[IC] The Call to Infinity

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May 1, 2024 10:46 pm
Switchblade looks at Ulysses in silent question and mimics smashing a fist against something. He seems to be ready to indulge in a little bit of violence with the guard, unless his companion prefers to retreat or talk it out. It might not be the best course of action when the guard is talking to someone, but it is what Switchblade does best (aside from the cybernetics).
I'll go along with whatever Ulysses decides!
Last edited May 1, 2024 10:47 pm
May 2, 2024 7:48 pm
Ulysses does not want to hit the guard. He sees Switchblade's signal and interpents it as to create a distraction. He picks up a broken bottle from the floor and throws it into a room (that looks empty) near him. He then tries to blend with the shadows and will wait to see what happens. He will regroup with Switchblade down the corridor or he will attack the guard if he sees him approaching.


Stealth - (1d6+3)

(1) + 3 = 4

May 3, 2024 12:14 pm
Stealth - (1d6+3)
(1) + 3 = 4
The bottle makes an audible pish! as it breaks against the floor of a nearby room. The SecGuard draws up their sidearm (a Magician10X stunner, by the look of it) as if they heard a gunshot. They buzz back into their helm-comm.
"Joder! Look, I gotta go, something's going on. Probably kids again."
They tap the side of the helm and hunch forward, weapon at the ready as they edge towards the room where Ulysses threw the bottle.
"HQ, this is Keese - might have some activity in Reg-Sys Control Sector, requesting backup."

Meanwhile, back in the parking lot, as Dell and the Doctor begin to make their way back to the checkpoint, they pass near the Speed-E and notice two smaller figures in baggy clothes peeking through the glass like pint-sized window shoppers. Grimy fabric wraps cover their wrists, palms, and make a generous interpretation of shoes. Large black ponchos drape over them like overgrown bat wings, complete with pointed hoods. One of them taps at the glass of the van with a pointed finger while the other acts as lookout.
"So? C'mon, is it the right model or not?"
The investigating kid rubs his nose.

"It might be...this piece of junk is so old, it might not even run..."

What do you do?
May 3, 2024 4:53 pm
As they walk back, Dell nods to the Comet Construction truck, "Seems our hunch may have been right--that's the target's employer."

"She's not old junk!" Dell mutters to himself quietly as he hunches behind cover to observe the pair. He turns to the doctor.

"It sounds like they're looking for a specific vehicle, but who would be expecting us here? We only just selected this destination and they don't look like legion security who would have tracked us from the port," he whispers. "Perhaps if we wait they'll leave?"
May 3, 2024 5:29 pm
"Cameras!" she quietly hisses. "That's the only way. We can watch and wait but they might steal our wheels." Hunching beside Dell she looks around for surveillance cameras they might have missed.

"The others and us might be in imminent danger."
May 3, 2024 10:17 pm
Seeing Ulysses go with a distraction route, Switchblade withdraws back as well, hiding in the shadows until his companion joins him. He then inclines his head towards the end of the hallway, silently asking if they should try to sneak by the guard or return to the entrance.
May 4, 2024 1:01 pm
"I say we move forward" wispers Ulysses.
May 6, 2024 5:17 pm
"Eh, it's worth a shot."
The kid peering through the window draws out a tire iron from their poncho and quickly smashes it against the driver's side window. The glass cracks into an opaque spiderweb. As the kid draws back both hands for another strike, the lookout keeps their head on a swivel."Hurry up and get in so we can get outta here!"

Inside, Ulysses and Switchblade hustle down the dim hall as the SecGuard searches the empty room, their helm-comm already croaking out roger-wilcos in response for back up. It won't be long before the sector gets a few more eyes in the area. Slipping past a few of the generator lights, you come the end of the hall which splits into a fork. On the left, spray painted signage on the concrete wall points to "CAFETERIA / LOCKERS / MEDICAL / PSYCH". On the right are directions towards "CENTRAL / ENGINEERING / COMMAND 1-10"

What do you do?
May 6, 2024 6:28 pm
"Oh hell. We have to stop them trashing our wheels. You ready to rush them? They are only kids."

With no time to lose, Ava bolts toward the van. She intends to yank the driver out of the seat and presumes Dell is right behind her. She figures these kids are opportunists.
Throwing in a roll just in case...


Agility, can she reach them before they get away? - (1d6+3)

(4) + 3 = 7

May 6, 2024 6:48 pm
"Isn't the guy an engineer or something with tech?" Ulysses asks.
May 6, 2024 7:09 pm
"Which guy, our target? His cover job is listed as a weld breaker, I wouldn't necessary classify it as engineering. Although from a certain point of view, breaking things is a part of creative process..." Switchblade replies as he examines the signs, then looks around at the two corridors. "That said, we thought he'd be here because the plant is abandoned, and it isn't; is there even a reason to continue investigating?"

He hums in consideration, then points at the directions. "If he is working or hiding here, it might be worth checking the lockers - less chances for anyone to be here. However, I see no reason to suspect that he does, so I wouldn't be opposed to visiting the engineering area out of professional curiosity."
Belated thought, but we really should've brought a way to communicate with each other from afar. So we would also know that it's Comet Construction. XD
May 6, 2024 7:38 pm
"Ok, lockers it is. Let's hurry, I do not want any more guards on our asses..." says Ulysses with a bit of worry.
May 6, 2024 9:55 pm
"But I just said-" Switchblade looks taken aback at Ulysses' response, his mechanical eyes narrowing in confusion, but then just shrugs it off: "Alright, why not. I wouldn't want to rob their engineers either way in case they're not affiliated with the Leviath. Although I still wouldn't mind a quick detour on the way back!"
Last edited May 6, 2024 10:00 pm
May 7, 2024 9:24 am
My bad, I misread your post.
May 7, 2024 4:34 pm
"How dare they!" Dell is already moving as Ava asks if they should charge. He'll tackle one of the kids before they can board if close enough. If he can't reach the kids themselves, he wants to try and grab the back of the van and work his way through the back (opening the keyless locks) before they drive away.


Agility - (1d6+4)

(6) + 4 = 10

May 7, 2024 8:05 pm
Alepous says:
My bad, I misread your post.
Oh, it's fine! If anything, it's a fun interaction. XD
May 8, 2024 3:50 pm
Agility - (1d6+4)
(6) + 4 = 10
(4) + 3 = 7
While both Dell and the Doctor react fast as the kids start smashing up the van, Dell's innate speed overtakes Ava as he sprints towards the kid with the tire iron and tackles them bodily to the ground. The tool clatters from their hand to the feet of the lookout.
https://i.imgur.com/F2xzPep.png"Oh Joder! Oh piss!"
The kid under Dell struggles and slaps at his chassis, cursing like a space hauler with a pink slip. The lookout stammers, their augmented eyes suddenly huge with fear at the sight of some ISO taking down their friend. After half a second, they let out a piercing shriek.

"Help! Somebody help! It's killing him!"
Just as they make the decision to turn left, Ulysses and Switchblade hear some clatter and radio squawking down towards the checkpoint.

"Uhh, Keese, this is Oslo - headin' over with Jenkins for backup. We're hearin' some screamin' - did you say kids? Sounds like bloody murder out in the sector lot, over."

The SecGuard swears loudly and hurdles over the checkpoint, heading back outside. With no one else around, it's an easy trip from the junction down the left hallway towards the lockers. Though dim, the passages are marked with thick painted arrows of varying color keyed to their intended destination. A forward-thinking engineer thought to apply these arrows in Glo-Hue, likely as a safety measure in cases of complete power outage. Though flaking and spotty, it's not difficult to follow the salmon pink line along the walls and around the corners to the locker room of the sector.

A concrete block lined in metal boxes with catwalk landings and floors make the location look more like a prison than a storage area. It's thankfully empty, and from the looks of it, most of the lockers have also been empty for a long, long time. Their doors hang open like ripped curtains. Some are clogged with thick, grotesque paper hives, long abandoned by the insects that made them. The upper levels are coated in a layer of ripped trash and loose scrap. The lower levels look cleaner, as if more recently used. More of the lockers here are closed - some with locks, even. A canted line of lockers on the ground floor are marked with names.

What do you do?

May 8, 2024 9:41 pm
Ava fast on the heels of Dell grabs the other kid and roughly tries to place her hand over his mouth while wrapping her other arm around his chest, rendering him as immobile as she can manage.

Shut your mouth," she hisses, "or we really will be killing you!"


Strength - (1d6+2)

(2) + 2 = 4

May 9, 2024 1:36 am
"Stop struggling, " Dell tells the other, attempting to keep him pinned down but not further injure him. "If I were killing you, you'd already be dead. But that is still an option. "

"I want to know what you think you're doing, breaking into our vehicle."
Last edited May 9, 2024 1:37 am
May 10, 2024 12:42 pm
Strength - (1d6+2)
(2) + 2 = 4
The kid breaks through Ava's grip, their fear surging their strength. They sprint, heading towards the power plant as they shriek.

The other kid looks into Dell's placid eyes with sudden fear at his threat. Trapped beneath the ISO's weight, the gravity of the situation washes over him. Tears well up in the corners of his eyes.


"N-nothing! We weren't - j-just get off me, leave me alone!"

In the distance, a coarse chirp of a short-ranged helm-comm echoes across the parking lot. Three figures in security uniforms converge on the fleeing kid, who makes a dramatic show of waving their arms and pointing over their shoulder towards where Dell has their friend pinned to the ground.

What do you do?
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