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Jul 15, 2024 3:47 pm
Reem, you are able to keep Timothy safe as he works on recovering from his attack. Dmitry, you can shoot several of the statues, bursting them into dust. Feel free to narrate for us how the scene goes as you are a total badass.
Jul 15, 2024 3:57 pm
Sarah- nice work! The statue about to bite Thomas disintegrates into a cloud of dirt, covering Thomas in gritty dust.

In this moment, we see several of the party members make their way towards the door to try to get through, while the remaining members (Dmitry especially) have stayed behind to help fend off the hoards of stone monsters looking to make you all dinner. As Sarah contemplates the heiroglyphs on the door, Sommers gets a running start (or at least as much of a running start as one can get in waist-high water) and smacks into the door with both feet. Immediately, you can hear the sound of cracking from inside the door as the puzzle mechanism designed to open the door when one activated the symbols in the correct order crumbles and splinters from the force of the kick. With the intended door opening mechanism destroyed, your only way through this door is through more aggression. While Dmitry and others may have the statue problem handled, at least for the time being, the quickly rising water puts a very short timer on the remainder of your lives.

Also, under the surface of the water, you notice something. A shadow, submerged but rising steadily. After a moment, you see what looks liek a massive stone head break the surface of the water, followed by an impossibly long neck, then a torso and stumpy legs. Before you stands a massive stone ogre, come up from the depths of the stone floor. It wields a club that it immediately begins swinging wildly while letting out a loud roar and a cloud of dust. Anyone still fighting the statues and not helping Sarah and Sommers needs to make a move to escape the ogre- on a failure, you will get beaten horrifically with the stone club.
Jul 16, 2024 1:13 pm
"Bloody hell, they have a cave troll."


Do anything 'Evade' - (d6)

(2) = 2

Jul 16, 2024 10:49 pm
As the new threat rumbled up from the deep Dmitry lost his nerve. Aiee! he shouted, backing up as swiftly as he was able to in the rising water Golems!


Do Anything — Evade - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Jul 16, 2024 11:31 pm
"Reem, we have to help the others!" Timothy says as he rips a part of his shirt and tries his best to bandage his wound.


Do Anything (to bandage my wound) - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Jul 17, 2024 1:51 am
"Oh Mr. Bodyguard, I think you broke whatever was making this door open and close. *Sigh* So be it."

She takes out the derringer hidden in her purse and tries shooting the area where Sommers kicked.


Shooting (Do Anything Lv 1) - (1D6)

(2) = 2

Jul 17, 2024 12:11 pm
Timothy- you are able to stop the bleeding, though the wound still pulses and you get a twinge of pain whenever you move. With a 6, you get a new skill - maybe Wound Healing Lv II or Battle Medicine Lv II? Up to you. Either way, the damage from the bite won't slow you down much now.

Sarah- I love the resignation. You shoot the door, and you hear more cracking sounds, but the stone does not visibly shift. To force the door open, I think this will need to be a group effort. I will add up all your rolls to break it open, and you all can keep working at it until the sum of your rolls exceeds the door's sturdiness value (which I will keep a secret). In the meantime, the water will keep rising. On that note, the water rises some more, moving from hip level to chest level. Moving will be slower, and kicks may not be an option anymore. On the upside, the smaller statues are also slowed, being weighed down in the water, so you don't have to worry as much about them any more. Only the cave troll/ golem/bug monster seems to have enough strength to keep moving through this watery mess.

Door damage: 2
Jul 17, 2024 12:17 pm
Dmitry- tell us how you evade the cave troll monster! Also you get a skill- maybe Dodge Lv II or Defense Lv II, depending on what you narrate?
Jul 21, 2024 1:49 am
Throwing his dignity aside, Dmitry leapt into the water, avoiding the trolls’ assault on his person. His dodge was successful, but his recovery was lacking in a certain grace as he doggy paddled in the rising water before regaining his feet.
Dodge II sounds perfect!
Jul 21, 2024 4:38 pm
"Alright, this should at least staunch the bleeding until our good doctor have a better look at it..." He then turns around to look at the door, finally noticing that his friends have been manhandling it... "Well, when in Rome, might as well do as the Romans..." He'll try to shoot the door to *fix* it...


Do Anything (shooting)1 - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Jul 23, 2024 12:39 pm
Timothy adding to the door damage, which is now at 5.

The cave troll recovers from its failed attack on Dmitry and raises its weapon, intent on smashing into Sarah next.
Jul 23, 2024 8:33 pm
Sarah's eyes grow wide as she realizes she is the next target for the cave troll. She does her best to duck underwater out of the way, but her dress and pack weigh her down...

"Oh bother."
If using the +1 from her lucky coin helps her to prevent the troll, she'll use it. Otherwise, will save it for another time.
Last edited July 23, 2024 8:35 pm


Swim! (Do Anything Lv 1) - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Jul 24, 2024 2:32 pm
"Miss Sarah! Crap, we really need to get that door opened..." Timothy peered through the holed made by the bullets, tried to see if he could see enough of the broken mechanism to make any sense of it and get the door opened that way.


Do Anything (figuring out mechanism)1 - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Jul 24, 2024 3:14 pm
Sarah- I will say that you can add your lucky coin and it will help a bit. With a bit of luck, you manage to dodge out of the way of the swing, but your jump carries you away from the door and behind the monster. The troll seems to lose interest in you and begans to focus on the people near the door. It also blocks your ability to return to the door and help break it open.
Jul 24, 2024 3:16 pm
Timothy- you peer inside the hole in the door, trying to work out what is keeping it shut. You can see bits of smashed gears and stones that must be clogging up the opening mechanism, and on a 4, you manage to identify one chuck of rock in particular that seems to be holding the door closed. With this info, if you manage to specifically target this section of the door, I will let you double the damage done to the locking mechanism.
Jul 24, 2024 3:45 pm
"Guys, this point here, that's the door's weak spot!" Timothy points as best he can where he determined the crucial gear was inside the door, he then grabs his snubnose revolver again, and leads by example by shooting the area in question.
Edit, weird, why hasn't my roll appeared... I'll try again...
Edit 2: okay it worked now. Weird...
Last edited July 24, 2024 3:46 pm


Do Anything (shooting)1 - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Jul 25, 2024 4:29 am
Some remnant of Reem's original soul sparks to life in the heat of the battle. Dmitry, laconic, resourceful, resolute is in danger. The call of her new master was drowned out by the chaos and heat of battle. She dives into the water and uses some of the trap breaking gear that she gathered earlier to try to snare the creature and drag in off it's feet by using it's own strength.


Swim (2) - (2d6)

(32) = 5

Jul 25, 2024 4:29 am
Some remnant of Reem's original soul sparks to life in the heat of the battle. Dmitry, laconic, resourceful, resolute is in danger. The call of her new master was drowned out by the chaos and heat of battle. She dives into the water and uses some of the trap breaking gear that she gathered earlier to try to snare the creature and drag in off it's feet by using it's own strength.


Swim (2) - (2d6)

(22) = 4

Jul 25, 2024 12:09 pm
Timothy adding the major damage! 10 points added to the door, bringing it to 15 damage! At this point, the water is up to head level, and all of you are struggling to get oxygen before you are completely submerged.

Also it seems like GP is being funny because Reem also posted twice with different rolls, so I'm guessing it's a server thing. We shall play on!
Jul 25, 2024 12:14 pm
Reem- you swim under the surface, the dusty water clouding your vision and you make your way towards the golem. Down by its feet, you use the equiptment you gathered earlier to lie up its legs. The troll trashes and writhes, trying to break free from the trap and crush you with its giant fists, and the motion only makes things worse- with a massive growl, the troll slowly falls over, coming to a crash landing against the door. With your 5, the troll will add 5 more points of damage to the lock, bringing the door to a total of 20. 20 damage was the number I needed to break through, so the door locking mechanism finally crumbles and gives way, sending the door whipping open with the force of the water as it floods into the next chamber and slowly drains through holes in the floor. Each of you are swept up in the tide, carried into the next room by the force of the current, and deposited politely on your asses as you sputter for breath.

At this point, you have some time to recover and take downtime actions.
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