Session Zero

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May 24, 2024 5:19 pm
I will admit, I changed my mind on race. Went with Halfling. Meet Merton, halfling Soulknife
[ +- ] Merton
May 24, 2024 9:34 pm
As for why the team got together.

I took sort of an edgelord background "Faceless" but I think he is more trying to get out of that life but keeps getting dragged back in. So maybe met on the road back, Merton is still nervous around people but wants to break his habits and be with more people.
Last edited May 24, 2024 9:36 pm
May 25, 2024 4:28 pm
I’ve gone with a Human Warlock (GOO). He used to be a smuggler in a past life.
[ +- ] Hindle
Hindle is more awkward than edgy but the pallor of his skin and the air of shadiness that clings to him puts most normal folk on their guard.

Perhaps Hindle originally knew Merton? Sticking to someone more physically capable with a similarly pragmatic outlook? (Making assumptions) Then the two joined up with the rest of the party to tackle a larger challenge before ending up where we are now?
Last edited May 25, 2024 4:32 pm
May 25, 2024 6:54 pm
Maybe Hindle's patron is the same reason Mertob has his psionic abilities? Merton was just more assassin minion wanting out, and Hindle was more spellcasting captain of the forces.

They got paired together, rest is history on their friendship
May 25, 2024 10:42 pm
valdattaMadun says:
They got paired together, rest is history on their friendship
And along came Derv...
Maybe he was looking for a killer when they met, or someone who could do something he couldn't like being sneaky. and wasn't afraid to get their hands dirty like the rest of the Devout were.

Perhaps he talked to Hindle, maybe the Devout knew about what was going on with Hindle's patron. Hoping he could hire one of the patrons Goons, he reached out to Hindle, and Hindle pointed him towards Merton
May 26, 2024 7:27 am
KoldikSteelskin says:
valdattaMadun says:
They got paired together, rest is history on their friendship
And along came Derv...
Maybe he was looking for a killer when they met, or someone who could do something he couldn't like being sneaky. and wasn't afraid to get their hands dirty like the rest of the Devout were.

Perhaps he talked to Hindle, maybe the Devout knew about what was going on with Hindle's patron. Hoping he could hire one of the patrons Goons, he reached out to Hindle, and Hindle pointed him towards Merton
We’re sounding a bit nefarious. What kind of Paladin are you planning on? 😜
May 26, 2024 12:32 pm
Leana is still young and although she has trained with her fellow druids quite a bit, she does not know much of the world. So she decided to go out and experience the rest of it. After a few strange encounters she met a sneezing dwarf whom she offered to help with his allergies. They decided to continue together for a bit, each with their own motivations and goals.
May 26, 2024 4:06 pm
Dhakhan says:
We’re sounding a bit nefarious. What kind of Paladin are you planning on? 😜
He's an oath of Conquest Paladin and quite frankly he doesn't care about converting people... Or what other people think about him at all, The Devout have enemies and he'll kill them.
[ +- ] Oath Tenets
Last edited May 26, 2024 4:09 pm
May 26, 2024 4:37 pm
Will this be an evil party?

In my mind a LEGO adventure should be lighthearted and fun. Instead it seems to me, that this will be a party of tyrants and murderers. Not something I am looking forward to. :-/
May 26, 2024 5:18 pm
I don't think something in Lego can really go overly dark, I Imagine whatever it is that Derv really hates is something that keeps rebuilding itself making it Impossible for him to actually destroy, and whatever it is is definitely evil, but he won't stop at simply telling someone to be a better person to make the world a better place.

In short I don't think any of the three of us have an "Everything is Awesome" outlook on the world but I don't get the Impression that we're bad guys either,
Now I can and will completely remake my character if it makes you uncomfortable I don't want to be the barrier to anyone from enjoying this game.

For context: I decided to lean into what I feel a lego adventure is which is Chaos complete and utter chaos, and probably due to Batman and Lego's I injected a but of Anti-Hero in my character.
May 26, 2024 5:31 pm
I was thinking more a Guardians of the Galaxy feel. Have the edgy backstory but play it not so serious
May 26, 2024 5:58 pm
My personal take on this is "neutral" characters should be "good" at heart. Even if it is reluctant at first, they don't want to be evil. But they have trouble being good.
May 26, 2024 8:31 pm
This is a good time to introduce the lines and veils before we start Scene 1. I have some links you can use to figure out what are your "veils" like it’s ok to happen off-stage and "lines" as in "I do not want even a mention of it in game" such as spiders. You can say what are your lines and veils and I will assume what is not stated will be fine to discuss without limits.

You may post here or DM me if you feel more comfortable. You can also DM me or post anytime if a subject not talked about before is making you feel uncomfortable and I will adjust or let players know what needs to stop/change.


Editable form:
May 26, 2024 9:04 pm
I am weary of consent checklists.
I'm good with anything else.
May 26, 2024 9:05 pm
I am still planning to keep to the PG to PG-13 themes and humor.

I will work on a background that honors your traits and stories, but still keeps the story fun and light-hearted. You can still be Batman or the Question in the Justice League working for the side of good in your own inimitable way.

Would any of you be against the idea that the Heroes Association Guild (HAG for short) has either hired or sent you to help these townspeople?
May 26, 2024 9:08 pm
Adrasthea says:
I am weary of consent checklists.
I'm good with anything else.
Sure, I don’t need a copy of a checklist. This was just a way to bring up ideas or themes for anything you have lines or veils for. If it’s ok, I’m going to assume no limits for you right now, but if there are, you can always post here or DM me what those subjects are.
May 26, 2024 9:11 pm
Very kind of you. Thx
May 26, 2024 9:12 pm
valdattaMadun says:
I was thinking more a Guardians of the Galaxy feel. Have the edgy backstory but play it not so serious
That's a much better, comparison! Drax is a rather close comparison to Derv actually...
And they just so happen to have very similar names. coincidence?
May 26, 2024 11:53 pm
Haha! Yes, GoG sounds more the way of it. 🙂

Thanks for the consideration. I should be good with anything that comes up. I mean, it is Lego. 😜
May 26, 2024 11:53 pm
Haha! Yes, GoG sounds more the way of it. 🙂

Thanks for the consideration. I should be good with anything that comes up. I mean, it is Lego. 😜
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