Trade Era 1235, Day 163. 15:57 UTC
Underworld, Zyronis
Corbin walked into the room, his eyes scanning the drive and the surrounding equipment.
"Come on, James. Let's get this thing unhooked and lifted out of here."
The core drive was a massive piece of technology, weighing almost 24 tons. It would take careful planning and coordination to move it. The Solaris could carry 10 tons in a single trip, and the sled could handle 8 tons. They would need to split the drive into three parts, each weighing around 8 tons.
Corbin approached the drive, assessing the best way to split it. He motioned for James to join him. "
James, we'll need to disconnect the power conduits and secure the clamps before we can start splitting the drive. Let's get to it."
James nodded, his servos whirring softly as he moved to assist. The two of them worked in tandem, with Corbin directing the process and James using his precise mechanical strength to handle the more delicate tasks. Slowly but surely, they began to divide the drive into manageable sections.
Corbin was successful, with the roll of 14 above.
Trade Era 1235, Day 163. 16:23 UTC
Underworld, Zyronis
"First part's ready," Corbin said after a while, wiping the sweat from his brow.
"Let's get this one prepped for transport."
He and James carefully moved the first 8-ton section onto the sled, securing it tightly with magnetic clamps. Corbin then turned his attention back to the remaining sections, beginning the meticulous work of splitting the second part.
As they worked,
Hank stood nearby, thinking through the logistics of their next steps. He knew they had two main options: either wait for Corbin and James to finish splitting the drive entirely or start transporting the first section to the Solaris immediately. He mulled over the pros and cons of each choice.
If they waited, they could give cover and protect Corbin and then move all three parts in quick succession. This would reduce the time with a split group, but it would also mean staying longer in a potentially dangerous area. The arachnid threat loomed large in Hank's mind, and every moment they lingered increased the risk of an encounter. On the other hand, if they began the first trip immediately, they could start securing the drive piece by piece. This would allow them to minimize the time in the open, but it would mean periodic trips and significant time with just part of the crew navigating the hazardous route back to the Solaris.
Once they reached the Solaris, they had another decision to make: store the drive on the planet's surface in a safe place and call for the cargo lighter to pick all 24 tons at once or take it into orbit and get back. Storing it on the surface would be faster and less resource-intensive, but it might not be as secure. Taking it into orbit would provide the highest level of security, but it would also be more time-consuming and risky, especially with the arachnid threat potentially closing in.