0b. Mount Glaurimm Erupts

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Hoof Yersala


May 1, 2024 1:25 am
🕰️ 10:10pm

That one there, I know is possessed, here's hoping your not, or there's not two demons in any of them, the older one says. We've got streets to patrol though seeing as you might be possessed we can't very well let you go, best way to get rid of a demon after all is kill it while it's in someone's body.

She does however toss you a potion of healing, before she shuts the gate.

Don't break curfew again that way the demons can't get at you.
Hoof Yersala

Hensonious Weavering


May 1, 2024 2:25 am
Hensonious reaches for the potion, fumbling just shy as he struggles to adjust to his monoview.

"Such mercy as I rot in a cell. Elturian welcome indeed!" He grumbled as the rider's departed.

With a bit more effort, he manages to scoop up the potion and decides quickly against the threat of his splitting headache to down it's contents.

Healing potions were common enough, the smell when the stopper popped always reminded him of fresh cherries, but it was hard to smell the nostalgic aroma through his blood soaked hair and beard.

With the effects of the potion taking hold, he sighs in blessed relief, settling himself against the gate and taking in his new roommates.
Hensonious Weavering
May 1, 2024 11:28 am
🕰️ 10:11pm
"Don't hurt Guhathioniariouos, Please." The man who had been huddled up in the corner says looking over at you.
"I promise Guhathioniariouos is a good horse he would never hurt a fly, and they claimed they saw him attacking a squad of troops eating them, I don't believe it though, they probably provoked him and he was only trying to protect himself. Isn't that right Guhathioniariouos

Hensonious Weavering


May 1, 2024 3:05 pm
Hensonious eyes the disturbed pair, crossing his arms.

"Keep yer horse away an there won't be trouble from me lad. Otherwise, we'll be findin out how fucked the weave truly is."

Hensonious Weavering
Last edited May 2, 2024 2:38 am

Demon Possessed Man


May 1, 2024 3:13 pm
Demon Possessed Man

🕰️ 10:11pm

Guhathioniariouos, isn't anyone's horse Guhathioniariouos is Guhathioniariouos's own horse. Soon Guhathioniariouos will convince the other horses that the hellriders are no good, I mean you would think you could tell from their name alone right? And then they'll break us out won't they Guhathioniariouos."
If we want we can fast forward to morning now, not much is gonna happen in the cell except the madman's rambling's unless you try and get out.

Exorcist Renaius


May 1, 2024 3:32 pm
🕰️ 7:46am
Exorcist Renaius

You wake to an elf peering in at you, muttering in elvish oger and over "In The name of Zariel, Prince of The Angels and hero of Elturel we command the spirits within there Individuals come forth."

He repeats this mantra over and over and over pouring holy water in a circle around the cage.

Hensonious Weavering


May 1, 2024 6:47 pm
"Mystra's gown! You fools actually think I'm possessed?"

Hensonious grabs hold of the bars to hoist himself off the floor. The previously useless leg now working enough to hold him straight.

"Can we hurry this ass kissin along? I'm sure the Lady has better thins te do."

Hensonious Weavering
Last edited May 1, 2024 7:44 pm

Exorcist Renaius


May 2, 2024 12:29 am
🕰️ 7:48am
Exorcist Renaius

"Don't worry... We'll know soon enough if you're one who's gotten a demon inside you. But I know them two do so no harm in you being here you know how it is out past midnight an all."
He continues chanting and chanting until finally a dead Imp pops out of both of your cellmates, "Shoot, that's only 14 points, I thought this would get me more points but it seems only little demons be possessing people anymore."

He the turns to you, "You have two options sign the Creed Resolute, or I pour a bucket a holy water on your head so which will it be?"

Hensonious Weavering


May 2, 2024 12:59 am
Hensonious laughs at the ridiculous offer. After such a warm welcome? These people were truly mad!

"Pour your water. Could use the rinse off after my night."

He shuffles away from the dead devils, spitting on the nearest.

"You wouldn't happen to have a walkin stick around here? I'm havin trouble gettin around lately."
Hensonious Weavering

Exorcist Renaius


May 2, 2024 8:58 pm
🕰️ 7:50am
Exorcist Renaius

Renaius returns some time later with the oldest most beat up bucket you could find. Opens the door and splashes you with the water, when he does the demon corpses by your feet dissolve.

"We'll I suppose you're good to go then he says tossing the bucket to the floor. "Where did you say you were off to? Waterdeep? Don't stay there too long the kings of waterdeep aren't mighty kind."

Hensonious Weavering


May 3, 2024 12:44 am
The cold of the water washes over Hensonious, coalescing into red tinged fluid as it drew with it a nights worth of dried hemorrhage.

He shivers and grunts his disappointment as it appeared from the lack of walking stick he would be without further assistance.

"Thank that soldier for the potion. Of all the ridiculous thins of the night, I'll at least acknowledge a good act among the bad. Where I go however is my business, an be assured it will be far from your city."

With little more care to waste time in the bumbling city of horse lovers and paranoid angel worshippers, he set out for Baldur's Gate.
Hensonious Weavering

Baldur's Gate


May 3, 2024 12:11 pm
🕰️ 8:50am
Baldur's Gate

The Journey to Balder's Gate is surprisingly short. As soon as you arrive you start heading towards where you believe the.
teleportation circle to be. Briel's School of the Arcane, a school of wizardry which by your estimations looks like they don't know what they're doing.
The building itself is ancient and badly in need of repair and when you walk in to look around it becomes clear that nobody would notice if you sat down to listen to some random lecture in fact by the looks of it you'd guess that's what half the people here are doing. You find the teleportation circle unguarded.

Hensonious Weavering


May 3, 2024 6:14 pm
"Ahem!" Hensonious clears his throat to draw attention from the back of the room.

"I hate te interrupt such an enraptured lesson, but I am lookin fer a lass that came to this city, likely through that circle over there.

She looks a bit like me, only far less handsome, and shorter hair. Anybody come through unannounced recently?"

Hensonious Weavering
Last edited May 3, 2024 6:16 pm

Popular Student


May 3, 2024 6:27 pm
Popular Student
The professor shrugs and then continues talking to his students.

One student however a younger dwarf stands, and walks over to you and begins talking Interspersing Telepathy for every second word.

"I Might Know Where She's Gone Pretty Expensive Stuff Though That's for Sure".

He turns back and winks at a group of students who try their best not to burst out laughing.

Hensonious Weavering


May 3, 2024 7:04 pm
Hensonious hobbles closer to the cocky bastard, looking him up and down.

"Odd, she usually only makes the low performers pay extra. Ye do know how te swing yer hammer don't ya?"
Hensonious Weavering

Popular Student


May 3, 2024 7:27 pm
Popular Student
"I'm sorry." he says taking the slightest step back, "I didn't mean... But it's good to know." he says turning back to wink at his friends again.

"I'm not sure what a hammer has to do with any of this, you want her I can get her."

Hensonious Weavering


May 3, 2024 7:36 pm
Hensonious rubs his temples. His patience running too thin.

"She's not luggage needin picked up ya damn winkin buffoon! Where is she afore I turn this lecture into a live demonstration!"

Hensonious Weavering
Last edited May 3, 2024 7:37 pm

Popular Student


May 3, 2024 8:23 pm
Popular Student
"I don't mean no harm, but Information isn't free."

"Isn't that right professor!" he yells to the front of the class but gets no response not even a be quiet, "It is something he says, all the time, but anyway you're probably just like her don't got nothing of value with you so I figure you'll end up at the same place anyways."

He holds out his hand as if after all this he still expects you to pay him.

Hensonious Weavering


May 3, 2024 9:18 pm
Hensonious looks to the dwarf's expectant hand and then back to his face.

"You want paid then? Name yer price, an if you insult me with greed, I'll acquire the information anyway, but you'll be short a payday."
Hensonious Weavering

Popular Student


May 4, 2024 1:12 am
Popular Student
"I've got a test I'm gonna fail, and well you seem smart enough... take the test in my place and pass and I'll tell you where she went. Tell anyone I said this and I'll skin your hide.
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