Chapter 6.2: Daring Rescue

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Jun 27, 2024 8:49 am
Trade Era 1235, Day 163. 15:48 UTC

Underworld, Zyronis

Douklan and Peter moved ahead. Their military training had prepared them for situations like this. Douklan dismounted the hovercycle, the soft hum of its anti-grav engine ceasing as he powered it down, letting it gently float to the ground. He adjusted his grip on his weapon, the weight of it familiar and reassuring.

The two moved silently, their steps barely making a sound on the metallic floor. The glow from the warp drive core painted their faces in a ghostly blue hue. Peter led the way, his eyes scanning every nook and cranny, every shadow, for any sign of movement. The fortified nature of the room meant that there could be traps or hidden defenses.

"Stay sharp," Peter murmured. "We don't know what we're up against."

Douklan nodded, raising his weapon slowly. As they approached the room, Peter noticed five empty alcoves along the walls. The heavy-duty clamps and charging ports in each suggested they had housed some form of automated guardians.

"Looks like the five robots that attacked Maya came from here," Douklan observed.

Before he could reply, a faint whirring sound caught Peter's attention. He held up a hand, signaling Douklan to stop. They both froze, listening intently. The sound grew louder, more distinct, and Peter realized it was coming from above. He glanced up and saw a small drone, its lights blinking as it hovered near the ceiling.

"Twelve o'clock," Peter signaled, using his left hand. Douklan nodded, raising his weapon slowly.
What do you do? Please also roll the dice accordingly: attack roll if you shoot, sneak if you retreat, perform if you dance, sing, orate, act, or otherwise put on a convincing or emotional performance while the drone records you…

Anyway, roll please, this is a risky moment. =)

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