[IC] The Call to Infinity

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Jun 5, 2024 1:18 pm
Suplex him, Ava, suplex him!
Switchblade examines the ladder for a moment, then shrugs and swings himself over the edge of the catwalk, half-climbing half-sliding down the ladder. Once he is on the ground, he waves cheekily at Ulysses to indicate that all's fine and then goes to try the door.
Jun 5, 2024 1:27 pm
Ulysses checks around him and then he follows Switchblade down the ladder.
Last edited June 5, 2024 1:28 pm
Jun 5, 2024 1:38 pm
Ava struggles hard...


Strength - (1d6+2)

(5) + 2 = 7

Jun 6, 2024 12:24 pm
Aided by the narrow space in between the seat tiers, the doctor is able to get her arms around his neck and pummels him as soundly as she can with fists and elbows. The guard swings his stunner - it catches the side of a headrest and sparks viciously, but doesn't touch Ava. He continues to sputter and shout -
"Get - argh! - get off of me! Sto -!
She slaps his mouth shut and muffles his shouts into furious groans.

The one-way door opens easily for Switchblade, and leads him and Ulysses back out in the outer edge of the parking lot. With Dell at the wheel of their ride and with two officers down, Switchblade is right - Leviath forces will be here in no time. The team needs a plan, fast.

What do you do?

Dell, where are you driving the Speed-E at present?
Jun 6, 2024 1:24 pm
Is there a way for us to leave on foot? I'm not sure how it works with the whole thing of the power plant being in the ceiling. :V
Jun 6, 2024 1:29 pm
There is, though it's effectively by hiking alongside the highway until you find your way outside the industrial zone the power plant occupies. Just outside the immediate perimeter of the plant but still within the zone itself are subsidiary electrical stations, grid regulators, and the like which could be potential hiding places. But short of grabbing a car or using the tramway, the walk is your path out.
Jun 6, 2024 2:16 pm
"We can book it," Switchblade comments to Ulysses as he skeptically looks down the highway. "There is always a risk of running into the law enforcement coming this way, but at least we can duke them in the industrial zone. Or..." He glances back at the power plant building. "We can hide somewhere around here and see what happens once they arrive. But I'm not very good at stealth - even without some bottles ruining my vibe - so it's probably not a good idea. But I'm willing to try if that's your preference!"
Last edited June 6, 2024 2:18 pm
Jun 6, 2024 5:26 pm
"We are spread thin as we are. I say we leave and try to reconnect with the others. The mission seems botched from the beggining..." says Ulysses as he checks the surrounding area.
Jun 6, 2024 5:39 pm
"I'd say it was successful enough!" Switchblade follows after Ulysses, keeping watch on the highway so he can alert the other man when it is time to take cover. "We know that DeVie is here, seemingly still working his job, we can find him again later unless the Leviath spook him. Perhaps even try to infiltrate the facility, even..." He gestures towards the direction Speed-E left in. "I think our best bet is to reconvene by the terminal we looked at earlier, it is the only location of note we were at together. Excluding the station."
Jun 6, 2024 6:27 pm
I'm waiting on @MinMin before Ava posts again.
Jun 8, 2024 2:57 am
Sorry about the delay, everyone. I'm going to detail Dell's thoughts here chronologically as events unfolded, we'll see where we end up. Just let me know/roll for me if you need any additional dice thrown.
As Dell first gains the driver's seat, he initially swings the Speed E. in a wide arc toward the building entrance, paying little mind to any parking lot signage or right of way. He's aiming to see if they can catch any sight of the others to extract them. (With the general approach that if he had an unobstructed path to them, he'd make a beeline and then slow down long enough to pick them up before heading out, otherwise he'd complete the circle and head back out to the highway, ditch the Speed E as soon as possible, and go to ground with the good doctor to meet up with the others when it seemed safe).

As the guard stalks forward, he's of the same mind as Ava, and even as she calls out a warning he's already trying to shimmy the vehicle aggressively from side to side in an attempt to knock the man off his feet in hopes they might be able to simply shove him out the back.

The stunner striking his headrest makes it obvious that plan won't be successful. As Ava grapples with the guard to neutralize him, Dell keeps one hand on the wheel and attempts to use the other to rip off the guard's helmet (if it proves detachable) and attempt to break it against their opponent's face. If doesn't come free with a good tug, he'll aim to smash the helmet cam into the side wall of the vehicle along with its occupant's head until neither one appears to remain functional. All while trying to keep one to one half an eye on the road.


Strength (again, guess Dell's programming makes him much more violent that I realized, 1d6+3) - (1d6+3)

(5) + 3 = 8

Jun 8, 2024 12:51 pm
The speed of the next few seconds is shocking in its precision and violence. As the guard struggles, pinned against the hold of the van's seating and Dr. Ava's locked arms, he has no room to escape when the mechanical arm pistons out from around the driver's seat and drives its fingers around the visor of his helm. Industrial grade servos flex 15.5 megapascals of pressure into each of the digits - enough to retain grip on even the heaviest of delivery cargo and to crunch holes into the flimsy armor. The guard shouts pitch towards panic. Dell rips the helmet from his head in pieces. The van swells with screaming and electronic squeals before he smashes the ruins back into the guards face with a sickening crunch. The man falls limp in the doctor's arms.

What do you do?
Since Dr. Ava was holding the guard steady and this stretch of highway is mostly clear at the moment, we'll waive any additional rolls for controlling the van. Switchblade and Ulysses found their way through the emergency tram exit after the Speed-E left the parking lot, so as of now the group is separated.
Just on a personal note, I'm finding this very exciting! :D
Jun 8, 2024 2:18 pm
It is exciting! :D
I don't have anything to post since we're just walking through the industrial zone, I think.
Jun 8, 2024 2:54 pm
"Whew! I thought we were goners," Ava says, heaving a huge sigh as she almost collapses into the passenger front seat, rolling the guard off of her.

"We have to keep circling and try to grab the others. I don't know about finding DeVie, now. The place will be crawling with security any second."
Jun 8, 2024 5:05 pm
Ulysses walks with Switchblade through the zone, giving glances behind their backs now and then.
Jun 8, 2024 7:42 pm
"That was far less of a quiet hit and run than I had hoped,"Dell observes. "However, I'm not sure circling is the best approach. I had hoped to extract the others, but I believe we have become a liability. Security was already alerted to our presence and even away from the power plant, the visible damage to our ride will arouse more suspicion the longer were on the road. However, we have no reason to assume they themselves have been compromised. I will defer to your opinion, but believe we may need to ditch it at the next exit and proceed to locate the others on foot. We should have established a fall back point, where would they head?"
Jun 9, 2024 2:23 pm
"I'll defer to you. This stuff isn't in my wheelhouse. Let's go with your plan. Let's go."

Ava massages her shoulder. Wrestling with men wasn't something she did every day, or even at all. Once the adrenaline in her body had dissipated, the pain of the struggle became apparent.
Jun 10, 2024 3:15 pm
With Dell's plan in mind, he and the doctor follow the highway until the next exit - 71D, advertising long rows of backup supply grids, electrical regulators, and the closest block of residential housing this high up on KEYstation. Just as the Speed-E curls down the exit ramp towards the intra-sector thoroughfare, a pealing chorus of sirens shrieks past on the highway: a thick crash of Leviath prowlers, black as the void with windscreens glared the red of a dying sun, roar down the road towards the power plant. As they blur by, loud thump - thump - thumps sound behind them. Plumes of compressed air and burst from their roofs in the wake, ejecting metallic shrapnel, pryamidal in shape and roughly the size of a human brain. The pieces spin, waver, then suddenly right themselves in the air. A soft blue glow emits from circular indents on the matte white bakelite covering each face of their geometry. Hornet drones, with the eyes and sting to match.

Back on the highway, Switchblade and Ulysses hear the incoming Leviaths before they see them. Already, a thin line of the Hornets are following their handlers, keeping watch on the road ahead, adjacent, behind. Flimsy metal fencing blocks the way off the highway down thirty feet into the industrial back lot, which leads out into an alley or the lined open doors of a warehouse loading dock. Nearer to the road, a bright orange warning sign advises Authorized Entry Only to a locked hatch door indented just adjacent to the road shoulder - possibly a relay station, one of the many highway data terminals, or anything else.

What do you do?
Jun 10, 2024 4:15 pm
While it might be easier to climb or cut the fence, it is also much more noticeable and won't take long for the drones to investigate - so Switchblade dashes towards the locked hatch instead. He tries it, testing the strength of the lock, and then shifts his stance and flexes his fingers. "Let's see if we are authorized," the cyborg grins as he grabs whatever part of the door is grabbable and attempts to force it open.
Last edited June 10, 2024 4:17 pm


Strength - (1d6+4)

(6) + 4 = 10

Jun 10, 2024 4:36 pm
Wide-eyed and watching as the prowlers shriek by, Ava turns her head, eyes following them until they are out of view and then picking up the scene in the rear-view mirror, her eyes growing wider by the second.

"Oh hell, Dell. Hey, that rhymes. Funny on an ordinary day which this most definitely is not! But ... uh ... a bunch of drones just got released from those prowlers. That's bad. Really bad. Isn't it?"
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