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May 23, 2024 10:42 am
Is it a flat fellowship roll, or could I use persuasion to steer her conversation in the desired direction?May 24, 2024 5:19 am
OOC: Persuasion roll to Sarah-813
Persuasion roll - (3d6+1d6)
(215) + (2) = 10
May 24, 2024 8:37 am
"Thank you, ma'am." Cassia gives a respectful smile and follows.
Once seated she takes a moment to give the impression she's drinking the tea, although whenever she brings the cup to her lips to drink she always conveniently thinks of something to say. While this is going on, she tries to keep the situation on the matters at hand. While the issues with the governor is the main concern, she wants to know more about the disappearances first.
Once seated she takes a moment to give the impression she's drinking the tea, although whenever she brings the cup to her lips to drink she always conveniently thinks of something to say. While this is going on, she tries to keep the situation on the matters at hand. While the issues with the governor is the main concern, she wants to know more about the disappearances first.
...I think the RNG gods hate Cassia. :/Last edited May 24, 2024 8:37 am
Persuasion - (6D6+1D6)
(221251) + (1) = 14
May 24, 2024 10:10 am
Since DM allowed one player to roll skill instead of attribute, may I ask the same? Depending on reason I was asked to make Fellowship check I would prefer to use Cunning skill (ability to think and act like those who operate outside of the law) instead. That would allow me roll 4 extra d6
Besides I have spend some of my XP on this :
Clothing of a higher Rarity is a sign of status, and may grant small situational bonuses when making social Skill Tests (+1 bonus die to Persuasion or Influence, for example).
May 25, 2024 6:36 am
Rolling +4d6 on top of my already rolled 4 iconsRolls
Extra dice for Cunning skill - (4d6)
(5362) = 16
May 26, 2024 8:19 am
Stalker05 says:
OOC: Do you have wrath points? Try rerolling with that.OOC:
How do you get wrath points, I don't know if we start with any?May 26, 2024 10:28 am
Tickettbror says:
"Thank you, ma'am." Cassia gives a respectful smile and follows.Once seated she takes a moment to give the impression she's drinking the tea, although whenever she brings the cup to her lips to drink she always conveniently thinks of something to say. While this is going on, she tries to keep the situation on the matters at hand. While the issues with the governor is the main concern, she wants to know more about the disappearances first.
...I think the RNG gods hate Cassia. :/May 28, 2024 6:46 pm
Lady Isobel is usually a wily sort of woman, if you had been anyone else, you'd have likely gotten a run around with her sophisticated words. As it stands you just end up answering various questions about the local order that any devout might have. Indeed, you find yourselves time and again trying to turn the conversation away from the Adeptas Sororitas and to your main goal. It seems Lady Isobel just can not get enough stories, details, and whatever she can about your order. You almost get the feeling that if the Adeptas Sororitas did not worship the Emperor she wouldn't care about him at all.
"I have to admit that my concern over any specific missing serfs was limited at the beginning. As they grew you will find that I have over the last year filed numerous complaints with Minister of Labor. I can also direct you to the communities most affected by the disappearances. Perhaps they would be more amenable to speaking to you as the few agents I have sent all received cold shoulders. So, I have done my job but, someone above me does not care about the lost workers."
Sara-813 shows Krondo a map of the locations where the most laborers have gone missing. She has missed the biggest issue, one that Krondo can immediately see. The disappearances are all arranged in lines and circles, like say a ship landing and jet bikes zooming out to pick up their prey. She's not quite willing to go further but Krondo picks up some interesting imbeded code within her cogitators and there follows a moment where he must deal with malignant code.
Bigby vomits from the horrible stench and Paul just laughs a few moments. "Give it a few times and you'll forget about it. Thi stuff here? Some is from the undercity, the rarest stuff came in from the farms. Folks don't want to be seen with xeno tech but, they know it has value. It gets sold to a wandering merchant who in turn sells it to me. I in turn get it to a contact who sells to the rich upper city folk. They love this stuff and it beats the hell out of selling fake heretical stuff."
Bigby recognizes the black market for what it is. Paul is a fence and likely has some friends who buy from the farms, sell to him, then he sells to the rich. What he's showing is the stuff that doesn't work anymore. When asked about where he mentions three main areas of late. Bigby will be able to put that together with the others and find the same pattern they have with the missing bodies.
If you fail you forget the message and you loose all access to the data suggesting where the locations are and that it was in any way a coordinated effort.
Success means you know someone tried to erase that data and there is a message tag with the attempted erasure: "By order of Minister Newton there is nothing to these dissapearances."
"I have to admit that my concern over any specific missing serfs was limited at the beginning. As they grew you will find that I have over the last year filed numerous complaints with Minister of Labor. I can also direct you to the communities most affected by the disappearances. Perhaps they would be more amenable to speaking to you as the few agents I have sent all received cold shoulders. So, I have done my job but, someone above me does not care about the lost workers."
Sara-813 shows Krondo a map of the locations where the most laborers have gone missing. She has missed the biggest issue, one that Krondo can immediately see. The disappearances are all arranged in lines and circles, like say a ship landing and jet bikes zooming out to pick up their prey. She's not quite willing to go further but Krondo picks up some interesting imbeded code within her cogitators and there follows a moment where he must deal with malignant code.
Bigby vomits from the horrible stench and Paul just laughs a few moments. "Give it a few times and you'll forget about it. Thi stuff here? Some is from the undercity, the rarest stuff came in from the farms. Folks don't want to be seen with xeno tech but, they know it has value. It gets sold to a wandering merchant who in turn sells it to me. I in turn get it to a contact who sells to the rich upper city folk. They love this stuff and it beats the hell out of selling fake heretical stuff."
Bigby recognizes the black market for what it is. Paul is a fence and likely has some friends who buy from the farms, sell to him, then he sells to the rich. What he's showing is the stuff that doesn't work anymore. When asked about where he mentions three main areas of late. Bigby will be able to put that together with the others and find the same pattern they have with the missing bodies.
Krondo: Roll resistance TN 15 If you fail you forget the message and you loose all access to the data suggesting where the locations are and that it was in any way a coordinated effort.
Success means you know someone tried to erase that data and there is a message tag with the attempted erasure: "By order of Minister Newton there is nothing to these dissapearances."
Anytime you roll a 6 on your wrath die you gain a point of wrath. That's why it's best to set one of your dice as the wrath die otherwise I can't know which one it was.May 29, 2024 9:13 am
The idea that someone can be interested in the sisterhood, but not in what it stands for at its core, makes Cassia furious. She contains her anger as best she can, but as time drags on she becomes less and less talkative. With her terse answers, any ability she had to direct the conversation disappears until eventually the subject moves onto something far more prudent to the situation, and less disrespectful as far as she's concerned.
"You mean to say you've already investigated the issues." She crosses her arms. "Are there reports of your queries? And did you not think to raise disappearances to the Arbites? It's their job to investigate, is it not?"
"You mean to say you've already investigated the issues." She crosses her arms. "Are there reports of your queries? And did you not think to raise disappearances to the Arbites? It's their job to investigate, is it not?"
May 29, 2024 1:32 pm
Paul, this stuff is real! And it's story impressive! If not for the horrible stench I'd like to work with you. But you seems to do well by yourself.
As a token of gratitude I could share you this: I have reasons to believe this business may not long forever. You may want to remember everyone you sell stuff to - that information alone may be worth enough, if you happen to get into a trouble.
Noting the three main areas Bigby leaves to take a shower and clean his fancy dress. And request to meet with Sister Retributor Domitia Jurgena to inform of his desire to leave city for personal business if there his military assistance is not required immediately.
As a token of gratitude I could share you this: I have reasons to believe this business may not long forever. You may want to remember everyone you sell stuff to - that information alone may be worth enough, if you happen to get into a trouble.
Noting the three main areas Bigby leaves to take a shower and clean his fancy dress. And request to meet with Sister Retributor Domitia Jurgena to inform of his desire to leave city for personal business if there his military assistance is not required immediately.
May 30, 2024 3:15 pm
When sister Cassia mentions the Arbites the Lady looks concerned saying, "Honestly I have been doing all in my power to avoid the Arbites and ensure my part in this affair is protected. They will not care if peasants are missing but, they will care if we miss the tithe. I would rather not call them down and have them decide fault without fully ensuring my name is not on their list."
The Adeptas Arbites will root out corruption but, their primary task is to ensure Imperial Tithes continue to flow. Considering that her ministry is the most relevant to the tithe of grain she would be top of their list for replacement and her fear is valid. That said, If she can get it on record that she’s not corrupt and has been following the law then they are less likely to come down on her in the end. It’s very politically savvy of her if not the absolute best option.
The Adeptas Arbites will root out corruption but, their primary task is to ensure Imperial Tithes continue to flow. Considering that her ministry is the most relevant to the tithe of grain she would be top of their list for replacement and her fear is valid. That said, If she can get it on record that she’s not corrupt and has been following the law then they are less likely to come down on her in the end. It’s very politically savvy of her if not the absolute best option.
May 30, 2024 3:21 pm
OOC: Rolling the resistance.
Resistance Tech roll - (14d6+1d6)
(63532331354162) + (3) = 50
May 31, 2024 8:46 am
Cassia sits forward a little, some of the darkness in her opinion of the lady bleeds into her expression. "So you're telling me that you'd rather run foul than do your duty to Him on Terra? That's one step short of forsaking your immortal soul. It's not too late to atone, but I need you to give me the whole truth, and to contact those that need to hear this."
I'm going to try and convince her to provide us any information she held back. Given how Cassia is phrasing this, would it be persuasion or intimidation?Last edited May 31, 2024 10:08 am
May 31, 2024 10:03 am
Tickettbror says:
Cassia sits forward a little, some of the darkness in her opinion of the lady bleeds into her expression. "So you're telling me that you'd rather run foul than do your duty to Him on Terra? That's what step short of forsaking your immortal soul. It's not too late to atone, but I need you to give me the whole truth, and to contact those that need to hear this."OOC:
I'm going to try and convince her to provide us any information she held back. Given how Cassia is phrasing this, would it be persuasion or intimidation?May 31, 2024 8:00 pm
Lady Isobel sees the disappointment on Cassia’s face and fall to her knees before her. "Oh sister! My humble apologies and deepest regret. I should have realized my sins sooner and will provide all the information I can. You must also be told that Lord Newton, who is in charge of the Planetary Defense Force. Does not want or desire this information to go further."
She pleads, "I should have told you earlier but, my fear of his reaction kept me from doing so. You have enlightened me and now I know I must make myself right in the eyes of The Emperor and in yours as well. I will do anything you request."
She does her best to give you the information she has. However most of it is within Sarah-813’s cogitator and memory. Thankfully Krondo is easily able to withstand the malicious code fragment from Sarah-813 and has locations where serfs went missing.
As for Lord Newton himself he is not taking calls right now.
She pleads, "I should have told you earlier but, my fear of his reaction kept me from doing so. You have enlightened me and now I know I must make myself right in the eyes of The Emperor and in yours as well. I will do anything you request."
She does her best to give you the information she has. However most of it is within Sarah-813’s cogitator and memory. Thankfully Krondo is easily able to withstand the malicious code fragment from Sarah-813 and has locations where serfs went missing.
As for Lord Newton himself he is not taking calls right now.
No need to roll for the intimidationJun 1, 2024 8:39 am
OOC: Spending a wrath to reroll 10 dice from the resistance test. Okay, so with the reroll, I have scored 5 exalted success (6) and 8 normal success. I am going to use two exalted successes to get the 12 successes originally needed to resist the corruption. Remaining 4 exalted, I will like to shift one to get a Glory point and the rest 3, I will shift to get more information about this corrupting code. Can I detect where this is originating? Whether Sarah-813 is corrupted herself?
Last edited June 1, 2024 8:51 am
Tech test (Resistance test) - (9d6+1d6)
(626644554) + (3) = 45
Jun 1, 2024 10:24 pm
Sarah-813 is hosting the code but it doesn’t originate with her. Indeed, it is highly likely, that every tech priest on the planet has been affected. Someone, likely the Minister of the military, planted this code and let it run through the planet. They clearly wanted to ensure the data stayed out of anyone’s hands.
Basically consider this to be an extraordinarily powerful virus that has one purpose. To ensure this data doesn’t get released.load next