Jun 20, 2024 8:04 am
After thanking Stefano for all his help and promising to find a way to help him finish his model, Benji leads Rhiannon and whoever else wants to explore the tunnel through a sliding metal security grille, down a narrow staircase, and into the old, disused Edwardian parts of Piccadilly Circus station. There are no staff or security cameras down here and this way no one will see them jumping down onto the tracks.
"Don’t mind the mice," he says as one darts out of a crack in the wall, spooked by the sound of footsteps. "They’re very friendly once you get to know them."
"Don’t mind the mice," he says as one darts out of a crack in the wall, spooked by the sound of footsteps. "They’re very friendly once you get to know them."
Not sure if the abandoned parts of the station actually connect to the tracks in any way irl or if they were bricked off completely but I figured I would take some creative liberties… Hope that’s okay!Last edited Jun 20, 2024 8:05 am