[IC] The Call to Infinity

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Jun 12, 2024 12:54 pm
The metal groans against the force of Switchblade's strength. It resists for barely a moment before popping open - a deep mouth of dark stairs descends from the indentation. Caged sconce lights wink on, then immediately begin to flicker. A cloud of flies scatter, as if roused from a deep sleep. Brownouts, even this close to the electrical center of it all. Where the hell is the power going, then?

Ulysses and Switchblade rush down the stairs to avoid the approaching forces. The passage stinks of damp, cold, and copper - sections of the metal stairs are soft with a disconcerting piebald moss. At the bottom of the stairs, a door peeling with rust leads into a chamber built under the edges of the highway above. The soft hush of static purrs behind it. It's freezing to the touch and the hinges shriek, but it swings open.

Inside, a data terminal in stark ruin. The massive computational chassis along the back wall is coated with the white and black moss, and the nearby monitor screen is the empty eye of a forgotten well. Along the ceiling, a ruptured coolant pipe is keeping the room a frosty temperature. Technically speaking, it's not the only body in the room. An actual corpse, stripped down to their undershirt and briefs, lays face down on the steel floor plating next to the chassis. A thick black electrical wire has been wrapped tight around the swollen bulges of the neck.

The static buzzes from a radio at a desk on the room's north side, left on from whenever someone was last in the room. When a voice does break through, you first think it might be a strange news broadcast until you realize it's actual message, delivered in the stilted voice of an automated signal: an all-points-bulletin.


What do you do?
Jun 12, 2024 1:47 pm
Switchblade brushes off the residue of mold from his fingers before walking over to the corpse. "Looks like we aren't the only ones who had an idea of hiding from law enforcement here." He picks at the electrical wire and, with a disgusting squelching sound, pulls it off the body's neck. "Considering that the hatch was closed, either it's automatic or whoever stole this person's uniform came and left through some other entrance. Do you suppose they were a guard?" The cyborg flips the corpse onto its back, intending to investigate further. "Ah, human organisms, always so fragile."

As he examines the likely asphyxiated victim further, Switchblade spares a glance towards the radio. "No mention of either of us." He notes. "Let's hope they manage to lay low until we can reunite."
Jun 13, 2024 8:01 am
Ulysses brushes the moss from his hands. "I don't like it, it gets worse the more time we spend in this hellhole. Stray frosty, we may not be alone down here.", he says and goes to the terminal, wiping the screen and trying to power it. "Is he stiff?" he asks, trying to determine if the death of the unknown man was recent.
Last edited June 13, 2024 8:01 am
Jun 13, 2024 8:53 am
Here, in case a roll is appropriate. Also figured my bounty hunter occupation applies!
"Frosty? Ha, I don't even need to try, this place is freezing on its own," Switchblade points off-handedly over his shoulder, at the broken coolant pipe. "At least according to my sensors, I don't really feel cold. Just like this fellow here now..." With this morbid comment, the cyborg continues his examination of the body. "Let's see how long this body's been inoperational..."
Last edited June 13, 2024 8:56 am


Education - (1d6+3+1)

(4) + 4 = 8

Jun 13, 2024 11:38 am
Ulysses finds the power switch behind the monitor and flicks it on. Something crackles - centipedes five centimeters long squirms out of a bulging seam just overhead and scatter into the dark corners. A burning smell mixes in with the frigid cold of the room. But, amazingly, the machine coughs, clacks, and whirrs to life. The screen flickers, scan lines blurring dim green, reading out lines of text that resolve into the dates, rows, and columns of a database. In the top corner, a blurry image of an unsmiling man - GALLANE, DARIO::LOGGEDIN. A quick reference through the data shows this to be documentation of regular deliveries being made to the power plant over the course of the past several months - each line contains an attachment showing the inventory of each delivery. Judging by the active time on the console, Dario hasn't bothered to log out in a long, long time.

Switchblade begins with his investigation of the body. The refrigeration and damp of the room complicates the time-of-death calculation, but with the evidence available you estimate it between three and five weeks dead.
Jun 13, 2024 7:52 pm
"I'd say they've been dead for a few weeks - three minimum, likely no longer than five." Switchblade looks between the dusty screen and the frozen corpse a few times, comparing what little features remain. "Whatever this terminal station is intended to handle, it must not be very important if no one had checked it out in over a month. This fellow must've not had a very caring employer, either; or anyone else for that matter."

The cyborg stands up from where he was crouched over the body and walks over to join Ulysses at the terminal. "Are we snooping?" He grins, eyeing the rows of delivery records before them.
Last edited June 13, 2024 7:53 pm
Jun 14, 2024 12:12 pm
"That is a very accurate assessment," Dell agrees. "We need to get away from this vehicle as well as out of sight, NOW!"

Dell will take the first turn off the main road that is available, as fast as he deems is safe to do without looking like reckless driving that will draw the attention of the drones and their minders.

Dell continues to wonder at the linkage between the Leviath forces present on station and the employees at the power plant. It seems as if the kids vandalizing the SpeedE had been looking for them specifically as if they'd been instructed to find them--but the plant security shouldn't have known about them unless they were in touch with the Leviath security at the spaceport. Now the Leviath throughout the station had reacted the moment that the plant became aware of the issue? That all seemed too coordinated, he hoped the others hadn't stepped into some fully active Leviath operation unawares. And what did it mean that the target deserter was actively working in what appeared to be a Leviath run construction project?

Enough other problems to deal with in the present, however; if he's aware of a safehouse nearby, he'll head for it, failing that he wants something with a garage that will at least temporarily obscure the location of the SpeedE, optimally with an attached closed or abandoned-looking building to get themselves out of camera view.
Jun 14, 2024 2:20 pm
"Yeah but the hornet drones, Dell. I don't suppose there is some kind of rifle in this jalopy that I could shoot them down with." She's only half joking with that question.

"I'm afraid I'm not much help in the weapon department."
Jun 15, 2024 12:21 pm
In the winding roads off of the exit, Dell manages to find two spots close to what he's looking for. One is the residential sector high school building, KSPS71D-110. It's a squat building that, were it not for the banner flying at the front (Go Novas!), would better fit the bill of a pre-fab office: long rows of blank or broken windows, some glowing with the dancing orange of firelight. Though it looks like school hasn't been in session for some time, activity of some kind is still being carried out inside. Maintenance of the building's exterior clearly isn't one of them. Next to it is the entrance to an underground parking garage, and behind, the curving half-bowl of stadium seating around a manufactured green-grass turf pitch.
Down the street from the a school, the lone bell tower of a previous Hephaestus Cermaics factory yard stands alone among the blocks of enclosed work floors and beehive kilns converted into hydroponics, markets, canvas towns, and bivoauced steaming street chefs. Any one of the numerous buildings could hide the Speed-E. Colorful strung lights and a busy crowd attending to the tasks of the evening hum in the air in the courtyard below the bell tower, ignoring the passing wails of the Leviath sirens.

What do you do?
Jun 15, 2024 1:24 pm
Dell picks up the stunner from the guard he had tackled earlier, which has been sliding about aimlessly on the floor and hands it to the doctor. "If one gets near enough, you're welcome to see if this works, but my goal is to not let it come to that."'

He nods toward the road.

"A couple of possibilities here, but I think we'd be conspicuous in the school since it's not clear everyone's invited. Let's head towards the area around that tower, but I wouldn't assume the crowd will hide us from the drones, we want to get inside a building out of sight, but there should hopefully be enough foot traffic in and out for our presence to seem unremarkable."

He drives in that direction and looks to stash the SpeedE in the jumble of buildings.
Jun 15, 2024 6:25 pm
"Uh, thanks," Ava says as she accepts the stunner, not sure it could knock a drone down if need be, but certainly a person wouldn't enjoy being by it.

Thinking about the school idea she nods her assent. "That's as good idea as I've heard all day."
Jun 17, 2024 2:11 pm
Dell spies a burned out storefront that already has a collection of parked vehicles inside of it - a decent spot, and with enough of a ceiling to obscure it from flying eyes. A single-person booth attends the entrance, built of scrap metal, and ushers you in. From inside, you barely catch the mumble of a radio broadcast.

A man exits the booth and follows you towards your parking spot - some old hardware dots the side of his face. He looks to be wearing a uniform of some kind, but it's nothing like the guards from the power plant or the Leviath forces; a loose, comfortable set of work overalls and a worn thermal under a baggy jacket. He wears a knit cap over his head and carries a clipboard. As he approaches, he licks the tip of his pencil.

"Sumthin' wrong with your driver's window, dere." He motions with the implement, then scratches down the license plate number. "Gotch'er time down. Payment when you leave, standard stuff. Nothin' valuable in dere, right? We're not responsible if someone comes lookin'." He makes to give a quick peer inside through the smashed window.

Back inside the under-road data terminal, months and months are logged of the regular deliveries to the power plant - each attachment listing the cargo is the same size. Whatever shipments being made have been happening for a while. And yet, so much about the power plant still doesn't make sense. Wouldn't there be a larger workforce tending to its repair? Why is being treated so secretly? Why did Leviath forces come running so quickly?

Jun 17, 2024 8:20 pm
"Tell me about it," Ava replies jokingly, trying to keep the mood light. "Payment?" she asks, perplexed. Then it dawns on her.

"Oh no. We're not here for that." Then she wonders if she should play along but where would that get them, unless they could leave with another vehicle as a form of payment.

"You know what? How about you pay us with a similar running vehicle?"
Last edited June 17, 2024 8:20 pm
Jun 17, 2024 9:25 pm
"Eh?" The attendant gets a confused look on his face. "What, you think I'm running some sorta chop shop here? It's a parking garage, lady - you park, you pay when you leave." He gives both Dell and Dr. Ava a good look up and down, suddenly realizing the state of their posture and clothes. "Jeez, you two look like you had a rough night. And ya van looks like hot shit. Pardon my language." He walks around the Speed-E, looking at the fresh dents and cracks. He kneels in front of the front grill.
"Got somethin' leakin' up dere. Yeesh." He touches the liquid tentatively, rubs it between his fingers. Rusty red smears his gloves.

What do you do?
Jun 18, 2024 12:30 am
"Yes, some frat boys near where we were parked earlier vandalized our vehicle, and to be entirely honest I'm not quite sure what sort of things those inebriated kids sprayed on it. I believe fluid from those goats they had may have been involved at some step?" He looks at Ava and shrugs, then back at the man. "You're braver than I to touch it, I probably wouldn't recommend that--first place I'm heading is to find an autobody shop that will hammer it out and detail it."

Dell puts an arm around the doctor and attempts to hurry her out of the garage and the attendant's sight before the man can connect the damage to the front of the vehicle and the red stain to a hit and run. He's hoping the general damage to all sides of the vehicle will somewhat distract from the overall impression of a collision to the front.
Jun 18, 2024 5:23 pm
Ava nods, perhaps overzealously, while Dell tells his tale. Her eyebrows arch when he mentions goats and fluid, but otherwise she keeps quiet.

"Thanks. You saved my stupid ass, or our asses, mine being the stupid one. But meanwhile now what? Hope to find the others for a ride?"
Jun 20, 2024 1:19 pm
Switchblade squints at the terminal screen - less out of a desire to see better and more to emote his feelings on the matter. "Same cargo for months, recorded in a weird sewer hole ways away from the actual storage? Things just keep getting weirder." He snorts in amusement, then pokes at the console: "Think this thing can display the contents of the delivery? Eh, I'll leave this to you, I'm not that good at computers which aren't going inside one's brains."

He leaves Ulysses at the console and instead circles the room, checking for anything else of note it might contain. Mostly scrap which he can poach; but also any indication of another exit that they can take, or anything curious enough to grab his attention. While he does it, Switchblade also listens for activity above them, in case the Leviath are still around.
Jun 21, 2024 2:37 am
"My hope was to hide until things quiet down," Dell replies. "I think we're more of a danger to the others than an aide if we show up with a swarm of drone and guards pursuing us."

He shrugs and a puff of steam huffs from vents along his shoulders.

"I'm not too worried they'll find a way to meet us when it is safe. It perhaps says something that they were able to enter the building undetected and we raised alarms just walking around in a parking lot."
Jun 21, 2024 12:04 pm
Dell and Dr. Ava walk out of the parking garage and out onto the street to filter in with the rest of the crowd. A heavy smell of fry oil and open grill flame wafts to their noses, advertising the glowing line of food carts along the side of the walkway. In one, two ISOmorph chefs with a folding rotary of small additional appendages off their torsos shift from dish to sizzling dish while a trim woman in a fabric apron and a tight black ponytail takes orders from the queue of customers. A low string of hanging lights opens the way into the main plaza centered on the old bell tower. Someone has set out an extra-large tarp in the center of the space, where children gambol and chase each other over a set of large wooden cubes arranged into a makeshift play space. Around the edges, more market stalls advertise everything from clothing to accessories to ready-to-eat protimen bowls. Folks occasionally stop and slap at themselves, fending off whatever flying annoyances continue to buzz overhead.


Back at the data terminal, Switchblade notices that the clamor of thundering traffic overhead seems to have subsided - whatever forces were mobilized seemed to have found their destination. In looking for more equipment or clues, hes turn up short. An errant thought comes to him: what if someone here had to use the bathroom? And as soon as thinking it, he realizes where one would be. Behind a shelf leaning against the frame of the computer chassis, he spies the telltale seam of a door hatch, previously hidden due to the clutter of the space. It takes no time at all to right the shelf and open the door. The smell might make him wish he hadn't.

Inside, someone has been busy. The toilet is smashed into porcelain pieces in the corner, and the hole to the drain has not only been widened, but practically excavated. A dark hole in the center of the floor wide enough for a person to slip down stares up at the ceiling. The sound of rushing water pipes up from below. This low in the infrastructure must mean the sewer line is just a drop away.

Just then, the radio inside the data terminal wails again - this time with a different alert.

Jun 21, 2024 2:39 pm
Switchblade gives the improvised sewer access a look. He's not squeamish, but cleaning his cybernetics from liquid contaminants is an absolute pain. Not to mention how many diseases one can acquire from wading through dirty water.

The noise from the radio attracts his attention away from the sewer dilemma, and Switchblade makes a note of the location it relays. "At least we know where not to go." He sighs, eyes the floor again and then promptly closes the door. Not today, sewer spirits. At least not until they absolutely need to. "I don't hear any activity above us, so the law enforcement is likely back at the power plant. They'll probably head out to the parking lot now, so we might as well wait until they pass us again and then get out. It's not like either of us is connected to Dell or Dr. Renn... aside from us arriving at the plant in the same vehicle."

He returns to the terminal again and pokes Ulysses with his claw-like finger. "There is also a way into the sewer," the cyborg motions towards the door, "but I'd prefer not to use it unless under significant threat. Perhaps we can go back to the highway and make it to the fence without being noticed, then go through the industrial streets while all of them are focusing on finding the car."
I also don't want to leave without checking the terminal for information.
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