Chapter 6.2: Daring Rescue

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May 22, 2024 1:01 pm
How strong is James? Can he take one each shoulder? If so, then he can carry two, and someone else (Hank if no volunteers) can carry one.
Hank says, "We take them. I don't want to just leave them to whatever will happen here, and it shouldn't be too far to the grav sled.

"Let's go."
I was going to make this post more uncertain, but decided that Hank will want to be respectful of the dead crew and not leave them. We don't have time to bury them, and we aren't coming back here. And when he thinks about it, he realized that having their bodies rot or be eaten isn't actually the worst that could happen. So, we're taking the bodies with us.

James (Synth Alpha)


May 22, 2024 4:04 pm
James (Synth Alpha)
"Sir, I suggest we pause here some time to take a short rest and let you eat. In the meantime, I will salvage what I can from the combat robots. The Heavy Machine Gun (HMG), in particular, can easily be dismounted and taken with us. I can also try to salvage some electronic devices and rare components from them. Those could be sold or used to build or improve robots, drones and synths."
What do you do?
May 22, 2024 4:27 pm
Hank is hesitant, but if we can't get to the reactor core, this might be the only chance we have to get at least some loot along the way.

"OK. That makes sense. I'm just worried about any of the enemies regrouping, or new robots being called up or something. But, yes, let's be prudent. Corbin can help you with that effort."

Hank wants Corbin to work with James to keep an eye on him. After the weirdness before the last wipe, we need to know how long it takes the synths before they start going weird again. He's not optimistic it takes very long at all.
May 22, 2024 4:33 pm
"If we're taking a break we may want to bury your crew, Maya. I don't think....
Their bodies may not transport well across this terrain, and then in the enclosed shuttle out of here.
We might just need to let them rest, not risk.... Further accidental damage...
You knew them though, it's up to you. .. "
Mercer wants to be specifically talking to Maya, not excluding anyone or hiding the conversation at all, but just direct his concern and attention to her..
Last edited May 22, 2024 4:34 pm

Maya Chen


May 22, 2024 4:55 pm
"I think that if we can find a peaceful and beautiful place to bury them, its fitting to let them rest somewhere close to the Forbidden Regions. But I don't like here, in this dark, crumbling, abandoned dome. It's terrifying."
James can carry 2.

Besides, Hank is afraid of zombies, so maybe, just maybe, he has a point. 🧟‍♂️
Maya Chen
May 22, 2024 4:57 pm
Looking for something nice.


Mercer Canaan Furio: Notice - Usual roll - (2D6+1)

(52) + 1 = 8

May 22, 2024 5:57 pm
As the group eats, Douklan summarizes the plan again. "Right. So we're carrying the bodies out of this grim place and will be on the lookout for someplace nicer." Douklan looks to see if there's a cadaver remaining unclaimed for him to carry. "Although once we get the bikes and sled it'll be a lot easier to take them with us. It's just a short distance; as soon as we've rested and 'James' has finished the salvage work, we should pick up our fallen and get going."
Douklan recognizes that it would be trivial for us to come back here once we have the bikes - I mean, it'd be pretty low-effort now, on foot - but he shares the same concern of not letting fallen comrades get converted into AI zombie automatons.
Last edited May 22, 2024 6:10 pm
May 22, 2024 7:54 pm
Trade Era 1235, Day 163. 13:10 UTC

Abandoned dome, Underworld, Zyronis

James and Corbin worked quickly and efficiently, their movements precise as they dismounted the HMG from one of the combat robots. "This will be useful," James noted as he handed the heavy weapon to Corbin, ready and functional. "Should we give it to Douklan?"

Corbin grinned, appreciating the weight and potential of the heavy weapon. HMGs required a vehicle mounting or emplaced firing position for effective results, but packed quite a punch. They also were able to salvage enough ammunition for 20 rounds of firing (worth 500 credits). (Un)fortunately, an HMG was forbidden to civilians in most places, so they had to be careful about where they used it and who would use it.
Corbin, what do you do?
Moving on to the other robots, James began extracting electronic components and rare devices, its internal systems calculating the most valuable and portable items. "These parts could be very valuable," it said, carefully placing the recovered components into his backpack. "I estimate that, combining this with easy-to-purchase parts, they could be used to build a Pax drone or a pair of Soldier Bots with a level 2 expert system. Alternatively, they could be sold for somewhere around 10,000 credits"
Peter do you wanna prepare, check or do something in the dome while the crew is eating or should we move on?


James (Fix) - (2d6)

Corbin McRogers: Fix - (4d6h2+3)

(5442) + 3 = 12

Elapsed time - (3d20)

(16193) = 38

May 22, 2024 8:10 pm
Are we carrying them out? Bodies don't transport well. If they're wounded they very well could not make it to the shuttle. Plus... taking bodies in the shuttle with us..?
Also. Potential zombies on the back of our hovorcycles and in a closed shuttle? Bad plan.
Maybe a pyre is the best way to deal with this.
Last edited May 22, 2024 8:13 pm
May 22, 2024 9:22 pm
htech says:
Besides, Hank is afraid of zombies, so maybe, just maybe, he has a point. 🧟‍♂️
It's not so much that Hank is afraid of zombies. It's that with the nano-tech involved, it is not unreasonable to worry about the bodies being used as a convenient platform for a new creature like that augmented ape. Hank doesn't want to voice this, as he doesn't want to disturb Maya with that concept or idea.

I don't think we have to worry about zombies as long as we keep the bodies with us. Leave them unattended, and who knows.

Again, I am not interested in having to tote bodies around. Hank hates the idea. But, he has two motives:
1) Unattended bodies are not guaranteed to remain where you last left them when you have all of this super-tech running around.
2) Maya is concerned with her teammates final disposition and I want to hire a new doctor. Pandering often works.

Also, yes, it is theoretically easy enough to get back here after we get the bikes and stuff. But, I am expecting to be running for our lives once we grab the core. I honestly don't think we're gonna have the chance. We're either going to get the core and be running for our lives or not get the core and running for our lives. Hopefully, I'm wrong ...
Last edited May 22, 2024 9:32 pm
May 22, 2024 11:57 pm
Despite his impatience to get moving, Douklan watched with interest as the synth salvaged useful materials.
htech says:
HMGs required a vehicle mounting or emplaced firing position for effective results, but packed quite a punch. They also were able to salvage enough ammunition for 20 rounds of firing (worth 500 credits). (Un)fortunately, an HMG was forbidden to civilians in most places, so they had to be careful about where they used it and who would use it.

A couple of questions about the heavy machine gun:
Q1: Emplaced firing position means some kind of anchored turret mounting, correct? As a vehicle-class weapon, it's not something that we can use until (at the soonest) we get bikes and a grav sled, yes?
Q2: "20 rounds of firing" refers to combat rounds, not 20 shells, correct?
Douklan also tries to draw Maya out a little, to see if she will remember anything more and answer his earlier question about additional defenses of the drive core. He also asks: "Did you get a good look at the drive core? Is it mounted in anything, or anchored in any way? We want to be prepared for the process of getting it ready to load onto the sled."
Last edited May 23, 2024 12:00 am
May 23, 2024 3:01 am
After the firefight is done Peter takes a moment to recover his breath and check a little bit more before lowering his guard, when he notices he's safe for a little while he will reload any weapons that need it and will try to have a brief word with Maya.

"I know nothing we can do can ease the pain, but i assure you we won't leave anyone behind"

Peter says it remembering the olden days with the marines.

Peter will also help carry a body to somewhere nicer and with just some minutes is ready to go.
sorry for the delay
May 23, 2024 3:47 am
PhoenixScientist says:
Looking for something nice.
In case it wasn't clear:
While everyone else is working, Mercer will be searching the area for a possible safe place for a burial. Will offer for Maya to look with him.
If I/we can't find anything that's ok, but I want to offer her solice soon.
Last edited May 23, 2024 4:44 am
May 23, 2024 12:30 pm
Corbin worked quietly with James removing the HMG and the other components. This is the kind of treasure he'd expected to find in this wasteland. He admired the quality of the robots, they'd been here for some time and despite being recently disabled, they contained a large number of functioning parts. The HMG was the real bear, quite heavy, but not impossible to remove and move. Between the fact that 'civilian' laws rarely extended far off of a planet and, as far as he was aware, we were heading out beyond the pale. The laws 'out there' would be a little more primal and less litigious.

He felt for Maya, most people don't go on an 'adventure' of this sort expecting to lose their team. The reality of the situation is that trying to recover the bodies was a dangerous waste of effort. However, once they retrieve the gravseld and drive core, it might be hard to explain how they didn't have room for a couple bodies.

One more reason to stick to engineering.
May 23, 2024 4:28 pm
Trade Era 1235, Day 163. 13:32 UTC

Electrical Substation DC-45T, Underworld, Zyronis

The journey to the Electrical Substation DC-45T was a somber one, filled with an air of cautious anticipation. Doctor Maya Chen led the way, her mind a tumult of determination and lingering grief. James and Hank carried the bodies of Jax, Luca, and Elena. The bodies were not intact, making the task of carrying them an arduous and heartbreaking one, but they pressed on, driven by the need to honor Maya’s friends and complete their mission.

In the meantime, not only inside the dome but also as they navigated the subterranean passages, Mercer kept an eye out for a suitable place to bury their fallen comrades, hoping to find a spot that offered some semblance of peace. Yet, the underworld of Zyronis in this region was an unforgiving place. The walls were lined with ancient, corroded pipes and the ground littered with water and debris. Every potential resting place on their way was either too exposed or too treacherous. The oppressive darkness and the constant hum of distant machinery added to the sense of desolation.
As they moved, Douklan sidled closer to Maya. "Did you get a good look at the drive core?" he asked, his tone probing but gentle. "Is it mounted in anything, or anchored in any way? We want to be prepared for the process of getting it ready to load onto the sled."
Maya paused, her brow furrowing as she recalled the chaotic scene. "Yes, I did," she said slowly. "The spike drive core was partially embedded in what looked like a reinforced cradle, probably to absorb shocks and vibrations. It had several heavy-duty clamps securing it, and a network of cables running to a control panel nearby. We didn’t have time to analyze it thoroughly because the combat robots were on us almost immediately."

Douklan nodded thoughtfully. "That's good to know. Anything else you remember about the defenses around it?"

Maya shook her head. "Just the five robots. They were heavily armed and programmed to protect the area at all costs. We didn’t see any other automated defenses, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any. We need to be ready for anything."

As they approached the electrical substation, the subterranean complex came into clearer view. It was seemingly vast and sprawling, a maze of interconnected rooms and corridors. The main entrance was a massive steel hatch embedded in the ground, marked with faded warning symbols and surrounded by a tangle of pipes and conduits. A network of auxiliary tunnels branched off from the central area, each filled with humming transformers, switchgear, and control panels.

They also encountered signs of the previous skirmish. Scorch marks scarred the walls, and spent shell casings littered the floor. In one corner, a makeshift barricade had been erected, now partially collapsed. Maya’s heart clenched as she spotted the dried bloodstains on the floor, a stark reminder of Jax’s injury.

"We need to be careful," Maya cautioned, her voice barely a whisper over the ambient hum. "This place is a magnet for all kinds of trouble."

They advanced cautiously, weapons at the ready, eyes scanning the metallic corridors for any sign of movement. The air was thick with the smell of ozone, a constant reminder of the electrical power that still pulsed through the decrepit structure. The hum of the machinery was a low, continuous drone, occasionally punctuated by the crackle of arcing electricity.

After a dozen feet, Doctor Chen signaled for the group to halt. They stood at a junction in the dimly lit corridor, the oppressive air thick with the stench of ozone and decay. Maya pointed to a side entrance on the western corridor, a heavy steel door marked with a flickering red warning light. The faint hum of machinery reverberated through the walls, a constant reminder of the dangerous power coursing through the facility.

"This way," Maya said quietly, her voice barely audible over the ambient noise. "The main entrance is too exposed, and we need to avoid any more confrontations if possible."
You can RP among yourselves now. Some possibilities:
- If someone wanna try to open the western steel door discreetly, gimme me a Fix DC8 check first, for diagnostics, and we will take it from there.
- To sneak through the main door, gimme a Sneak check (it will be an opposed roll).
- If you just wanna walk through the main door, no deception involved, gimme a Notice check and we will take it from there.

Or, of course, you can try to do something different. What do you do? =)


Time elapsed - (1d20+10)

(12) + 10 = 22

May 23, 2024 4:37 pm
A couple of questions about the heavy machine gun:
Q1: Emplaced firing position means some kind of anchored turret mounting, correct? As a vehicle-class weapon, it's not something that we can use until (at the soonest) we get bikes and a grav sled, yes?
Q2: "20 rounds of firing" refers to combat rounds, not 20 shells, correct?
Q1: Well... The HMG can be used:
a. In a vehicle, drone or robot
b. In a stationary defense / turret mounting
c. With its embedded tripod. But in this case you need to place it carefully on the ground and prepare the weapon (for a full round = 1 Main + 1 Move action) before firing. You will also probabily go prone by doing so.

Q2: Yeah, 2 magazines for a total of 20 combat rounds. =) Hundreds of shells, probably. =)
Who is carrying/using it? Douklan? Corbin? Someone else? It weights 3 encumbrance. Further details on page 69 of the rulebook.
May 23, 2024 4:50 pm
"We can try sneaking in, but I think we may try to talk to anyone here before shooting."
May 23, 2024 6:56 pm
I thought the bikes and sled were on the way to the substation. Did we pick them up already? There is absolutely no point in screwing with the core unless we have the sled immediately available.
"Let's try the side door. I trust Corbin to be able to open it."

To Mercer, "Yes, please try to talk if we find someone. Just realize it won't take much for the shooting to start."

Maya Chen


May 23, 2024 6:57 pm
Maya Chen
I thought the bikes and sled were on the way to the substation.
Ops. My mistake. Should have said that. They are probably further inside now.
After a dozen feet, Doctor Chen signaled for the group to halt. They stood at a junction in the dimly lit corridor, the oppressive air thick with the stench of ozone and decay.
"The bikes and sled were supposed to be here. We left then at this junction as we escaped. But I guess they have been taken, and should be further inside now." - Maya said
"This way," she continued quietly, her voice barely audible over the ambient noise. "The main entrance is too exposed, and we need to avoid any more confrontations if possible."
May 23, 2024 7:25 pm
If we don't find that sled at least, we're not getting that core... Mercer muses, before they move on.
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