morik cast will create a zone that may not encompass all of the people in the mob, but mechanically it will affect the entire mob for as long as any part of it is in the area.
grifter730 says:
Entangle spell just in front of Elysia and Bramlin, I assume there's a 20x20 area that are completely covered by the mob.
Good; I'm adding it to the round one description and rolling the save there. What does Morik do for round two?
Apr 25, 2024 7:13 am

Elysia bends down and scoops up the ring, then rises with an uppercut to lay out one of the members of the bloodthirsty mob.
Dodging the clumsy blows of the enraged crowd, Elowin encourages "Get out of there, Elysia!"
Ishi, meanwhile, realizes that the bearers are retaliating with deadly force. "They're EVIL!" he shrieks through gritted teeth, the veins standing out on his forehead. He whirls and draws his greatsword, hacking down into the one bearer that is still smoking from the mob's attempt to set it on fire. The blow cleaves into the leather-wrapped creature, which collapses to the ground in a foul heap that reeks of rot. The nearby citizens in the mob cheer. The citizen that was being choked takes a ragged, gasping breath and staggers away, grateful to be alive.
Adran continues moving Findal Dinfizzle Findazzle down the alleyways and back streets to avoid any pursuit (and to make sure they're gone by the time the Grayhaven Guards arrive).
Speaking of which, the yells of the guards grow louder as they approach, close on the heels of the courtier returning to the scene of the attack.
Long a surreptitious fan of roasts, Eozindra tries a burn of her own: ""You should all be ashamed of yourselves! You behave worse than the beasts of the wilds and have the gall to call yourselves civilized!? I have seen goblins with better manners!" It's a little wordy, but she figures she can workshop it for the very next time she's faced by an angry mob.
Bramlin punches at another crowd member, trying to clear a path for he and Elysia to escape (he hasn't realized that Ishi's yell was from an ally).
Wary of Ishi and his enormous sword, the mob chooses a target (Elowin, a bearer, Bramlin, a bearer, Elysia, or another bearer: 1d6). They'd be going after Eozindra but for the plants entangling their legs. So restrained, the mob attacks Elowin with DISADV...they are unable to land any solid blows on the fleet, dodging elf.
The five remaining bearers drop the insensate bodies of the people they choked, and move to attack new ones: a citizen, Ishi, a citizen, a citizen, and a citizen. Attacks on the citizens in the mob are made with ADV since the people are entangled. Four more citizens are seized by the necks and throttled. One manages to rain blows down on the raging barbarian. Ishi takes 2 damage (reduced from 4).
Morik casts Guidance on himself and transforms into a bear as the Entangle spell dissipates. He lands and grunts in ursine rage. The bearers are unimpressed. The members of the mob are alarmed. While they seem to have a raging barbarian on their side, several of their people are laid out on the street and a huge wild beast just appeared and started roaring at them! Only about a third of the mob remain on their feet, and the xenophobic courage of those few is on the verge of collapse.
[ +- ] Unwelcome Ambassadors, end of round two

24 - Elysia
23 - Elowin
20 - Ishi
20 - Adran
18 - drow
18 - courtier
14 - Eozindra
14 - Bramlin
13 - Mob
12 - bearers
8 - Morik


Mob WIS save vs Vicious Mockery DC13, psychic damage - (1d20, 1d4)

1d20 : (4) = 4

1d4 : (3) = 3

Mob chooses a target for its ire - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Bearers attack four citizens with ADV AC10 - (2d20h1+3, 2d20h1+3, 2d20h1+3, 2d20h1+3)

2d20h1+3 : (48) + 3 = 11

2d20h1+3 : (109) + 3 = 13

2d20h1+3 : (196) + 3 = 22

2d20h1+3 : (83) + 3 = 11

Bearer attacks Ishi AC16 - (1d20+3)

(19) + 3 = 22

Bramlin punch at the mob AC10 - (1d20+6)

(18) + 6 = 24

Mob attacks Elowin with DISADV AC18, bludgeoning damage on a hit - (2d20l1+5, 2d6)

2d20l1+5 : (811) + 5 = 13

2d6 : (15) = 6

Bludgeoning damage to Ishi - (1d6+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

Apr 25, 2024 7:32 am
Get out of there Elysia Elowin is just about the cast another sanctuary blessing on Elysia, but seeing as Bramlin disregarded its protection she hesataits. This is not their fight!
Elowin stays where she are with her shield up defending (dodge action)
Apr 25, 2024 11:45 am
Morik was annoyed when the bearers began attacking the mob, though surely he understood why. "Get the palanquin out of here, you fools!"

He continued holding on to the concentration of his spell, but called on his inner primal beast to guide him as he turned himself into a bear, then charged into the fray and roared as loud as he could.
EDIT: Wild Shape is a bonus action for Morik, and since he's allowed to Intimidate as part of that action, I added in an action to cast Guidance (prior to Wild Shaping) as well. Feel free to ignore the +1d4 bonus if you'd rather he spend an Action to Intimidate.

EDIT 2: Alas, Morik looks cute and cuddly.
Last edited Apr 25, 2024 11:05 pm


Intimidation - (1d20+1d4+4)

(5) + (3) + 4 = 12

Apr 25, 2024 4:20 pm
runekyndig says:
Elowin is just about the cast another sanctuary blessing on Elysia, but seeing as Bramlin disregarded its protection she hesataits.
I'm sorry about that. Bramlin is trying to get out, he just didn't understand that he couldn't even use his fists to do so. It's taking all his willpower just to leave a fight and not see it as a move of cowardice (which is canonically this character's baggage).
grifter730 says:
I’d like to roll for Intimidation, but could I use Str instead of Cha?
Yes, that's fine, and do it now (as part of round two) rather than using another action - in this situation I'm interpreting it as part of the Wild Shape transformation action.
Apr 25, 2024 5:41 pm
spaceseeker19 says:
runekyndig says:
Elowin is just about the cast another sanctuary blessing on Elysia, but seeing as Bramlin disregarded its protection she hesataits.
I'm sorry about that. Bramlin is trying to get out, he just didn't understand that he couldn't even use his fists to do so. It's taking all his willpower just to leave a fight and not see it as a move of cowardice (which is canonically this character's baggage).
No worries - I also forgot that he as a NPC
Apr 25, 2024 11:05 pm
I've added the Intimidation and edited my last post.
Apr 26, 2024 6:06 am
Attention pulled to Elysia by Elowin’s call, Eozindra feels a surge of panic in her chest and the music comes to an abrupt halt. "Sia!" she shouts in alarm before rounding on the mob and letting the concern for her secret sister pour out in a flurry of angered insults. "You should all be ashamed of yourselves! You behave worse than the beasts of the wilds and have the gall to call yourselves civilized!? I have seen goblins with better manners!"
I guess I’m heckling the crowd. DC 13 WIS save.
[ +- ] Vicious Mockery
Apr 26, 2024 7:01 am
Redamancy says:
I guess I’m heckling the crowd. DC 13 WIS save.
If that's not what you wanted, you can change it; in the absence of another post, I was going by what you'd asked about previously.
Apr 26, 2024 7:24 am
Adran arrives at a corner with Findal and presses back into the shadows as the courtier runs past with a half dozen Grayhaven Guards following him. From his concealment, Adran can still manage to see that at least half of the guards bear the Duke's insignia.
Note that I updated the earlier Round Two post with the outcomes of everyone's actions.
What do each of you do in round three?
Apr 26, 2024 3:27 pm
Oh, I’m good with it being directed at the group as a whole. I just was curious about the mechanic in this instance. If I can lower the entire group’s ability to hurt people, I’m good with that.
Apr 26, 2024 3:46 pm
"Hopefully the guards can get this handled and we can be about our business," Adran says quietly as he crouches in the shadows next to Findal. "That said, those are the Duke's men and the order to apprehend your kind is still in effect. We have to keep you hidden... it would be too easy for them to kill you and label you a treasonous rioter, or even a noble scholar caught in an angry mob. "Accidents," and all that. None of them would be so much as reprimanded, I wager. Not with something like a riot to pin it on."
Apr 26, 2024 6:26 pm
Come on! Guys! We need to leave!

Elowin will take the rearguard and prevent the mob to spill into the ally
Apr 26, 2024 7:57 pm
Sia takes in everything that's happening around her with a swiftness that she's accustomed to using. Years of hiding have been a boon for certain things. Seeing how few of the mob are left combined with the guards approaching, she makes a decision that stings. Looking in the direction of where the lavender hand appeared, she says as she places a fist over her heart, "I apologize I can't help more."

Disengaging from the mob, she looks to Ishi, a friend she hadn't expected to reconnect with like this. "Sheath your sword and follow me," she hisses under her breath before taking off for the alleyway Elowin is protecting. "Go Zin, go," she calls out as she approaches, her instinct to protect her family at the fore of her focus as always.
Bonus action to disengage before running to the alley to hide/leave the scene. Leaving my action open as a prepped action in case I need to punch someone again to get out.
[ +- ] Cunning Action
Last edited Apr 26, 2024 7:58 pm
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